《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Not fit to rule




Angela woke up the next day still feeling a bit dizzy, she sat up and was surprised to see Techno lay down next to her in the bed. She instantly blushed, remembering what happened the day before.

"Oh my G-god... that actually... actually happened?" she asked herself, standing up and walking towards her window, opening the curtain a bit to see outside, it was early morning, a bit later than when she usually woke up but still.

She opened the window a bit, taking in a deep breath of refreshing air, feeling the nausea alleviate a bit.

"Up so soon?" the king called, causing her to jump "M-my apologies, i-i didn't mean to wake you up your majesty" she stuttered out, making him chuckle. He stood up, walking up to her.

"How are you feeling? Is your head giving you any troubles?" he asked, passing a hand over the bandages.

"I-it's fine, i'm just a b-bit dizzy, that's all" she answered, making the king frown a bit "Perhaps you should stay in and rest for today, i'll send Sam to warn the gardener that you won't come today" he calmly said, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Go back to sleep, it's still pretty early" he said in a loving voice, causing her to blush "I-i'm not tired... c-can i go to the library instead?" she asked, feeling in the mood to read some books. The king sighed, giving her a kind smile.

"Alright, get changed then, i'll wait for you outside of the door" he left the room and Angela quickly changed in her normal clothes, being careful not to ruin the king's gown, returning it to him once she came back out.

"Y-your gown your highness" she gave it to him and he took it "Thank you" the two started walking into the hallways, soon running into the councilmen, who quickly caught up to him.

"Your majesty, there you are! We were-"

"Looking for me? Yeah i guessed so, what is it this time?" he asked annoyed, not wanting to deal with them after what happened yesterday to Angela, who in the meantime had took several steps back so not to be noticed.

"Have you already chosen another lady to summon to the castle? We understand the last one wasn't of your liking but there's still plenty to choose from" one asked, making him sigh. This again, he was getting really tired of putting on this farce, he wanted it to end... actually... now he could end it.


"Actually, i've already found someone i'm interested in" he said, catching their interest "Oh that's wonderful, who is it? Shall we summon her at once?" he smiled, looking back at Angela and gesturing her to come closer, she hesitated at first but then complied, walking a bit closer to the king, still remaining several steps behind him.

"There's no need to, she's already here" the king walked the remaining distance between them, going to stand by her side "Her name is Angela" he said with a smile, shocking the councilmen.

"What?!" they all shouted, making Angela cringe and visibly shrink a bit "Your majesty you can't be serious, she's a commoner and a magic creature! She's no fit to become a queen!"

"She's a noble actually and the fact that is a magic creature doesn't bother me at all" he said, taking her hand "I'm in love with this woman and plan to make her my bride if she wishes to become it" Angela blushed hard, looking away embarrassed.

"You ma-"

"Listen, this is not up for discussion. You wanted me to find a possible bride and i did, she's a noble and she's beautiful, so you either shut your mouth and accept it or i'll make you shut up" he threatened gravely, making the councilmen fall quiet.

"Now if you excuse us, we've got places to be" Techno pushed past them, and kept walking towards the dining room to eat something, still holding onto Angela's hand. After she was sure they were out of earshot she talked again.

"Y-your majesty, w-what was that about?" she asked, her face still bright red.

"I told you yesterday, i love you Angela, and nothing is gonna change that, not them, not anybody else" he said in a calm voice.

"I-i-i know it's just... was it really necessary to... tell them now? W-we just... k-kissed once a-and..." she lost track of where she was going with that, beginning to stutter some random sentences, which made the king laugh lightly, he loved how easily she got flustered.

"Don't you want to be with me?" he asked, interrupting her train of thought "O-of course i do! I-it's just... i-i don't like b-being in the c-center of the attention" she explained.

"I'll tell them to leave you alone, don't worry" he leaned down to deliver a quick kiss on her lips "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, ok?" she shyly nodded, a small smile appearing on her face.


The two soon reached the dining room, still holding hands. When Techno opened the door he saw Sam pace next to Phil, Ranboo looked a bit worried as well.

"Calm down Sam, i told you she's fine and will be here soon" he assured for the millionth time "But what if she hates me? It's my fault she got hurt in the first place!"

"Sam?" Angela called, catching their attention, Sam immediately piped up, going to hug her.

"I'm so sorry! I promise to be more careful in the future! I'll make it up to you!" he shouted, almost tackling her to the ground "I-it's ok, don't worry, i-i'm the one who told you to get the dirt, it's my fault as well" she assured, patting his back.

He soon let go and wiped away a few tears that had fallen down from his eyes, going to stand by her side, keeping his guard high, which made Phil roll his eyes.

"How are you feeling Angela?" Phil asked when they sat down "Better thanks, still a bit dizzy though, but i'll be fine" she assured with a bright smile.

"She won't go to the garden, she'll stay in my private library with us today, so i can keep an eye on her" Techno explained, causing Angela choke on her water, coughing a bit.

"T-your majesty! I can j-just go to the normal library, there's no need for me t-"

"The shape-shifter might still be around and we don't know if he has any associates inside the castle, i would rather to keep you close in case he shows up again" he explained, shushing her up.

"W-well... i-if you put it that way...." she mumbled, complying with his request.


After breakfast they all headed towards the king's private library, it was smaller but very well kept, with lots of expensive looking books. Techno set himself to work on his desk, while Angela and Sam moved to the other side of the room, still in the king's sight but not visible from whoever came in from the front door.

She grabbed a few books and quietly started to read them, not disturbing the king, since he had work to do. Soon she heard someone open the door, causing Sam to tense up, reaching for his sword.

"Your majesty, could you spare me some of your time?" the voice of one of the councilmen asked, making Sam relax and the king sigh.

"Fine, just be quick" he said annoyed, placing down the papers he was holding.

"We understand that we might have been... pressing on the subject of you finding a bride but please, this is just ridiculous. Why would you ever want to marry a girl with no wealth or noble title, especially since she's a magical creature! What would your subjects think?"

Angela's expression saddened a bit, this was exactly what she feared, she didn't want the king to get in trouble because of her.

"Think of your kingdom your highness, what kind of heir would she give you? A dirty hybrid probably, no fit for ruling" a few tears started to form in her eyes, threatening to spill.

"She's just a girl like many others, you deserve, and can obtain so much better my king" he was right, she was just a common girl like many others, she was even worse then the other common girls, she didn't have money, a family, a home. All she had was a trouble past that she could barely remember and two large scars on her back.

The king slammed his hands on the desk, causing everyone in the room to jump and fall quiet "ENOUGH!"

"I will NOT allow you talk like that about the woman i love" he shouted, walking around his desk and towards the man "I do not care what you think of her, i do not care if you think she's unfit to rule, she's the most kind and caring person i've ever met and she's ten times better than any of those other leeches you've made me encounter at the ball!" the man took a few steps back.

"So you better shut your mouth and accept it, because if i hear another word against her coming out from your mouth i will personally make sure that you won't be able to speak ever again" he threatened in a dark voice, leaning over "Am i clear?"

"Y-y-yes your m-majesty" the man stuttered out, quickly leaving and closing the door behind him.

Sam confusedly looked at Angela, who was blushing hard after having heard the king speak about her like that, he leaned over to whisper to her.

"You two are dating?" he asked, causing her to hide her face behind the book, silently nodding "Oh.... that explains it then" he said with a giggle.


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