《Not If I Date You First》Chapter 45



The ambient noise coming from Julian's sound machine seems weirdly at odds with the sheets of rain lashing against his office window. Not to mention the absolute shit storm that's just ripped through my life.

"How could you not tell us you were bribing your dad to keep stories about you out of the press?" Julian pulls a medicine bottle out of a drawer and throws a couple pills back, swallowing them dry. "I mean, Jesus, Kid. My job is to protect your public image. I can't do that unless you tell us everything."

"I'm sorry," I mutter. "I should've told you."

"Yeah, you fucking should've." Julian starts clicking the cap of his pen against his desk, disappointment carved into every line on his face.

Ruby and Julian could've tried to help me keep this story from leaking. But I was too damn humiliated to tell them the truth. I didn't want them, or anyone else, to know about my dad and think less of me because of him. I couldn't stand the idea of them worrying I was going to turn into him. Besides, it's not like they could've guessed my own girlfriend would decide to sell some twisted version of my story to the media.

I glance over at Ruby. Her maroon lips are curved in a frown as she scrolls through her phone, probably watching all the headlines about me roll in. "I don't understand," she says. "Why would this Ada girl sell that shot? I thought you two were in an actual relationship."

I flinch. Hearing her name is like having someone dump salt over the gash she left in my heart. Ruby must notice, because her expression softens, turning almost sad.

I lock my eyes on the window. "I thought we were too."


Ruby sighs. "Liam, you need to tell us whatever it is your dad was threatening to expose before we end up reading about it on TMZ."

"Nothing. All he has are lies."

Julian rubs a hand over his face, shaking his head. "We need you to be honest if we've got any chance of salvaging this situation."

"I am being honest," I shout.

Ruby and Julian exchange a look, clearly not buying it.

I throw up a hand, gesturing at the two them. "This. This is exactly why I didn't tell you. When all those rumors about me partying started hitting the tabloids, you two and Paul ate them up like everyone else. You were all so disappointed in me. I knew I couldn't tell you what was really happening. You wouldn't have believed me."

Ruby's eyes snap up. "What do you mean, what was really happening?"

"All those stories were complete bullshit!" I yell, the truth I've kept buried inside me all this time, bursting free. "I've never had a single goddam drink in my life because my dad's a fucking drunk. He's a gambler, and after he blew all my money, he started making up lies about me and selling them to the press."

Ruby's face goes slack, and Julian stops clicking his pen.

Now that I've started, the words are pouring out. I can't stop.

"Everyone wanted to believe I was another tragic teen star who'd turned to booze to cope with the fame. So I've been paying my dad every month to keep him quiet. Even if I'd told everybody the truth about him, it wouldn't have mattered. Once the stories were out, people would've believed his lies no matter what I said. They would've thought I was just like him."


"No." Ruby reaches over and grabs my hand in a grip so firm it surprises me. "Liam, no. No one would've thought that."

I scoff, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Okay," she admits. "Some people would've thought that. But we wouldn't have. We would've believed you. We would've fought for you."

She glances over at Julian. He nods, mouth half open like he doesn't know what to say. His eyes are full of sympathy, and it rankles me. I don't want him or anyone else to feel bad for me. But I don't have much control over that anymore. Now that the story is out there, I can either let everyone believe what the media is saying about me, or I can tell the world what kind of person my dad really is. A lot of people are going to think I'm the scumbag the press has painted me as regardless of what I say. But if the people who matter know the truth, maybe I can at least save my career.

"Am I going to get written off Cipher?" I hold my breath, waiting for Ruby to answer.

"With only two episodes left to film? I doubt it. They'd have to re-write the entire season."

"What about Where There's Smoke?"

I didn't read the contract for the movie closely, but I know there was a morality clause in there. If the studio wants to use me bribing my dad as an excuse to fire me, they'll be within their rights.

"I won't let that happen. I'm going to call Ackerman right now." Ruby stands, straightening her skirt. The fierce gleam in her eyes just about bowls me over. I haven't given Ruby enough credit. I thought my friends were the only people I could trust, but I've had her in my corner all along.

"I'm getting the editor for StarTracker on the phone," Julian says, already dialing. "We need to respond and get your side of the story out today. You're going to have to give them an exclusive, and you need to tell me everything, Liam. And I mean everything."

"I can do that. Whatever it takes."

Hope sparks in my chest. My heart might be broken, but it's still beating, and I'm going to fight back. I'm done letting my dad control my life. I'm done living in constant fear of the world learning the truth when I'm not the one who has anything to be ashamed of.

"And Liam," Julian says, and I look up at him, "you're not giving that son of a bitch another dime. We're going full Meghan Markle on his ass."

All I can do is nod, because my throat is suddenly thick, and I can feel actual goddam tears burning my eyes.

Julian and Ruby could've chosen to walk away when the story broke, but they're here, fighting for me. And whatever happens now, that's something.


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