《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Jealousy




"That's it, you're sleeping with me from now on" the king ordered once the medic finished bandaging her arm and left, causing Angela to jump in surprise.

"Y-your majesty?" she asked, not sure if she heard that right "You'll be sleeping with me from now on, i'm not taking any risks after what happened tonight" he said in a firm tone, it was still night time outside, so they still had a few hours before the sun would rise.

"B-b-but i-it's inappropriate a-and we are n-not a m-married couple" she stuttered out, feeling her cheeks start to burn "It doesn't matter, come on, you need to rest" he gently scooped her in his arms and started to walk down the hall towards his room, passing some very confused guards, who turned to stare at them.

Angela nuzzled her head in the king's shirt, trying to hide, she wanted to disappear from how embarrassed she was that the pangs of pain coming from her arm were almost put in second place.

They soon arrived and saw Philza stand there with a worried expression, sword in hand. Techno quickly explained the situation and he agreed with him that it was better for them to stay together, at least for tonight, in case the attacker decided to show up again.

"Goodnight Techno, i'll keep watch outside the door" Techno nodded and he closed the door, leaving them alone again. He placed her down on his large bed, being careful not to touch her injured arm and pulling the covers over her, he then put his sword next to his pillow and went to bed as well.

Angela tried to sleep for a while but she was too nervous, besides, she noticed that Techno was just laying awake, staring at the ceiling.

"A-aren't you going to sleep too?" she shyly asked after a while "I'll keep watch, you rest" a yawn escaped his mouth, he must have been tired too, he just didn't want to show it.

"Y-you should sleep too, you need to be well rested for the morning" she added in a caring voice, shivering a bit, Techno noticed.

"Are you cold?" he asked, turning to look at her, placing his hand on her uninjured arm, feeling it a bit cold "The blood loss must have brought down your temperature" he scooted closer, gingerly pulling her into a soft embrace.

"Y-y-your m-" he hushed her "Sleep, i'll protect you" he said in a soft voice, starting to caress her hair, his move managing to make Angela relax a bit and slowly fall asleep in his arms. About an hour passed, Techno was about to fall asleep when he heard something hit his window. He shot up, reaching for his sword and looking around the room, only to notice that the noise was caused by a branch hitting the glass.


He sighed, placing the weapon back in it's place and lying down again, he was way too on edge, he needed to calm down. Angela shivered at the loss of her warmth source, weakly reaching out with her injured arm, whining a bit.

Techno pulled her closer, pulling the covers back in place, she pleasantly nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck, mumbling something it didn't quite make sense. The king smiled, placing his head ontop of hers, the sweet smell of flowers soon managing to make him doze off.


Things from then on went pretty normal, Angela started to sleep on the king's bedroom regularly, even though the council made quite a fuss when they found out, but Techno handled it and now they stopped harassing him.

She kept going to the garden, although she couldn't do anything aside keep Schlatt company due to her injury, but he didn't really mind, he enjoyed her company, everyone around the castle liked Angela, she was kind and gentile to them, even though they were just commoners.

After a few more weeks her arm was healed, leaving a large scar behind, to which she was very self conscious about, so she kept wearing long sleeved clothes to hide it. She found out that her healing magic didn't work on her own injuries, so she needed to be more careful from then on.

One day she ran into Skeppy again, he was kneeling down near a bush of roses, seemingly looking for something.

"Do you need help?" she asked, scaring him a bit "O-oh it's just you" he breathed out "I-i'm just looking for my wrench, it fell somewhere here and i can't find it" he explained.

"I'll help you search then" she kneeled down beside him, moving away the rose leaves to see better. Sam wasn't with her right now, he went to look for the king, since someone told him he requested his presence.

"You are the guy who's building that weird training course right?" she asked "Y-yeah...." he mumbled, his voice sounded really sad.

"Are you ok? You look really pale and tired" she asked a bit concerned, placing a hand on his forehead, feeling if he had a fever, which in fact, had.

"I-i'm fine, i can't afford to rest, i need to finish my work" he said in a shaky voice, removing her hand "You are ill, you should at least eat something, here" she offered him a piece of bread she had brought to feed the birds, but she figured he needed it more than them.

