《Not If I Date You First》Chapter 39



I snag a bottle of water from the fridge, guzzling it before reaching for another. I just got home from a run with Wes. He was laughing and joking around all morning like usual. It was almost like the audition never happened. I want things to be normal between us. I can't imagine losing a friend over a part. So it might have been a relief if I hadn't been so distracted.

My mind keeps circling back to the photog asking me about my dad last night. I don't think Mia would stoop so low as to tell a pap about him. But it seems like a pretty damn big coincidence that I saw the two of them talking at the party. The whole thing's got me wound even tighter than usual.

I need to stop obsessing about it. I'm being fucking paranoid. I've got to think about something else. But the only other thing I seem capable of focusing on right now is Ada. I was more than a little disappointed not to see her lurking around the park with that camera of hers this morning.

Before I can reach for my phone to text her, it lights up with Ruby's contact information. I grab it off the counter and walk into the living room, flopping back on the couch as I answer.


Ruby doesn't even give me the chance to say hello. "You got the part!" she cries.

I sit up, clenching the phone to my ear. The water bottle slips through my hand, hitting the floor with a thud and rolling under the coffee table. Ruby's words are sand between my fingers, I can't grasp onto their meaning.

"Liam, did you hear me? You're going to play Alaric in Where There's Smoke!" Ruby's enthusiasm breaks through my state of shock.


I whoop, jumping up and punching a fist through the air. "You're serious? I got it?"

"Serious as an Oscar nomination. Tom Ackerman called me this morning himself. He wants you in the lead role!"

"Oh, my God! This is incredible." My head swims, and my knees sag. I fall back against the cushions, my heart racing with excitement and so damn much relief.

"This is the next step for your career, Liam."

She's right. This part is going to change my life. The legion of people who live for the Where There's Smoke fandom will instantly launch this movie and everyone in it beyond super stardom. I can't wrap my mind around the enormity. Knowing I'm still going to have a career at all after Cipher wraps is a massive weight off my shoulders. But this, this is everything. Shooting stars and dreams coming true.

"Ruby, seriously, thank you so much."

"Don't thank me. You're the one doing the heavy lifting here, showing up to press events and smiling for the paparazzi. All those pictures of you kissing that photographer didn't hurt either."

"Oh. Right." I'm not sure how I feel about that. The idea that those shots of us kissing are what landed the role for me doesn't sit quite right.

I run a hand through my still sweaty hair. "Ruby, you should probably know, I didn't kiss Ada for the cameras. We're dating for real."

There's a pause then Ruby laughs. "Ha. Very funny." I can practically hear her rolling her eyes.

"I'm not joking. I really like her."

Another pause. "Oh. Okaaaay. Well, it works with the strategy for now, so it's fine. We can reevaluate after you begin filming."

Reevaluate? That isn't happening. Ada's not a pawn to use when it's convenient for my career.


I open my mouth to tell her that, but Ruby cuts me off. "Anyway, you're flying out to L.A. again next Monday for a meeting with Ackerman and the producers."

"Wow." I blink. "Monday."

"Is that a problem?"

"No. Of course, not. It's just...fast. I don't think it's registered that I got it yet."

"Get used to it. Things are only going to speed up from here. Welcome to your first major movie deal."

I laugh because this is all so surreal. It's everything I've worked for. But I realize that if I landed the role then it means Wes didn't. I've never heard him say he actually wanted this part, but still. I can't let things get weird between us again. Not when we're so close to wrapping the show. The two of us could end up going our separate ways and never looking back. Wes is one of the very few friends I've got. "Do you know if they've told Wesley yet?"

"What do you mean?" Ruby sounds surprised.

"Didn't he tell you he withdrew his audition?"

My head jerks back. "What? Why?"

"His agent called Ackerman's assistant last night and told her he wasn't interested in the part anymore."

I stare at the phone. I can't believe he did that. If our roles had been reversed, and I'd been the one with work lined up already, I would've done the same thing. But Where There's Smoke is sure to be one of the biggest movie franchises of the next decade. The idea that Wes would walk away from that for the sake of our friendship, it hits me right in the chest. No one's ever done anything like that for me before. I swallow hard. "He didn't tell me."

"Oh. Well, there you go." I can hear Ruby's fingernails clacking against her keyboard. "Listen, I've got to run. I have contracts to review and flights to book. I'll email you all the details. And Liam?"



"Thanks," I say as Ruby hangs up.

"Holy shit." I lean against the couch, clutching my head in my hands. I got the part. I really got the part.

My phone rings again. Looking down at the screen, I see Wesley's name.

"Hey," I answer not knowing what else to say.

"Hey, Li. Listen, I heard the news. I wanted to call and say congrats."

"Thanks, Wes." I scratch the back of my neck and blow out a breath. "Ruby said you withdrew your audition?"

"Yeah, you know how it is. I had some conflicting dates with a different project." He clears his throat awkwardly, and I can tell he's lying.

"Right," I say. "Well, I appreciate it, man. Seriously."

"Sure. Sure," Wes says quickly like he wants to change the subject. "That's not the only reason I'm calling though."

"Oh, yeah? What's up?"

"We're heading to the beach house to celebrate you finally landing a damn part."

"Fuck you." I laugh.

"You in?"

"Hell yes. Are Faye and Ariani coming?"

"They're already on their way to kidnap your girlfriend and bring her with them."

I chuckle. "I wish them luck. That girl's more ferocious than she looks." Luckily, Faye and Ariani are too. I don't see them taking no for an answer, and I'm goddamn grateful for it. All I want to do right now is celebrate with my girl.

We hang up, and I feel lighter than I have in months.


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