《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Scars aren't something to be ashamed of




Angela noticed that something was off with Techno, he became a bit more... 'possessive' when she was around other people, especially if they were men, this went on for several days and tonight she finally decided to confront him about it.

"Techno?" she called while they were laying in bed, him spooning her, she had gotten used to it by now so she didn't freak out again "Did something happen recently?" she asked.

"Why do you ask?" she cringed a bit "I-i've noticed you... behave differently when i'm around other men, is there a reason?" she noticed that his grip on her waist tightened a bit.

"I just don't like when they get too close to you" he mumbled with a hint of hate, which concerned her "Techno they are my friends, i care about them and they care about me, they won't hurt me"

"But they could try to take you away" he growled "They could take you away from me, and i don't want that" he pulled her closed, making her understand what he meant. She turned around, meeting his gaze and giving him a kind smile.

"Techno i.... even though i don't... feel ready to become your bride, much less a queen yet..." she placed her hand on his cheek "I can promise you that my heart will always and only belong to you" she nuzzled her head in the fabric of his shirt "Always"

Techno was stunned for a moment but soon smiled, wrapping his arms around her "Thank you Angela" she chuckled "Any time"


The next day they all headed towards the Soot kingdom, for queen Sally finally gave birth to her son, so they were coming over to bring gifts and see the newborn.

Angela didn't like dressing up but this was a formal occasion so she complied, putting on with the help of some servants an elegant light blue dress, she would have preferred it white but they kept saying that only brides dress in white, so she stuck with the light blue.


"W-what am i supposed to say?" she asked, feeling really nervous, this would be the first time she went back to the Soot kingdom in a long time, and they still didn't knew about her and Techno, how would they react?

"You don't need to say anything, i'll do the talk, just compliment them and say hi, i'm sure they missed you" he said with a smile, reassuring her.

"Yeah mate, they are like your parents, since they were the ones who found you, they'll be happy to see that you're doing ok" Philza added, making her smile "Thanks Phil"

They soon arrived and were brought inside, where Wilbur was waiting for them, and he looked like he was over the moon for the birth of his first son.

"How are you my friend?" Techno asked, hugging him, Wilbur hugged him back "Oh i'm fantastic! My son is born and he's as beautiful as one could imagine!" he was practically beaming through the whole exchange, which made Angela chuckle a bit.

"Were's Sally?" she asked, not seeing her around "She's very tired, giving birth to Fundy took a lot out of her, she's resting in her rooms" he explained "Do you want to meet him?" they nodded and the king brought them into a large room decorated with beautiful oranges tapestries and toys, a crib placed in it's exact center.

Wilbur walked up to it, gently sliding his hands inside and grabbing his son, who complained a bit for being moved but soon calmed down once his father started to rock him in his arms.

"He's beautiful" she said, walking closer. He was a magical creature of course, a water spirit, like his mother, but his distinguishing powers and characteristics would only manifest themselves later on when he'll be at least four or five years old.

"He's a bit too big for a baby that has been born just yesterday" Techno commented, earning a small punch from Angela, who found the comment rude.

"It's normal, water spirits age faster than us until they reach the adult age and then slow down once they reached it" he explained, looking down at his son "Probably in a few months he'll already be able to walk" Fundy took one of his father's fingers, holding it tightly and smiling, you could see it in his eyes that the love he had for his child was unmemorable.


"I'm really happy for you Wilbur" Techno said, Wilbur nodded, a malicious smile appearing on his features "Thank you, so when are you having yours? How's the 'looking for a bride' mission coming along?" he teased, making Angela blush a bit.

"Well.... about that..." he cleared his throat, taking her hand "Me and Angela are dating now so...." he shyly admitted, causing Wilbur's jaw to drop to the floor "YOU WHAT?!"

Needless to say they had a lot of explaining to do during lunch, Wilbur was overjoyed to hear that his friend had finally found love and wished them all the luck in the world.

They left soon after, and on their way back the king decided to make a little deviation, returning back to the flower field of a few weeks back, this time making sure that Phil and Sam would remain out of their way for a while.

"You really like this place don't you?" Techno teased when he saw her make a small flower garland, which she then placed on his head, smirking a bit "Is it that obvius?" he smiled, leaning in to give her a small kiss "Just a bit"

"Do you want to make one? I'll teach you" he chuckled "Sure, why not"

Turns out the king's skill set didn't have 'make a garland' in it, no matter how hard he tried, he kept either breaking the stems or breaking the whole flower, ruining it.

"You're being too harsh, you need to be gentile with the flowers, they are very fragile, like this" she guided his hands, tying together some stems and closing the half-destroyed garland.

"There you go, your first garland" she said proudly, clapping her hands "It's terrible compared to yours" she shook her head "It's just as special as mine, because it was made by the person i love" her comment made him chuckle "Do you want to try it on?" she nodded, and he placed it on her head.

"How do i look?" he stared at her for a moment before pulling her on his lap "Beautiful, as always" he went in to kiss her and she kissed back, the bitter-sweet smell of wild flowers around them creating a surreal environment, it was early summer but Angela kept wearing long sleeved clothes, still feeling self conscious about her scar. So when the king slid a hand over her arm she reflexively pulled away, breaking the kiss.

"S-sorry i-i... don't want you to see it" she mumbled, feeling that if he saw how ugly it looked he would stop loving her, and she didn't want that. The king gave her a loving smile.

"Angela, look" he unbuttoned his shirt a bit, revealing his chest, which was covered in scars, some of which looked pretty deep and close to the heart. She gasped.

"Scars aren't something you should be ashamed of, they show that you fought and survived. I fought countless battles over the years and my body carries the sings, but i am not ashamed of them, in fact, i consider those as a battle trophy" he said in a bit of a joking tone, making her smile.

She shyly placed her hands over his chest, slowly tracing the scars with her fingers until she reached the one closest to his heart, which was the deepest one "Do they hurt?" she asked in a worried tone, he took her hand, kissing it "No, they are just sensitive, like yours" he answered, making a small smile appear on her lips. She kissed him, breaking apart after a few seconds but keeping her face still very close to his's.

"Thank you Techno... i needed that" she smiled against her lips, kissing her back "Any time"


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