《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Magical creatures encyclopedia





They have a very deep connections with earth and nature, they will become aggressive if they see someone purposely cause damage to their home or anywhere near where they live, but otherwise they are very docile and non-violent.

Their legs like the one of goats, meaning they have hooves and can climb very steep surfaces without much problem, they aren't found in the cold or freezing biomes, for they will not be able to stand easily due to the conformation of their feet.

Aside from their legs, they have an humanoid form, their hair are often green or brown and they can use their magic to control the environment around them, meaning that if they are brought in a large city far away from plants, they are completely defenseless.

The males often have long antlers on their head, the one with the bigger and fanciest pair often tends to attract more females, creating a small harem. They live in groups with often more females than males, for the males, once they reach the age of 18, are forced to leave the pack so to be able to create their own.

Of course, being a civilized specie, they are always allowed to come back to their original pack in case of danger or necessity. They eat fruit and roots, as well as many other vegetables, but they won't eat meat of any kind.

They can fight with weapons, but many reported to despise using swords or other man-made weapons, preferring using bows and arrows made with the materials coming from the forest where they live.

They are the most knowledgeable among all the magical creatures, for they can live thousands of years, many speculate they could be immortal, but the spirit themselves affirm that they do in fact die, turning into a beautiful cluster of gems of which their loved ones keep a piece each, some even deciding to keep it in them.

They feed on precious gems and minerals, like diamonds, sapphires or others alike, their skin is stony and will show the gems they have eaten on it's surface, this also serves as a defensive mechanism, allowing them to use said gems to attack or defend themselves.

They are solitary and often spend most of their time doing research, for they like to be informed. They are docile by nature but will become very aggressive if someone threatens their loved ones or their research material.

They can control stone and it's minerals but many say that their most remarkable power is their knowledge. They live in caves and other closed spaces, preferring to remain near their element.

They are excellent architects and builders, many castles and monuments all around the world had been built by them, so everyone respects them for it. Some thieves often try to steal from them, but if a kingdom acknowledge their existence to be deemed useful, then they will protect them with their troops.

They aren't good with weapons made by man, like swords or bows, but they can craft elaborate mechanism and traps to keep any enemy away.

They are aggressive by nature and often will cause trouble to the forest spirits on purpose. They can feed on anything that is flammable, their skin is often composed by a thick layer of dried lava, so to not accidentally set on fire everything, but that layer can melt when they fight or become really angry.


They can shape-shift into any form they like, as long as they have enough magma for it. If they are injured or lose a limb, they can go back to a volcano and use the lava there to heal their wounds. They can eat anything that is flammable.

They are very strong and often live alone, not being very social. They are excellent fighters, being able to use fire magic and man-made weapons, as long as they are fire resistant (like obsidian or netherite).

They are the second specie that is deemed almost as strong-willed and long lived as the geological spirits, since when they are close to dying, they return to the nearest volcano, getting reborn as a young spirit, much like a phoenix.

That's also the reason why many call them "Phoenix spirits"

They can live up to 300 years, their wings are mainly black, but some females in rare cases can be born with white ones, that can happen only to females, there aren't any records of males being born with white wings this far. Many say that they are the direct descendant of angels, but there's no consistent proof of that.

They can use up to two of the four kinds of magic, which are healing, attack, defense and support, although it has been recorded a case of a female white Elythrian being able to use all four, but this far, she's seems to be the only exception.

They can fly very fast, the males usually fly faster than the females but there can be exceptions. They live in numerous groups on villages built on high up trees, they are very social and passive unless they are threatened.

They can use man-made weapons and are excellent fighters, especially with swords. White Elythrians can die of a syndrome called Broken heart Syndrome, which only affects this variety and is caused by strong emotions, mostly grief or sadness caused by the loss of someone close to them.

White Elythrian are considered nobility, and therefore treated as such, they are often hunted by greedy people, because many believe that their white wings are the key to create special potions that will give eternal life.

The Elythrian clan is very close to the geological one, for they both can live for very long and often help each other, the Elythrian providing protection and the geological spirits giving back useful informations or inventions. They feed on normal food, just like humans.

The void demons and Elythrians had been at war for a very long time, but finally, after centuries, it has been brought to an end by an hybrid of both parts.

The wings of an Elythrian are very sensitive, for they are rich of nerves, so they find it soothing when someone brushes their feathers nicely and will feel immense pain if hurted. Usually only couples are allowed to touch each other's wings, for it's considered an act of trust towards their mate.

They have a very deep connection with the sea and all it's creatures, they can leave water but need to bring some with them at all time. They are passive by nature but can become aggressive if their children are threatened.