"I-i can't accept it" she chuckled "It's just bread, come on, take it" she encouraged, gently shoving the food in his arms "I'll keep looking while you eat" she said with a smile, moving along the bushes to search for the item.


Skeppy took a small bite of the food, it was probably the first thing he ate in days, he had been so focused on finishing his work that he often forgot to eat. It tasted very good, even though it was just bread, a few tears escaped his eyes but he quickly wiped them away, eating through the treat she kindly gave him.

"Thank you" he said once he finished it "No problem, although i can't find the object you're talking about" an idea sprouted in her mind "Can you draw it?" she asked, Skeppy looked around and grabbed a small branch, drawing on the dirt the shape of the object.

"It looks like this" she nodded, closing her eyes and bringing forth her energy, soon creating a semi-transparent copy of it, much to Skeppy's amusement "There, will this do?" she asked, handing him the object. He eagerly took it, inspecting the item closely.

"How did you do that?" he asked shocked, making her chuckle "I'm an Elythrian, i can do stuff like that" she said offhandedly "Hold still" she placed her hand on his chest, allowing a small portion of her energy to flow inside him, quickly healing his fever and giving him strength again.

"Wha..." he was speechless "H-how many kinds can you use?" he breathed out, his eyes still locked on the wrench she created.

"Uhhh i think all four of them? Although i don't know what the 'support' kind is supposed to mean" she said offhandedly.

"B-but that's impossible! You're.... where are your wings?" he asked, he didn't notice first, being too focused on the wrench, she cringed, her expression saddening a bit.

"Well... i... had white wings so.... someone took them..." she admitted, Skeppy's eyes widened when she said that "But that's ok, i don't even remember if i ever learned how to fly, besides, i can live just fine without them, don't worry" she assured.

"Is that so?" a voice behind them called, making them turn, Skeppy immediately tensed up upon seeing Dream "I don't know if you've ever seen a bird who lost their wings, they don't usually survive for long" he started to walk closer "Since they are defenseless without them" he said with a grin, which didn't set right to Angela.

"I may look defenseless" she created a small dagger "But i can assure you i'm not" she growled, she didn't know why but this Dream guy really was getting on her nerves.

"Oh really?" he reached for his axe "Why don't we put it to the test then?" his grin becoming wider.

"HEY!" someone behind them called, turns out it was Sam "Step away from her!" he ordered, taking out his sword, which made Dream roll his eyes "Whatever man" he shot her a glare "Come on Skeppy, i found your stupid wrench, go back to work" he threw the item at him, aiming at his head, luckily Angela had good reflexes and caught it before it could hit him, glaring back.

"Here" she handed the item to him and he mumbled a thanks, taking it and quickly leaving, Dream doing the same.

"What did the king want then?" she asked once they left "Well, it turns out he didn't call me in the end, someone must have misunderstood an order"

"Huh... weird"

Meanwhile, to Dream.

"I thought he would take longer to find out, fuck! How did he return so quickly? The king should be on the other side of the castle at this hour!" he cursed, his plan was to separate Sam from her long enough to finish the job but apparently the fucker was faster than he thought.


A few years ago.

"You need something that acts as a sedative AND a mind eraser?" he asked Dream, receiving a nod "You see, my sister suffers from insomnia, and whenever she sleeps she has horrible nightmares that she can't seem to forget, can you help us?" he asked.

"Well... i can mix some sedative with the Forgetful mushrooms, their spores have the effect to make a person temporally forged something, used in small doses it's not dangerous, just be careful to not overdose it" he warned.

"What happens if i do overdose it?"

"Well, the victim could permanently forget their memories without control, they could forget their families, their loved ones, even their own name to some extent, although their body will develop a resistance to it's spores and they will eventually start remember. Still, it might take a very long time, so be careful"


Present day

"It's her...." Skeppy mumbled while hiding behind a bush "Dream used it on her.... he lied to me... he never had a sister... he made that girl forget herself" he buried his face in his hands.

"And it's all my fault"


Techno decided to take a nice stroll around the halls after he finished doing his paperwork for the day, his eyes getting caught when he noticed Angela help that Skeppy guy, seemingly looking for something. He got extremely jealous when he saw her place a hand on his forehead and even more when she offered him some bread. But the last drop was when he saw her touch his chest, from afar he couldn't see she was healing him and so he became extremely angry.

No one, no one takes what's his!


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