《Not If I Date You First》Chapter 36



"You're cooking her dinner? Goddamn. When's Ruby mailing out the wedding invites?" Wesley shoots a ball through the hoop of the arcade-style basketball game. It bleeps and lights flash from the backboard as the numbers on the scoreboard blink.

"Very funny." I go up to take a shot. The ball bounces off the rim and smacks against the side of the machine.

We're both pretending like everything's normal even though the tension is heavy between us after the audition yesterday. I want to tell him how fucked up I think it is that he'd go after a part he knew I wanted. But after seeing my dad again this morning, I don't have the energy to confront him about it.

Jack keeps demanding more money. Paying him off is like handing over a piece of my damn soul. I don't know how much longer I can keep it up, but what choice do I have? He could end my career. Between all his bullshit and the stress of waiting to hear back on the movie, I need to blow off some steam.

Wes isn't at the top of my list of people I want to hang out with at the moment, and I'm guessing he only texted me earlier because he feels guilty. But I had to get out of my apartment, get out of my head before the stress devoured me.

Wes sinks two more shots in quick succession. The sound of a crowd cheering erupts from the speakers. "So y'all going to Netflix and chill or what?"

I airball another shot. "That's up to her."

Thinking about seeing Ada tonight is the one bright spot in an otherwise shitty day, but it's also got my goddamn stomach in knots. I've never been this nervous about a date before. All I can think about is touching her, kissing her, unraveling her. I'm so crazy about this girl, but I don't know if she feels the same way. I hope spending some time together away from the glare of the cameras will help me figure that out.


"Hold up." Wes sets the ball down, turning to face me as the machine hollers for us to 'Get in the game!' "Dude, tell me you two've already..." he trails off, giving me a significant look.

I shake my head. "None of your business." Just kissing Ada has been incredible, and there's so much more that I want us to do together. But I'm getting the vibe she hasn't been with many guys before, and I don't want to rush her. I'm enjoying the hell out of every second I get to be with her. I'm not in any hurry.

Wes laughs. "Shit, man. Here I thought you had game. You need me to give you some pointers or something?"

"Yeah, I'm not taking romantic advice from a guy whose apartment looks like a Chuck E. Cheese's." I gesture around his living room. Vintage arcade games from Pac-Man to Skee-Ball line one entire wall. There's a soda fountain with infinite amounts of flavor combinations. Rows of gaming consuls sit beneath a giant television screen. It still looks exactly like it did when we were fifteen and had just been cast in the show.

"I don't hear any of the ladies complaining."

I roll my eyes as my phone starts buzzing inside my pocket. It's Ruby. My heart bottoms out, knowing she could be calling about the part.

"That your girlfriend?" Wes smirks at me.

I give him the finger before swiping my thumb across my cell to answer the call.

"Hey, Ruby," I say and watch as Wes's expression instantly sobers up. I'm sure he's almost as eager to hear back as I am.

"I don't have news," Ruby says by way of greeting.

"Oh." I turn away from Wes, looking out the window at the skyscrapers glinting in the sunlight.


"I'm only calling to find out when you're seeing the photographer girl again."

If I mention my date with Ada tonight, I know Ruby and Julian will have a pack of photographers waiting outside my building for us. I haven't got it in me to deal with the paps right now. I just want one night to spend with my girl.

"I'm not sure," I lie. "I'll set something up soon."

Ruby sighs. "Liam, this is crunch time. You two need to be in front of the cameras more now than ever."

It bothers me that after all the work I've done to fix my image, she's still convinced the only way I can get this part is by continuing to use Ada. I wonder if she even thinks I have the talent to pull off this role. My jaw clenches.

"Let me know when you've got something planned," Ruby says.

"Right. Will do," I say though I have no intention of telling her about our plans tonight. I disconnect the call and turn around to see Wes watching me.

"Any word?" he asks, glancing down at the floor.

"Not yet." I scrub a hand over my face as the awkwardness between us stretches, filling the room.

My cell vibrates again. When I look down at it, I see it's a text from Ada. And just like that, everything else I'm dealing with disappears.

Ada: Can't wait to see you tonight, Superstar.

Me: Me too, Ace. You have no idea.

When I look up at Wes, he's smirking at me. He lifts an eyebrow, and I realize I'd been smiling at my phone like an idiot.

"So are we playing or what?" I jerk my chin toward the hoops.

"Oh we're playing, Romeo." Wes laughs, tossing me a ball.

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