《Not If I Date You First》Chapter 18



Twenty minutes later, we're camped out in front of Nosh as a swarm of photogs circles us like sharks scenting blood in the water. Most of them stick to their tired routine of shouting at me to look into their cameras. But some of them legit seem pumped to have me out here with them. They hold out their hands for high fives and fist bumps, welcoming me to 'the dark side' and asking for selfies. I pose for a few, but as soon as they start peppering me with questions about my personal life—mainly about Ada—the flames of annoyance begin to flicker. I catch Briggs's eye, and he forces everyone back, giving me some much needed space.

I've got to try and figure out how in the hell to work this absurdly complicated contraption the saleswoman told me was a camera. There are dials and buttons all over it. I don't even know how to turn it on.

The sun beats down on the back of my neck, making my skin sizzle. I twist my Yankees hat around backward, trying to block what's got to be some kind of solar flare. Sweat makes my shirt cling to my back. I never thought about how much time the paps spend out in the elements, waiting for us to do something worth photographing. Doing this every day would be brutal. Not that I'm about to admit that.

"You have no idea how to use that, do you?" Ada's watching me, eyes bright like she's enjoying seeing me struggle.

I flick a switch on the side of the camera and feel a surge of pride as it whirs to life. "I know how to work it," I lie through my teeth. "It isn't rocket science."

Ada jerks her chin toward me, lips curling tauntingly. "Prove it."

"What do you want me to do? Take your picture?"

"If you can manage it."

I peer through the eyepiece. Taking a guess, I jab the round button next to my thumb. I hear the familiar ch-ch sound. "Ha! Told you." I hold out my camera in triumph, but when I look down at the image on the screen, it's completely black.

Ada starts laughing so hard, she bends forward, grabbing her knees to keep from falling over on the concrete.

I swipe at the beads of sweat gathering on the back of my neck. "It wasn't that funny, but go ahead. Laugh it up."

Ada's still wheezing as she straightens. "You have to take the lens cover off."

I turn the camera around and see the piece of black plastic. "Right."

"Give it here." Ada holds out her hand.

I hesitate, squinting at her suspiciously.

"That thing is much safer in my hands than yours," she says.

"Yeah? Try telling that to my balls," I mutter but pass her the camera.

"Oh, get over it." Rolling her eyes, she removes the cover and twists one of the dials. "There. I put it on automatic, so you just have to point and shoot." She passes it back to me, and our fingers brush. Hers are silky against my overheated skin.

I glance down at her, meeting her eyes. Something inside my chest catches, and I force my gaze away. The sun must be getting to me. I shake my head, deciding to try and take another shot. I raise the camera, pointing it at Ada again. Now she knows the lens cover's off though, she tries to jump out of the line of fire.


But she's too slow. The ch-ch sounds before she can look away. I study the photo on the screen. Ada's full lips are parted in surprise, and the glint in her eyes is more amused than irritated. There's a flush to her skin that I have to admit is kind of gorgeous.

"Delete it," Ada demands, reaching for the camera again.

"Obviously." I hold it up out of her grasp. "It's grotesque." But I turn the camera off without erasing the picture.

"Pretty sweet deal you got yourself," I hear a guy's voice say and look over to see a photog with greasy hair pulled back in a man bun standing way too close to Ada. His proximity to her grates against my nerves for some reason.

"What do you want, Tyler?" Ada crosses her arms over her chest.

"I want to know how you convinced Agnes to give you points for other people's shots."

I remember Ada saying something about her boss awarding them points for their photos and realize this dude must be one of her co-workers.

Ada drops her voice so the other paps can't overhear. "Since the pictures of Liam and me are the only ones that've earned you any real points, you should probably be thanking me."

Irritation flashes in the guy's eyes and his lip curls. "I don't need your handouts, Sweetheart."

Sweetheart? Wow. This dude's got a pair on him. I've seen Faye and Ariani destroy guys for saying misogynistic bullshit like that.

Ada tilts her head. "You sure about that? Cause even without the extra points, I'd still be ahead of you."

The guy looks like he's got more to say, but another photographer girl with blond hair and freckles walks over. "Stop being a dick, Tyler. You'd do the same thing if anyone was dumb enough to want to take your picture."

Ada shoots her a grateful smile, but then her face freezes. She's zeroed in on something over my shoulder. I spin around to see a Range Rover with blacked-out windows, gliding up to the side of the building.

I recognize the car immediately as Ariani's. But before I can say as much to Ada, she turns and bolts down the sidewalk. "Anders! Move your ass!" she yells over her shoulder.

I chase after her, and the thick, stifling air whips against my face. The other photogs are right behind us, feet slamming against pavement. Pedestrians dart out of our way, shouting curses after us.

We round the corner just as Ariani walks out the side door of restaurant, Faye trailing after her.

Fucking perfect. I didn't know Faye was here too. Those two are going to give me absolute hell over this.

I'm contemplating turning back, when one of the paps sprints past me. His shoulder clips Ada's as he cuts her off, sending her plummeting to the sidewalk.

