《Not If I Date You First》Chapter 40



Liam texted me to tell me he got the part. I'm beyond thrilled for him. I am.

But it stings a little thinking about how our relationship has helped his career so much while it may have ruined mine. Especially when I walk into the office later that morning, and it's immediately apparent my workday isn't about to go nearly as well as his.

Agnes is standing behind the reception desk, hands on her hips. She doesn't look happy. "We need to talk. Now."

The receptionist—who's yet to say hi or smile at me even once—raises her eyebrows, smirking down at her keyboard.

I give her the scuzziest glare I can muster and trail Agnes down the hallway like a kid who's been called to the principal's office in front of the rest of the class. Chrissy is at the coffee machine in the break room, talking to Tyler as we pass. She pauses mid-conversation when she sees me, a self-satisfied smirk on her face.

Of course. She must have come back and told on me again.

"I thought I made myself clear during our last chat that I wasn't going to tolerate any drama," Agnes snaps as we walk into her office, confirming my suspicions.

I sit across from her. The strap of my camera bag gets caught on the arm of my chair, and I wrestle it free, before sliding it carefully beneath my seat. Reflexively, I begin twisting my star charm between my fingers.

"Why am I being told that you yelled at a coworker for doing their job?" Agnes demands. "Which, I might add, is something you don't seem to be doing a whole lot of lately."

I flinch. Her words bite, like jumping into a hot shower when you've got a sunburn. I've been spinning my wheels trying to figure out a way to land this position and have hardly any new photos to show for it.

I scramble for an explanation. "I'm sorry, Agnes. Yesterday was...intense."

Intense doesn't begin to describe what yesterday was, but I can't tell Agnes that without also telling her about Liam's dad.

"This job is everything to me," I say. "I didn't think you'd be willing to give me points for Chrissy's shots since they weren't staged. And I guess I panicked because I thought they might put her ahead of me."

"Those pictures did put her ahead of you," Agnes says. She might as well have dumped a bucket of ice water over my head. My blood runs cold as I turn to look at the scoreboard.

Ada: 54

Chrissy: 67

Tyler: 49

Not only is Chrissy beating me, but Tyler isn't far behind now either. I'm blowing this opportunity so badly it would almost be comical if I couldn't hear my dreams shattering around me.

"The rags went crazy over those photos," Agnes continues. "Those are exactly the kind of pictures this agency needs, which is something I thought you understood. Dating Liam Anders was your decision. I didn't tell you to do that, and I won't jeopardize this agency's ability to sell highly-coveted shots."


Tears form behind my eyes, and I blink down at Agnes's desk.

Professional paparazzi do not cry at work, I tell myself. But who am I kidding? I'm not a professional pap and judging by the way things are going, I might not ever be.

"Tell me you've got some new information on Liam," Agnes says.

I chew the inside of my cheek and keep my eyes fixed on the desk.

"That's what I thought." Agnes sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm scared to ask if you at least got some photos on this date of yours that I can sell."

My stomach dips. Shots of Liam in his Instagram-worthy apartment could've scored me some big points, and I'm sure Liam would've been fine with me taking them. But I honestly didn't think about it. I couldn't be failing harder at this job if I tried.

I shake my head.

There's a flat, displeased look in Agnes's eyes. "You keep saying you want this job, Miss Datchery. But quite frankly, it doesn't seem like you do."

Being a paparazzo might not be everything I imagined it would, but it's still my dream. Photographing celebrities is my passion. I still want this. There has to be a way for me to be a pap without hurting other people.

"I do, Agnes," I say. "I'll get my head in the game. I promise. I'm going to get you some amazing shots. I'll be back in the lead by the end of the week."

Agnes sits back in her chair, folding her arms and shaking her head like she's lost all confidence in my ability to deliver on that. Sighing, she jerks her head toward the door. "You better get to it then."

"Knock. Knock. I hope I'm not interrupting." I look up to see Chrissy standing in the doorway, smug smile still firmly in place. She's got her laptop in her hands and camera bag over her shoulder. "You said you wanted to speak with me," she says

"Yes, Miss Sanderson. Have a seat." Agnes motions for her to come in. "I'll be right back. I need more coffee." She fires a glower at me like I'm the cause of her sudden need for caffeine.

"Er, right." I hop up from my chair. "I'll just...go then."

Chrissy gives me a simpering smile as she brushes past, taking the chair I just vacated. It takes all my willpower to keep myself in check. I stuff my cell in the pocket of my cutoffs and ball my hands into fists. My fingernails dig into my skin.

