《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Do you think he forgot?




1 Year ago

"Abby you need to learn to control your power better, i can't keep going back to the village to return their kids every time they wander off here. The parents are starting to get angry" Skeppy said annoyed, it was the fourth time they had to move out because of this and he was getting tired of it.

"I'm trying ok!? It's not easy when you are a high ranking demon and have a lot of power to suppress!" she shouted angrily, growing a bit in size. Bad immediately stepped in to break them apart, not wanting to risk another collapse incident like last time.

"Calm down guys, fighting won't resolve anything" he pointed out. Abby scoffed, shrinking back down and angrily walking back in her room, slamming the door and making Bad cringe.

"I'm gonna need to find another place for us to stay soon i guess... again" Skeppy sighed, standing up and taking out a small map, looking for some new caves they could use.

"You could have been a bit nicer in telling her that you know?" Bad said a bit angry at his friend behavior, for which he received a glare.

"Listen Bad, i summoned her here because you asked me, i understand she's your friend but she can't keep doing whatever she wants, if she can't control her power then she needs to stop going to the village to play with the kids" he scolded.

"She likes playing with them! You can't ask her that, and the kids love her"

"Oh yeah? Then why does she always wear an eyepatch on her left eye? Oh that's right, to hide the fact that it doesn't have a pupil and it might 'scare the kids' " he said mockingly, angering Bad.

"Don't talk about her like that! She's just self conscious when she's around other people, she doesn't wear it here because she trusts you Skeppy" Skeppy rolled his eyes, closing the map.


"Whatever man" he place it back on the shelf, accidentally knocking over a glass vial that contained a white feather, causing it to break.

"I'll get it" Bad said, reaching out to grab the feather, but when he touched it his fingers started to melt. He screamed, scrambling back and holding his hand. Abby soon ran out of her room, drawn by the noise and immediately went by Bad's side, seeing him in pain.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I-i-i just t-touched it" Bad stuttered out, his eyes locked on the white feather which candidly layed on the floor, Skeppy touched it insecurely, before picking it up without any problem.

"What is that?" Abby asked, pulling Bad away from it. Skeppy reached down and grabbed the piece of glass with the description of the object.

"Female white Elythrian feather" he read out, looking at them "You demons are... hurt by feathers?" he asked incredulous.

"What? Of course we aren't!" she shouted, gasping upon remembering something "There... there's an old tale... that my parents used to tell me, when i was young" she started as Skeppy grabbed some bandages to patch up Bad's hand.

"They said we are the opposite of another specie, a specie that lives in the sky instead of the underground, they are the light and we are the darkness. They said that their white feathers are toxic for us but so is our blood for them. It thought it was just a legend..." she mumbled the last part.

"According to my knowledge, only female Elythrian can sometimes present white wings, but it's a really rare case and they are often far apart from each other, with no blood correlation at all" he said as he finished patching Bad's up.

"As long as you don't touch any of their white feathers you should be fine" he said with a smile.



Present time

"Do you think he forgot about us?" Bad asked, laying against the wall of his prison, fidgeting with his hands, which were shaking a bit. The room was pitch black but that never bothered him, what bothered him was the fact that he was separated from Abby by a thick layer of iron bars.

He couldn't shrink and simply pass through the gasp, there was a limit at the size he could shrink and it wasn't enough. He couldn't even break it with force, since it was covered with those white feathers that hurted him, he tried a few times but only managed to get his hands and wings severely burnt.

"I'm sure he's doing all that is in his power to free us Bad, have faith in him" Abby answered, they had been trapped in the same room for several weeks now, their warden kept giving them food but for her it wasn't enough, she needed a larger amount of nourishment, so she was getting weaker and weaker by the day.

They kept taking out their blood regularly and storing it in large containers, if they refused to cooperate the warden would cut off their food supply, so they quickly adapted, preferring to lose a bit of blood rather than starve to death.

"How are you feeling today?" he asked, she sighed "Tired... hungry, but i reckon i can survive another month like this" she joked, laughing a bit "We'll be out soon, don't worry"

"I don't think so" the warden said, suddenly entering the room with a torch in hand, it's light temporally blinding the two demons. He threw their meals at them "Now behave, i found the little birdie that escaped my grasps and have to inform the boss about it"


(yes i'm keeping you in the fog XD)

"So you found her? Is she here?" he asked.

"Yes, she lives in the castle and is always accompanied by either a guard or the chief of the royal guards, for some reasons she spends a lot of time with the king. Oh and get this, she likes him, and it seems like the king likes her back, but none of them has yet said anything" the warden said, making a grin appear on the other man's face.

"Excellent news, we can use this at our advantage. How are our prisoners doing?" he asked.

"The female is getting weaker, she keeps saying she's a higher demon and needs more nourishment but 'under form of motherly love' whatever the fuck that means" he said annoyed "I don't think she's gonna last another month, the little guy is doing fine, he stopped trying to escape after the fourth try severely burned his wings, i don't think he's gonna be able to fly anymore with that kind of injury" the warden said with a smile.

"Well done, we better part ways now, i've been gone for too long, the guards will start to look for me if i don't return soon" the warden nodded "What should i do with our little birdie then?"

"See if you can capture her, but if you can't just get rid of her, i hate so see her face every time i walk into the garden" and with that the man quickly left, leaving the warden alone, who soon turned into a wolf and disappeared into the thick forest vegetation that surrounded the castle.

"With pleasure"


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