She lifts her camera up with both hands to keep it from smashing on the concrete, which leaves her with nothing to break her fall. She skids across the cement as the other photographers charge past her, none of them stopping to see if she's okay.

"Shit." I rush over to her. "Are you—"

"I'm fine," she snaps, scrambling to her feet. I notice blood trickling down her wrist from the scapes on her palm. She wipes it off on her pants and speed-limps her way back down the sidewalk.


She tries to get an angle to take a shot, but the other photogs block her out. Faye and Ariani are about to climb into the back of the waiting SUV. I look back and forth between them and Ada and feel an expected pang of sympathy for her. She's literally put blood, sweat, and tears into getting this photo.

I groan, knowing I'll regret this later as I shoot a hand into the air. "Ariani! Faye!" I shout.

Ariani's head whips up, and she glances over at me. She does a double-take, shoving her sunglasses on top of her hair, mouth dropping open. She grabs Faye's arm, who follows her gaze. When she sees me, she stops dead in her tracks. "Liam?"

"What in the actual hell are you doing?" Ariani shouts. Her bodyguard clears a path through the paparazzi, so Ada and I can get past.

I put an arm across Ada's shoulders. Her body goes stiff as a board against mine. "Just supporting my girl here."

Ada makes a gagging sound, and Faye and Ariani both laugh.

"Do you mind?" I nod my head toward the camera in Ada's hands.

"Sure." Faye smiles warmly at Ada before leaning into Ariani. They pose as Ada snaps a few pictures. I can hear the paps behind us, trying to get the shot from over my shoulder. I do my best to block them while keeping my arm around Ada.

Ariani opens her mouth like she's about to say something, but I cut her off. "Well, we've got to get back to work. Very busy. Talk to you later."

"Oh, we will most definitely be talking later, Li." Ariani flips her hair over her shoulder, eyes dancing with amusement.

Faye shoots another look over at Ada and then grins up at me before the two of them disappear into the SUV.

I suppress a sigh, already dreading having to explain this whole charade to the two of them. "You're welcome," I say to Ada, who's examining the shots she just took.

"Thank yoooou." Ada's tone is mocking. "Feel free to remove your arm anytime now. You don't exactly smell awesome at the moment."

"And you think you smell like roses?" I take a step back.

She ignores me, frowning at the gash across her elbow, which is still bleeding.

"You alright?" I ask.

"Great." She grits her teeth, glaring over at the guy who knocked her down.

He notices, looking up and leering at her in a way that instantly pisses me off. This dude has got to be at least forty. He's got no right to look at anyone like that, let alone a girl Ada's age.

"Sorry, Doll," he calls. "Rough business. You outta think about taking up knitting instead."

Ada holds her head high. "Yeah? We'll see who's pictures actually sell." Her eyes narrow in a death glare. It's almost a relief to have that look directed at someone else for a change, especially this creep.

"Ooh, a feisty one, huh?" he says. "I can think of better things you can do with that smart mouth of yours, Honey." He grabs his crotch, waggling his disgusting eyebrows.

Something inside me snaps, and a pure, blinding rage engulfs me, obliterating all thoughts. "What the fuck did you say to her?"

"You heard me, pretty boy," he spits at the ground near my feet. "What're you gonna do about it?"

I'm about to lunge for him when Ada steps in front of me, putting a hand firmly in the center of my chest and shoving me back. The expression on her face is fierce as she looks up at me and gives her head a single shake.

She wheels around on the douchebag, her voice sharp as a razor. "My mother's one of the best lawyers in the city. Talk to me like that again, and I will have you charged with harassment."

His filthy smile falters like he's trying to gauge how serious she is. When Ada doesn't even flinch, he pushes past us, muttering, "Bitch" under his breath.

I want to go after him, but there are at least a dozen cameras pointed in my direction. The last thing I need is to get into another fight with a photog. I clench my hands into fists, reigning in the anger pounding through me.

"How often do you have to put up with that shit?" I ask Ada. She shrugs, staring down at the concrete. Her eyes are shiny, and she blinks rapidly.

"Hey," I duck down, so she's looking right at me, "guys like that are fucking slimeballs. And surprisingly, you're sort of a badass." I nod at her shredded knees and elbows. "Don't let him get to you."

Ada laughs. It's a little watery but sounds genuine. "You know, I think you might be right about something for once, Superstar."

"There's the pain-in-ass I know." I grin, and she punches me in the shoulder. "I hope you've got your chapstick ready," I say.

"What are you talking about?"

"You owe me a kiss."

She gasps. "I so do not. The bet was for you to be a photographer for a day. Did you even take any pictures?"

"I took one of you."

"That doesn't count."

"Oh, it totally counts. Sorry to break it to you, Ace, but your photo is on every gossip site in the world. You're officially a celebrity."

"And you're a cheater." She puts her hands on her hips, familiar scowl fixed in place.

"And you better get ready to pay up."

"I am not kissing you right now. I wasn't joking when I said you stink."

"Yeah, me either." I squint, mimicking her glower, and she laughs.

"I seriously hate you," she says, but her words don't have the bite they usually do.

"And I'll see you tomorrow." I wink at her before turning and striding down the sidewalk as my security team closes in around me.

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