《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Forever yours




Techno was pacing back and forth in his room biting his nails while his servants tried to dress him up for the big day.

"Techno please stop pacing, we'll be late" Philza scolded, seeing that he still hadn't put on his white ceremonial gown and various adornments. The servants at this point had already given up and were waiting for him to calm down.

"I'm so nervous Phil, what if i do something wrong? What if i fuck it up?" he asked in a tense voice, Phil rolled his eyes, walking in front of him, effectively stopping his pacing.

"Techno, you are going to fuck it up if you don't fucking put on your clothes, and i'm sure you don't want to be late at your own wedding" he said in an annoyed tone, earning a small nod from him.

"You're right... i'm the king... i can do this" Philza sighed, knowing that this was going to be a long day if he kept having a breakdown every step of the way. He couldn't imagine that Hannah was having the same problem with Angela.


"Angela stop moving! Your makeup is going to be all smudged!" she scolded "I-i'm sorry, i'm just r-really n-nervous"

"It's completely normal for the bride to be nervous, it's your big day after all" she said with a smile, adding some red to her lips with a paint brush (since you know, lipsticks weren't a thing in medieval times).

"You know, i almost chickened out when it came my turn to marry Schlatt" she said, catching her attention "Really?!" she nodded "I was so nervous that i considered the option of escaping through the window and apologizing to him later on" she chuckled.

"How did you fight that urge?"

"Well, i didn't" her answer caught her by surprise "But you two are married... right?" she giggled "Yes we are, it's a funny story actually. I went out from the back door and bumped into him, turns out we had had the same idea" Angela busted out laughing.

"We ended up going to the nearby bar and drank a few shots to calm our nerves, returning then to church and getting married. The party later was absolutely lit let me tell you that" they both laughed, her story helping Angela calm down.


Techno was waiting at the altar for Angela to arrive, he was literally sweating bullets but Phil kept whispering to him stuff like 'It's fine' or 'Just calm down mate' which didn't really help him that much.

"Techno?" Wilbur called, making him flinch and causing the other king to chuckle "I can see that you are pretty tense my friend, there's no need for you to be. Everything will be alright, trust me" he shakily nodded, pulling the collar of his shirt a bit.

There were many people from the many kingdoms around gathered in the church today, some came under the king's personal request, like Wilbur and Sally, others where invited through general invitations sent out by Ranboo, since it was good costume to invite aristocracy and kings from other kingdoms when someone of high relevance got married.

The large crowd didn't really help Techno deal with the stress very well, he was used to it, but today it was like amplified. He jumped when the doors of the church opened, Hannah entering first, spreading some roses petals on the red carpet before taking a seat.

The king's eyes got stuck on Angela when he saw her enter, accompanied by her father, she was absolutely breathtaking. The top part of her white dress was made out of finely hand-sewed flower decorations on a semi-transparent cloth, while from her waist down it turned into a long skirt made out of silk. It's slim profile showing off her curves magnificently.


Quackity slowly walked his daughter up to the altar, soon taking a seat next to Hannah. Angela smiled, taking Techno's hands and waiting for the priest to tell them what to do.

"You are beautiful" he breathed out, which caused her to blush even more "S-so are you" she said with a smile, feeling a bit uncomfortable due to the many eyes set on them.

"Angela" the priest started "Do you wish this man to become your husband?"

"I do" she answered without hesitation, which made Wilbur smile.

"Do you swear to stay by his side, in wealth and poverty, in health and illness, until death tears you apart?"

"I do" Techno smiled, squeezing her hands a bit.

"King Technoblade" the priest called "Do you wish for this woman to become your wife?"

"I do"

"Do you swea-"

"I do" he didn't even let the priest finish, he was just too exited, his action causing Philza to chuckle lightly. The priest cleared his throat.

"V-very well" he gestured to Ranboo, who had the rings, to come closer. The priest handing them out to each of the parts. Angela was first.

"I, Angela, swear to be loyal and faithful to you as your wife and queen until the day i die... and beyond" she added, winking at him, which made him snicker "I will rule and protect this kingdom with all my might and effort, for from this day forward, it will become my house as well" she smiled, sliding the ring in his finger.

"I, Technoblade, swear to be loyal and faithful to you as your husband and king, to keep ruling this kingdom fairly and with kindness and... i swear to always protect you from any foe that will ever threaten you" Quackity pulled out a tissue, blowing his nose, receiving quite some glares from the people seated around him.

"Mi bebé se va a casar, todavía no lo puedo creer" he looked up at the ceiling "Ojalá pudieras ver esto mi amor, nuestra hija finalmente encontró el amor" he received a nudge from Hannah, who told him to shut up.

"I swear to love you until my heart stops beating and my body becomes cold, and if i ever come back as a ghost, then i will spend the rest of my eternity by your side" he said with a loving smile.

They then turned towards the priest, who did a small prayer and threw a few drops of holy water at them.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" Techno didn't need to be told twice, he swooped her in his arms and kissed her passionately, the whole church cheering.

"HELL YEAH MATE!!" Phil shouted, throwing his hat in the hair, as many of the other guards present did. The two newly wed walked outside, immediately getting swarmed by a storm of rice being thrown at them. Techno protected his bride with his gown, keeping her mostly clean, aside from her hair.

They started to head towards the carriage to go to the banquet when Angela remembered something.

"Wait!" she called, pulling his arm, a bright smile present on her face "I have to throw the bouquet" Techno chuckled, the two walking back on the steps of the church entrance.

"Ready?" she called, seeing a large group of girls gather as she turned around, she threw the flowers high in the air, making them fly back several meters, before landing on Dream's hands, causing him and Sapnap to blush and the girls to groan. Abby joined in, giving a friendly punch at him.