I can feel Agnes's disappointed gaze on my back as I stride down the hall and out of the air-conditioned building.

A bead of sweat instantly forms at my temple and slides down my cheek. I swipe at it with the back of my hand as I take a step out into the street, raising my hand in the air. To my surprise, a cab glides over to the curb within seconds.


A strangled laugh escapes my lips when I notice the digital display on top of the car. It's an advertisement for Cipher, and Liam's ridiculously handsome face is front and center. It feels like a sign. Like maybe my luck is about to turn around.

I open the door and slide into the backseat as my phone dings in my bag. The cab smells like Febreze and cheap cologne like this is the place where air fresheners go to die. I suppress a gag as I fish out my cell.

I'm so surprised when I see the name on the screen, I almost drop it. It's Faye.

Faye: Where are you right now?

Me: About to leave the office.

I feel the driver's eyes on me in the rearview. "Where to?" he asks.

"Um..." I glance down at the three little dots wiggling on the screen, waiting for Faye to reply.

If she wants to meet up with me, then hopefully I can get some shots for Agnes and save my job before it's too late.

The driver makes an impatient noise, which I choose to ignore. Finally, she replies.

Faye: Send me the address. We're stealing you for a couple of days.

* * *

Ten minutes later, I'm standing in front of the building in the small bit of shade the relentless sun hasn't driven from the sidewalk. I'm grateful Faye stopped me from leaving in that cab. As soon as I got out of the car, I realized I'd left my camera bag in Agnes's office and had to go back and get it.

Agnes was not amused by the interruption. But she did perk up a little when I told her I had plans with Faye and could get her some exclusives.

I hope Faye will be on board with that plan. I know I could take selfies of Liam and me together, but posed photos never sell well. Besides, I'm done using Liam to try and secure this job.

There's a flurry of honking horns from the road, and my head snaps up. Drivers curse as they swerve around the shiny, black SUV that's parked itself in the middle of the street.

Both passenger-side windows glide down, and Faye Donovan and Ariani Shahzad grin out at me.

"Get in loser! We're going camping!" Ariani yells over the roar of the traffic.

"Whoa there, Regina George," I yell back. "Who's going camping?"

"We are." She points at herself and Faye then at me.

"We're going camping? Seriously?"

Faye nods enthusiastically, a smile lighting up her face.

"Yes. Now hurry up. You're causing a scene." Ariani glances over her shoulder at the stream of cars trying to maneuver around them.

I swivel my eyes to the cloudless sky but dash into the road and climb in before any of the other paps come running out here. If anyone's getting pictures of Faye and Ariani today, it's me.

"Hi." Faye scoots to the other side of the seat, making room for me.

The seats are plush and comfortable, and the dashboard is lit up with the latest and greatest technology.

"This is Kenneth." She gestures toward their driver.

"Great to meet you." I smile at him in the mirror.

"Pleasure's all mine." He gives me a nod before turning his attention back to the road.

"So what's going on?" I ask.

"I told you." Ariani turns around in her seat as we drive away. "We're going camping."

"We're going to meet Liam. He headed up with Wesley earlier," Faye explains.

"Are you sure he wants me there?" I frown.

"Are you kidding me?" Ariani leans over the console. "You're practically all that poor boy thinks about. He's one smitten kitten."

I'm sure she's exaggerating, but Faye shoots me a knowing smile. "It's true. I've never seen him like this before."

It's like someone turned on a lightbulb inside my heart. I try and utterly fail to hide a smile. "But I don't have any camping stuff," I say, gesturing at my camera bag.

"Oh, we've got you covered, girl. We brought extra everything for you." Ariani jerks a polished thumb toward the bags behind my seat.

They've clearly thought this out. Spending an entire weekend with the Cipher cast would definitely give me the chance to snap some exclusive pics. I'm already envisioning two-page spreads in StarTracker documenting the outing. And I'd get to see Liam.

"Okay, I'm in."

"Ah, yeah!" Ariani does a little victory dance in her seat.

"Where are we going camping, anyway?"

"The Hamptons," Ariani says, matter-of-factly.

"Wait. What?"

"We camp out on the beach at Wesley's house up there," Faye says.

I remember seeing the picture of Liam and his friends on the beach at his apartment and him saying it was his favorite place. I hadn't realized they camped out there.

I laugh. "Of course, you guys go to the Hamptons to go camping."

"Where'd you think we were going?" Ariani asks.

"I don't know. The mountains? The woods? The wilderness?"

"Ew. Where even is that?" Ariani wrinkles her nose.

Faye and I exchange a look and burst out laughing.


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