《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》The legend




The next day, after she finished her gardening tasks, Angela decided to practice with her magic a bit, so she and Sam sat around the fountain and started creating some small objects, like rings and flowers.

They were made of magic, which meant that as soon as she stopped feeding it to them, they would disappear, they had a glassy look, semi-transparent and cold upon touch.

"I wonder if it has other uses as well" she mumbled to herself "I'm not sure, but i know the king has a book about the magical creatures in his library, perhaps we can consult that and see what it says.

"Oh Sam you're a genius! Let's go do that!"

(that's right, it's lore time)


The two headed towards the king's private library, he wasn't there today, he had a meeting with his generals or something like that and said he won't be able to join them until after lunch. Once they reached the library they soon found the book, which was a pretty large one as well, since it had at least a thousand pages.

"Just how many magical creature exists!?" she asked, placing the book on the table with a loud 'tump'.

"A lot i guess?" Sam added sarcastically, receiving a small punch from her, the two giggling "Alright let's search then" she started to flicker throughout the pages, finding her chapter in a few minutes.

"Elythrians, there we go" she sat more comfortably and started reading.

"Elythrians are believed to be an ancient race who descend from angels, although there aren't any proof of that aside from the occasional female born with white feathers. They are very fast flyers, the males are usually faster than the females but there can be some exceptions" she turned the page.

"Their wings are extremely large and they can change their sizes depending on the fact if they have to walk or fly. They molt in the early summer to change their winter feathers with summer ones, in this period they are very vulnerable, since they can't fly. Both male and females can use magic, although not everyone is skilled enough to use it efficiently" she flipped the page again.


"Magic can be of four kinds, attack, defense, healing or support, each Elythrian can use up to two of them, there hasn't been any report of an Elythrian using more than two kinds of magics but many believe that the females with white feathers could, even though there aren't any recorded cases" she looked at the image of an Elythrian with white wings, passing a hand over it, sighing. It must feel nice to fly.

"Their wings are extremely sensitive, for are rich of nervous receptors" she cringed, remembering the immense pain she felt on her back when they pulled them off "Never touch an Elythrian wings, they are considered a very personal space and usually only couples do it" she blushed a bit at the thought of Techno brushing her wings, she wondered how it would feel, but that won't happen since... you know....

"They fancy music, especially the females, who love singing and plying musical instruments" the memory from a while back flashed again in her mind, she could see it more clearly now, the one who was playing the flute... it was a girl... probably her friend.

"The females born with white wings are instilled of a higher rank of nobility, since they are believed to be special and very rare, some think that their white wings represents their purity and it changes back to black once they commit a crime or betray who they love, although this has never been proved"

"That's sad" Sam commented.

"Legends say that they are sworn enemies with a mysterious race that lives underground, deep below the bedrock and into the void, the elders pass down a rhyme to remember this legend" she turned the page, seeing an image of white winged Elythrian and what looked like a blue devil fight, a phrase written under it.

"Two faces of the same world, two sides of the same coin, yet they fight for control, over the sky and the void. Their blood poisons us, our feathers burns them, they take from us, we bring to them. We are on a tie, constantly taking and giving, in a war that neither parts even remember the beginning, we want peace, but we fight, for if we stop, the world will be reduced to ashes" she stopped, seeing that the phrase ended there.


"Wait, there's more here" Sam pointed out, seeing it continue on the next page, under another image, this one picturing the devil and white Elythrian exchanging gifts.

"But one day, a dark devil with a pure heart will befriend one of us, together they'll find a way, and finally bring our wolds back as one" they exchanged a confused look "What is that supposed to mean?" she shrugged "It's an old legend, they rarely make sense at all" she was about to close the book when she noticed there was another chapter after that one, so she kept reading.

"It's important to notice that white Elythrians are much more sensitive to strong emotions such as love and hatred, there had been some reported cases of them dying once their mate abandoned them. Autopsy have confirmed that all of them had died of a heart attack, even though some were extremely young and healthy subjects, this medical case has been given the name of Tako-tsubo syndrome, or more commonly known as the broken heart syndrome" Sam worriedly looked at Angela.

"A-are you ok?" he asked, making her giggle "I'm fine Sam, i'm not gonna die just for having read this, besides, i'm not heartbroken" she smiled, calming him down "Yeah, you're right, sorry" his gaze fell on the image on the next page "Hey, what's that?" he asked, pointing at it.

"Ghosts" she read out "They are considered a magical creature, even though they cannot be born or reproduce normally. A ghost is 'born' after a person with a very strong regret dies, their spirit remains tied on this realm and doesn't allow them to move on until that regret is settled, which can become hard, since most forget what it is. As an example, if you died and regret not telling a person you loved your true feelings, then you'll forget who that person is" she flipped the page.

"They cannot touch any earthly material item and often turn invisible when they are scared, although not all of them are capable of doing it. They can phase through walls and other solid objects. Interactions with physical people is possible, but it requires training and a lot of focus from their part, which isn't often achieved. They tend to show up more to children than adults, feeling more comfortable around them. Once a ghost has solved his regret, it is given a choice, to move on or remain on earth, on which case they'll remain with their loved ones until they've all passed, at which point they, too, will pass"

She heard Sam sniffle and turned to see him try his best to hold back the tears, which made her giggle.

"You got emotional there Sam?" she teased.

"N-no, i'm g-good" he mumbled out, wiping away his tears "Come on, let's go to eat, it'a almost lunch time"


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