《Not If I Date You First》Chapter 32



"Everything alright over there?" Liam presses his hand against the small of my back as he ushers me toward the line of people standing outside the door to the Celeste Bartos Forum of the library.

I can hear a band playing a cover of a pop-rock song as we get closer. The sweet, floral scent of lilac permeates the air.

"Everything's great." My voice comes out a little too bright, a little too enthusiastic. Liam's forehead creases. My fingers long to reach out and smooth away his concern. But it's taking everything I've got to keep from choking on my panic over seeing his ex-girlfriend getting chummy with my co-worker and biggest competition.

Mia and Liam were together for years. I'm sure she knows all about his past, and if she tells Chrissy, I can kiss my job at Huntley goodbye.

"I'm sorry for whatever Mia said when we were at the Rainbow Room." Liam traces circles across my back with his fingertips. "She talks a lot of shit, but that's all it is. Talk and drama."

Guilt spears through me. He's worried about me, apologizing to me when I'm the one who made a deal with my boss to try and reveal his secrets. I have to figure out a way to get Agnes to put me on a different assignment without handing my dream job over to Chrissy on a silver platter.

I give him the most reassuring smile I can muster. "I'm a little nervous is all."

"You've got nothing to be nervous about." Liam says. "This is all a show. Botox, juice cleanses, and designer labels. You're the only real person here, and you're stunning."

He runs his thumb over my cheek, making me Wicked-Witch-of-the-West-style melt all over the polished marble floors. I so badly want to be real with him and not have all these secrets between us. I just need to figure out how to do that and still get the position with Huntley.

We walk through the doors into the ballroom, and the sight quite literally takes my breath away.

The soaring, arched ceiling is glowing a deep, violet color. White lights swirl across it, giving the appearance of a starry night sky and reminding me of The Great Hall at Hogwarts. Candles flicker on the tables, surrounding the enormous glass vases that serve as centerpieces, each of them topped with giant bouquets of white roses and lilacs.

"Welcome. Please take a gift bag." A girl wearing a simple black dress hands me one of the bags I spent hours stuffing in Agnes's office.

"Oh, no." I pass it back to her. "I'm just here with him." I set a hand on Liam's arm.

"Right." She flashes me a bright smile. "You're Liam Anders's plus one."

Liam takes my hand, nodding at the girl. "She is."

My heart does this maneuver inside my chest where it simultaneously leaps and plummets at the same time. The idea of being Liam's plus one is like living out a daydream I never even knew I had. But I want to be more than that too.

I keep thinking about Grams warning me to never risk my dreams for a guy. Is that what I'm doing if I don't try to expose Liam's secret?

I thank the girl and take the bag, more confused than ever.

We wind our way through the tables that surround the dance floor. It's crowded with celebrities swaying to the music, and I realize it isn't a cover group playing. It's the actual band. Of course, it is.


I reach for my camera out of habit, but my hand meets nothing but the silky folds of my dress. It's almost physically painful to think about how many exclusive shots I could be getting tonight since the rest of the press weren't allowed inside.

I follow Liam to a table where Ariani Shazad and Faye Donovan are sitting. Ariani's long black waves are resting on Faye's shoulder. Her salmon-colored gown compliments the low-cut white pants suit Faye's wearing as they murmur to each other, looking as perfect and in love as ever. The two of them are serious relationship goals.

"How's the party?" Liam rests his arm on the back of my chair as we sit down, and I lean into him.

Faye watches us, a smile playing at her lips.

"Other than that," Ariani jerks a thumb toward the dance floor, "it's been great."

I look over to see Wesley Grant thrusting his arms out in front of him then waving them over his head like he's attempting to whip and nae nae very, very badly.

I clap a hand over my mouth, laughing out loud.

"Ariani's tried to teach him to dance so many times, but he's totally unteachable," Faye explains.

"It's my biggest failing in life so far." Ariani cringes, watching Wesley as he tries to do the running man and manages to trip over his feet, almost falling over.

Liam pulls his phone out of his jacket pocket. I can hear it buzzing as he glances down at the screen then up at me. "I'm sorry, Ace. It's my agent. I need to take this."

I nod and turn my attention back to the dance floor but can't help listening to Liam's conversation.

"Hi, Ruby. Yeah, my bag's in the car. I'm headed to the airport as soon as I drop Ada off."

He sets a hand against the bare skin of my shoulder as he says my name.

"Yes, Ruby." Liam sounds exasperated. "I'll make sure we're photographed leaving together." He looks over at me and rolls his eyes. "Yeah. I'll call you tomorrow."

Liam hangs up, setting his cell on the table. "I've got an audition in L.A. in the morning. She thinks us being here together tonight will help my chances of getting the part."

The glow inside my chest dims. Apparently, Liam isn't quite as conflicted about using our relationship as I am. I can't help wondering if he invited me here because his agent told him to.

I try to keep my smile in place but must fail, because Liam leans forward. "Hey, you know that isn't why I asked you to be my date tonight, right? I really wanted to spend time with you."

It's almost unfair how hypnotizing those blue eyes are. I fight it, but a grin tugs at my lips, spreading slowly across my face. "Yeah?" I ask.

"Yeah." He takes my hand that's sitting on top of the table, rubbing his thumb over my skin.

