《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》I love you




Philza dodged another blow that was coming at him, he had been fighting for several minutes now and was starting to lose due to the fact that he was having a duel with an iron sword against a netherite one, which was sure doing a number on his's.

"What's wrong old man? Getting tired?" he teased, delivering a hard blow, which he lucky parried, the edge of his sword had almost been completely blunted, even if he did manage to hit him he wouldn't be able to do much damage now.

'Dammit Techno, where are you?! What's taking you so long!?' he internally cursed, dodging yet another blow but getting kicked to the ground and hitting his back against a nearby tree.

"P-phil?" a voice behind him weakly called, he turned to see Angela slowly start to wake up, a stain of blood coming down form her head and over her eye, showing that she had been hit pretty hard by Sapnap before.

"W-wha... what is happening?" she asked, still half dozed and confused. Sapnap grinned, deciding to have some fun with Philza before finishing him off. He quickly made his way over Angela and grabbed her, holding his sword against her neck, causing Phil to freeze.

"Not another step old man, or our little Angy won't have a head to speak with anymore" he threatened with a sickening smile, making Phil grit his teeth in anger.

"Let her go! This is battle between me and you! Leave her out of this!" he shouted angrily, taking a step forth, but Sapnap pressed his blade against her neck, making her whimper and drawing some blood.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you, i have orders to get her back to my base or get rid of her, and right now i'm leaning against the latter option" he teased.

"Why you..." he angrily spat out, he needed to find a way to free her, and he needed to find it fast!

"L-leave Phil" she called, catching his attention "J-just go... i don't want you to d-die" she begged.

"I'm not leaving you behind, just hold tight, we'll get out out of this situation" he assured in a firm voice, she smiled "It's ok... i enjoyed our time together... i'm not scared of dying... not anymore" a few tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Thank you for being my friend Phil... i'm sorry it had to end like this... please... just leave.... and tell Techno that... i'm sorry... for not telling him... how i really felt" she said in a resigned tone, closing her eyes. Sapnap grinned.

"I guess this sets it then, goodbye little birdie" he lifted his arm up in the air in order to deliver one strong, fatal blow. Phil dashed forwards, trying to stop him.


"Nooo!!" he shouted, he would never make it in time, he was too far away. But just as the blade was about to hit her, the spirit felt something sharp hit him from behind, followed by a loud 'thump' and a few seconds later his body felt lighter.

He turned to see that the noise was caused by his right arm, which had been cut clean off, still clenching the sword in it's hand.

"Ahhh!" he screamed, letting go of Angela and stumbling back, holding what was let of his arm, hot magma dripping down from the injury, he turned around to see who caused it, seeing Techno stand there, his eyes filled with hatred and anger, as well as a strong murderous intent.


Sapnap soon realized he wouldn't be able to defeat him, seeing that he too, had a netherite sword, so he quickly shifted into a wolf and ran away, Techno chased after him, managing to hit his tail and left eye before he losing his tracks in the thick vegetation.

"Coward" he spat out under his breath, walking back towards where he had let Philza and Angela, seeing him kneel down beside her, trying to wake her up.

"How is she?" he asked, kneeling on the opposite side and taking her in his arms "The wound doesn't seem too deep, she's probably just stunned and confused" he answered.

Techno placed a hand on her cheek, making her stir in her sleep, leaning into his touch, he sighed in relief.

"That fucker will pay dearly for that, you have my word Phil" he said in a dark voice, gritting his teeth "I will hunt him down 'till the end of the world" he swore, no one hurts the people he loved and lived enough to tell the story.

"She's waking up" Phil called, catching his attention, noticing that she was starting to open her eyes a bit. He pulled her closer, moving her hair away.

"Angela?" he called, her eyes slowly focusing on him, her vision was still very blurry, but she could make out his pink hair "T... Techno?" she said unsure, reaching out with her hand, he took it, holding it close to his heart, a smile forming on his face.

"I'm here, you're safe now" he said in a soft voice, leaning over a bit "I'm sorry, this is all my fault, i shouldn't have left you alone, i should have known he would come back" he apologized, lowering his gaze, not daring to meet her eyes. He didn't want her to see him like this, even though she could barely see him at all.

"I'm sorry i... i..."

"...ve you" she mumbled, her voice sounding very tired, he leaned closer in order to hear her "What?" she grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him down and connecting their lips into a kiss, his eyes widening in surprise. They broke apart soon after.

"I... love you..." she whispered, before her eyes closed and she fell back asleep, leaving a stunned Techno to elaborate what just happened. Phil snickered, catching his attention.

"I guess she did tell you first in the end" he teased.


Angela woke up several hours later in her room, it was dark so she guessed it was night, she sat up, flinching at the pain coming from her head.

"Wha..." she reached to it, feeling some bandages around it "What happened?" she looked around the dark room, not really seeing anything due to the low level of light.

"Angela?" he heard someone call from her right, making her jump.

"W-w-who's there?" she asked, her voice shaking, she still couldn't see anything, as all the curtains were pulled and it was almost pitch black. She heard some shuffling, followed by a lantern lighting up, allowing her so see a bit.

"How are you feeling?" Techno asked, placing the lantern on the nightstand.

"Y-your majesty?! W-what are you doing in my room?" she asked, looking around embarrassingly.

"Don't you remember what happened?" he asked, his question catching her off guard.