"Now you have to marry the dude, good luck, he's a real hothead" she teased, making Angela laugh. Techno took her hand "Come on, we don't want to be late at our own banquet" she nodded, the two entering the carriage, soon leaving towards the palace, followed by many others, which carried the guests.

Angela giggled, looking at Techno.

"What's so funny?" he asked "Your hair is full of rice" she snickered out, Techno looked at his reflection in the glass, seeing that he did, in fact, had several grains stuck in his hair. He groaned, knowing that he'll have to tell the servants to re-do his braids, he couldn't show up like this, he would make a fool of himself.

"I guess we will be late after all" he said with a sigh, which made Angela chuckle. She scooted closer, starting to pick them out one by one.

"What ar-"

"Hold still, i'll be done in a few minutes, this way, they will only have to fix your braids" she said in a caring voice, which made him smile. It was then that he noticed that she, too, had many rice grains stuck in her hair.

"Then i'll do the same" he started plucking them out from her hair as well, being very delicate, not wanting to pull a hair by accident, his hand slowly traveling down to her cheek, gently holding it. She leaned into his touch, delivering a small kiss into it.

"Took you long enough to ask" she mumbled, making him snicker "Yeah..." he breathed out, leaning closer, "But it was worth the wait" he pulled her into a loving kiss, the two soon arriving to the castle, where they ate and then went to party later on.

Quackity cried his eyes out on his dance with Angela, while Philza told a very good speech on the behalf of all the guards, wishing them all the joy in the world.

"Long live the king! Long live the queen!" they chanted as the couple was introduced to their subjects from the castle balcony. Needless to say the people were very happy, both because their loving king finally found love and because their new queen was a caring and loving person just as much as he was, if not even more.

"My subjects" she called, holding tightly onto Techno's hand, feeling very nervous "I may not be the brightest among people, nor the prettiest among women, but i'll give you my word that i will put my heart and soul to keep this kingdom peaceful and flourish as it is now"

The crowd cheered louder, happy to hear that their new queen cared about them.


Many years later

"Charlie?" Angela called, walking around the castle "Charlie come on out, it's time for you to bathe and you know it" she said, sighing upon not receiving an answer. She heard some shuffling behind a curtain, seeing two feet stick out, immediately hiding back in, she chuckled, deciding to do him a little prank.

She turned invisible and approached him, standing right in front of where she saw the curtain being uneven. After a few minutes of silence, a small child with green wings and pink hair walked out, immediately bumping into her and getting caught.

"Noooo!! Mom let me go! I don't want to!!" he shouted, fussing quite a bit "You played in the mud all day, you need to get cleaned up, come on" she dragged him towards the bath the servants had prepared, running into Techno on their way there.

"Dad!" Charlie shouted, freeing himself and running up to the king, who bent over to pick him up "What's wrong my little slimecicle?" he asked in a loving voice "Mom wants me to take a bath! I don't like baths!" he pouted, making Techno snicker.

"Well, i know that you don't like it when your wings get wet, but you can't just walk around the castle with mud on you" he looked at Angela, who shook her head in disapproval "Don't look at me, he definitely took that from you" she teased, making Techno roll his eyes.

"How about this, we can go spar a bit after you're all cleaned up, how's that sound?" Charlie immediately piped up, jumping down from his father's arms and running towards his mother, pulling her sleeve "Come on mom! Let's hurry!" he said excitedly, making her chuckle.

"You know he'll have to take another bath later right?" Techno waved her off "We'll cross that bridge when the time comes" she laughed.

"Whatever you say dear"

Later on that day, after Techno and Charlie sparred and he had another bath, king and queen walked up to the balcony in their room, looking at their thriving kingdom, many white roses blooming around the walls of the castle, since Bianca over the years grew to become quite large that now almost a quarter of the castle was covered with her white flowers.

The king also managed to plant several patches of Veronica Persica in the royal garden, so every time his queen would wake up, she could always see the beautiful flowers she always loved.

He placed his gown on her shoulders "It's still pretty chilly outside, be careful, i don't want you to get sick" she chuckled "I don't have to worry about getting sick, you are always there to keep me warm" she said in a loving voice, leaning to rest her head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

"You know..." she started "I never thought that i would have become the queen of an empire" she smiled "If you had told me a few years back i would have probably laughed at your face" Techno giggled, wrapping an arm around her.

"Yeah... i wouldn't have thought that i would be ending up with such a beautiful and caring wife" she gave him a soft punch, both of them laughing, his hand traveling to her belly, where his second child was still growing.

"Do you think it will be another boy?"

"God i hope not, i cannot deal with more than three boys at once" Techno looked at her confusedly "Three?"

"You, Charlie and my father" she clarified, making the king burst out laughing "That's fair" he gently caressed her belly "But no matter what they might be, human or spirit, boy or girl, i will love them unconditionally" he kneeled down, delivering a small kiss. She smiled, reaching down to gently caress his hair.

"I know, you are a good father" he smiled, rising back up and sliding a hand on her neck, pulling her closer "And you're a fantastic mother" he said before kissing her. They will be then on remembered by the future generations as the kindest and most loving rulers the Antarctic empire had ever seen, their love managing to touch the heart of their subjects to the point that, upon their deaths, a statue has been built in the central square, so to remind everyone that, no matter what you are, human, spirit, ghost or demon, love doesn't know no bounds.



'My baby is getting married, I still can't believe it'

'Wish you could see this my love, our daughter finally found love'

, Gatta_Gamer00 industries is proud to present, "Nightmare"

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