"Oh my God. I just had such a brilliant idea," Ariani turns to me, eyes shining. "Ada, you need to come on my YouTube channel. You're definitely famous in your field, and it would be fascinating to interview a real paparazzi."

"Um, maybe?" I glance up at Liam.

"Don't look at him. You don't need his permission," Ariani says, and Liam laughs.


"She's right. You do whatever you want, Ace," he says.

"Think about it." She points a perfectly manicured finger at me. "I think it would be an awesome video."

"Okay, I will." I don't love the idea of being in front of yet another camera, but the women Ariani interviews are prolific. It's an honor she'd even consider having me as a guest. The band starts into another dance song, and Wesley lets out a loud, "Woo!" clapping his hands together a split-second behind the beat.

"No one should have to watch that without a drink," Liam says, pushing his chair back. "What can I get you?"

"I'll have what you're having?" I say like it's a question, because I have no idea what to order. I usually just drink whatever Elodie does when we go to parties.

"You sure about that?" Liam's voice has a hint of a dare that almost makes me change my mind, but I've never been one to back down from a challenge.

"Do your worst, Superstar."

Liam chuckles, giving my shoulder a squeeze. And, okay, maybe I turn and watch him walk away. But yeah, that tux of his is really well tailored.

Liam's phone vibrates on the table next to me, and the screen lights up with a text. I know I should leave it alone, should respect his privacy. But there's so much I don't know about him, including whatever it is he's been hiding from the media.

My curiosity wins out, and my eyes skim the message.

Jack: These guys aren't playing around. You gotta bring more cash.

I blink. That sounds...serious. My mind envisions scenes from Francis Ford Coppola movies, but Liam couldn't possibly be involved in anything criminal. Suddenly I'm not so sure I even want to know what his secret is.

I look up to see Faye watching me.

Blood rushes to my face, and I'm sure I look as guilty as I feel. She had to have seen me reading his text.

"You know," Faye says, looking over her shoulder like she's checking to make sure no one can overhear her, "Liam's an amazing guy."

"The absolute best," Ariani chimes in, still watching the dance floor and bobbing to the beat.

"But he's had some shitty people in his life," Faye continues. "He needs someone who can prove to him that it's safe to open his heart to people, and I think he really cares about you."

At the serious tone in Faye's voice, Ariani stops dancing. She sits back in her chair, glancing between us.

I feel like I just got kicked in the stomach. Faye is Liam's best friend. If she thinks he genuinely cares about me, then he must. And here I am snooping on his messages.

"I care about him too. A lot," I say, meaning every word.

Faye studies me for a beat before saying, "I believe you. Don't let him down."

She smiles as Liam appears at the table again, setting a drink in front of me. It's a dark gold at the top, fading to a clear yellow at the bottom. Iced tea and lemonade.

I laugh despite the guilt weighing me down. "You got me an Arnold Palmer?"

"You said you wanted whatever I was having." Liam's mouth twists into a lopsided smile, and I can't resist the urge to reach out and brush my fingers over his lips.

He grabs my hand, pressing a kiss to my palm. A bubbly feeling shoots through me like there's Pop Rocks crackling through my veins.

"Do you ever drink anything made by someone who isn't a senior citizen?" I tease.

"I, uh, don't drink alcohol." Liam scratches the back of his neck. I can tell from the sudden tension in his shoulders that there's more to the story than what he's saying. I'm dying to ask, but I haven't earned that right yet.

"No wonder you're so dang fit then." I poke him in the side, and he laughs, capturing my hand in his as the band switches to a slow song. He holds on tight.

"Dance with me?" he asks.

The look in his eyes makes my heart flip. I nod.

Liam leads me onto the dance floor as every head in the room swivels in our direction.

I notice Agnes standing next to the bar. She's chatting with a middle-aged actor I recognize from one of the crime shows my mom's obsessed with. She stops talking when she sees us and arches a brow, as though asking if I have any new information for her.

I'm sure she'd want to know about that text I saw, but there's no way I'm telling her about it. Not after what Faye said. I jerk my shoulder in a shrug. She frowns, shaking her head and looking more than a little irritated with me.

I try not to think about the fact that I could be ruining my chances with Huntley as Liam takes me in his arms. I try not to think about Mia and Chrissy, or how I'm not sure I'm okay with Liam's agent using our relationship to help his career anymore. I try to think only of Liam.

Looping my arms around my neck, I breathe him in. His hands wrap more tightly around my waist, pulling me close, so my head's resting against his chest.

"So as far as first dates go," Liam's voice rumbles against my ear, "how would you rate this one?"

I look up at him, reaching out and setting my hand against his cheek. "You've been incredible," I whisper. Because no matter how stressed I am about my job, Liam's been amazing. I'm the luckiest girl in the freaking universe to be here with him.

"Ace, you know there's nothing fake about the way I feel about you, right?" Liam gazes into my eyes with so much tenderness, I never want to look away again. "I know it bothered you when my agent called earlier, but my job has nothing to do with my feelings about us. This is real for me."

My eyes turn glassy, flooding with everything I feel for him: affection, and wanting, and things I'm not sure how to begin to describe yet. "It's real for me too, Superstar," I whisper.

I feel his breath stutter and go up on my toes, brushing a kiss to his mouth. Our lips move soft and slow against each other as the sparkling lights whirl above our heads. And in that moment, I don't care who's watching.

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