They can control the water around them, as well as speak to the sea creatures. Their body is mostly made of water, like the human one (get it? Because we are made of 70% of water?! Imma shut up...), their hair is like a running waterfall, the particles created by it's splash scatter around their body, eventually getting re-adsorbed.


They feed on mostly sea vegetables, like algae or other vegetables, they absolutely despise fish meat but will eat the meat of any other animal that lives on land.

They cannot be born or reproduce normally like every other creature, they are created when someone with a strong regret dies. Depending on how strong the regret is and how much power the person had when they died, the ghost could be able to use the same magic as the spirit they were before, but if they died with low energy, they might not even be able to hold things.

They cannot touch earthly object, for they themselves do not belong to this world anymore. They can use their magic in order to touch things, but that often requires a lot of practice and is not always achievable.

Ghost don't need to eat and they can phase through objects like walls or doors easily. Once their regret is fulfilled, their spirit is freed, giving them the opportunity to either pass on or remain, they can change their mind whenever they want but once they move on, they cannot come back.

It is very hard for a ghost to fulfill their regret, mainly because they forget it, which makes it harder, for example, if you loved someone and wanted to say goodbye to them one last time, then you'll lose all your memories about them.

This is also called "The Curse of the Forgotten"

A ghost that stays alone for too long can risk detaching itself from reality, dissolving into the air, we don't know what happens to them precisely, but many assume they just lose the will to fight, causing their regret to be overwhelmed and cease to exist.

They don't need to eat, although can if they wish to, their bodies are semi-transparent but can turn fully corporal with enough practice.

Ghosts cannot be hurt through normal means, to hurt a ghost you need to hit it when they are assuming a physical form, otherwise the attack will just go right through them.

Recent studies have shown that they can venture in the void dimension but cannot stay for long, depending on how strong their regret is, they will start to feel sick and soon disappear, that is why it is not suggested to bring a ghost with a weak regret in the void, they won't survive for more than an hour or so.

Ghosts are the only known specie that can be brought back to life thanks to the current guardian of the forbidden magics, Foolish. There isn't enough information on him for now.

They are the most various and complex among all the magical creatures, they have a very strict and set hierarchy, although, after the defeat of the void entity and the end of the war, that hierarchy is starting to slowly change for the better.

They are divided into five levels, Elder Guardians, Scavengers, Inner Guardians, White Demons and Revived. The stronger ones are usually bigger and have larger horns. Their bodies can be either blue or black, depending on their level of power.

The Elder Guardians are the one who are in charge of guarding the portal that connects their dimension to the overworld, they are the only demons who can go through it and come to our dimension, although they cannot remain for long.

They are filled with immense energy and power, and are usually in number of three, a new one is born when the old one dies, obtaining their same powers, so it is like a reincarnation. They used to take orders directly from the void, feeding him and doing many deeds in his name, but now that he's gone, they are starting to take better care of their people.

The Scavengers are the seconds one in terms of powers, they are the one who "Harvest" the souls of the humans from the overworld on behalf of the void in order to feed him. They have many different powers and are more numerous than the Elder Guardians, but still fewer than the other classes.

Their powers are very various and can change to making someone fall ill to attracting children to their deaths. From this point forward, all demons can be summoned to the overworld only through a special ritual, which has higher requirement the higher is the rank of said demon. Once they are summoned on our world, their powers are weakened, but they still remain very strong, further researches have discovered that they can change their size at will, as well as their shape, often preferring a dragon-like aspect when they fight, and a more humanoid one when around other people, they cannot breathe fire though.

Inner Guardians are the guards that live in the void, they have less power than the Scavengers but are still strong, they form the authorities and justice, especially now that the void no longer dictates the rules around. They often guard prisons and important buildings and are in a ratio of 1:4 compared with the Scavengers.

White Demons consist of the lower demons, who either don't have much power, or have powers that the void deemed "Unfit" for a demon, and were therefore treated poorly. In this category take part those who have powers that either ease or help those who are in pain.

They are still kept around, for are necessary in case an important demon gets injured, but they are not respected at all. There aren't as many as the Inner Guardians but still pretty numerous. They were given this name due to the color of their eyes, which is usually a pure white, some even present a halo on their head.

The Revived are demons created using the souls of the people the Scavengers claimed for the void, they are the lowest class and are considered on the same level of animals, barely getting payed and fed, forced to work by the higher up classes. Luckily this changed once the void was defeated and now all these souls are getting freed one by one, it will take a long time though, since they were on a rate of 1:10 with the Inner Guardians.

It has been recently proved that breeding between two different species is possible, and the hybrid child can also inherit the powers of both parents, which get fused and adapted together. I am naming this new specie Crosser.

Book written by the Geological spirit, Skeppy.


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