"I..." she tried to recall the events of the day "I remember... seeing a lava hound and... and then everything went dark..." she looked back at him "Your majesty what happened? Did i get attacked?" she asked, now confused.


"Yes, by the same person that took your wings, that shape-shifter" she cringed "He kidnapped you but we managed to catch up to him and get you back" he explained.

"He's... still out there... isn't he?" she asked, receiving a nod from him, she shivered a bit at the thought that who hurt her was still out there and tried to finish the job today, what was going to stop him from trying again?

'What if he comes back? He could kill me. I don't want to die. I don't want to feel that pain again' she though, starting to shake a bit. She jumped when Techno placed his gown over her shoulders, sitting beside her on the bed.

"Y-your highness?"

"I'm sorry, this was all my fault, i should have known he would come back for you but i still did nothing" he apologized, clenching his fists "It's my fault you got hurt"

"O-oh n-no it's not your fault! I-i was too careless and-" he pulled her into a hug, shushing her.

"I was so scared... when you were laying there in my arms, not moving i though... i though i lost you... " he tightened his grip "Don't ever do something like that again... please..." he begged. Angela had never seen a king beg, and surely wasn't expecting Techno to be the first one to do it.

"I-i'll try but... your majesty i-i'm just a commoner... why do you care so much about m-me?" he released her from the hug, staring deep into her azure eyes.

"Because i love you" he answered softly, causing her eyes to widen and her cheeks to go red "I loved you since the first moment i layed eyes on you by that lake, your voice was beautiful, just like your hair..." he gently passed a hand through her silky blond hair, slowly traveling up her neck.

"Your eyes..." he leaned over, his gaze never breaking apart "Your lips..." he gently pulled her into a kiss, she was so soft and delicate, like a morning flower that had just bloomed. He pulled away a few seconds later, seeing that she was as red as a tomato, which made him chuckle a bit.

"Y-y-your m-majesty w-wha... why?!" she asked, still not believing what just happened. The king laughed softly.

"Well i couldn't just back down after you confessed to me first now could i?" he joked a bit, earning a confused look from her "C-confessed?" she gasped "I-i thought... so... it wasn't a dream..." she mumbled the last part, looking away embarrassed.

"W-what is going to h-happen now?" she asked, her voice wavering a bit.

"I don't know... we could start dating if you want" he proposed, causing her to flinch "B-but i'm not a noble"

"Yes you are, Phil filled me in and besides..." he edged closer so their faces were just a few inches apart "Even if you weren't i wouldn't care, i love you, and nothing is gonna change that" she shivered a bit when he moved his hand on her cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb.

"Do you want to be with me?" he asked in a soft voice, she hesitated a moment before shyly nodding, making the king grin.

"Y-your hi-"

"No" he stopped her, his firm tone making her jump.

"Call me by my name" he demanded.

"I-i can't do that! N-not even Philza does it" she protested, feeling that if she did call the king by his name in front of others she would drawn unwanted attention on both of them.

"Then at least do it now" he wrapped his other hand around her waist, pulling her on his lap "Do it when it's just you and me" he said mellowly, making her blush harder.

"I-if... if his m-majesty is ok with it then...." she shyly looked back at him "I-i'll call you b-by your name t-then... b-b-but only when w-we are alone" she remarked, making Techno smile.

"Go on then" he called, she stayed quiet for several seconds, fidgeting with her fingers before talking again "T... T-techno..." she whispered, feeling embarrassed, her reaction only made the king smile wider.

"Again" he demanded softly.

"T-techno" she repeated, this time a bit more confidently.

"More" he said mellowly.

"Tech-" he didn't let her finish, pulling her into another kiss, after the initial shock wore off, she gave in, closing her eyes and melting into the kiss. Techno moved his hand on her back while she wrapped hers around his neck, edging closer, wanting more closure, more warmth, more touch, more him.

He slid his tongue in, making her moan softly against his lips, which he loved, he decided in this moment that it was the most beautiful sound his ears have ever heard and wanted to hear it more.

He tilted her head upwards, deepening the kiss and making her moan louder "Techno" she softly called as he pulled her closer to him, their chests touching, allowing their hearts to speak to each other. The room was soon filled by the sound of soft moans and heavy breathing as they kept making out on her bed, neither of them wanting this moment to end.

She gasped when Techno slid a hand under her shirt, causing her to break the kiss for a short second, soon connecting their lips once more. She shivered pleasantly under his warm touch, letting out a shaky breath on his lips as she slid a hand on his scalp, passing it through his long pink hair.

After a few more minutes she pulled back "T-techno" she weakly called, making him open his eyes and notice that she had a pained expression over her face, which alarmed him.

"What's wrong?" he asked worried "My head... it hurts..." she mumbled out, feeling tired and dizzy. She leaned on him, placing her head against his chest, not being able to keep it up by herself.

"It's ok, you're fine, it'll be over by tomorrow" he gently placed her down on the bed "Just sleep a bit, you'll feel better in the morning" he assured in a caring voice, placing a kiss on her cheek and starting to leave.

"W-wait" she called, grabbing his sleeve weakly "S-stay... please..." she begged in a tired voice, to which Techno couldn't say no to.

He sighed, laying down as well, gently pulling her closer so her head was resting on his chest, his even heartbeat soon sending her in the realm of dreams.

"Techno..." she called in her sleep, nuzzling her head in his shirt, he smiled, closing his eyes and falling asleep.


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