《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Not your fault




Angela was gazing outside the window in her room when she heard a knock on her door, she went to open it and was surprised to see Phil stand there, a small bouquet of white tulips in hand.

"Uhh Philza?" she called unsure if it was really him.

"Techno told me to give you these as an apology for yesterday, i'm not sure what he did this time but i hope you can forgive him, he can be a bit of an idiot sometimes" he said in a bit of an annoyed voice, offering the flowers to her.

"O-oh! No no he's not an idiot! T-thanks for the flowers, they are really pretty" she mumbled, taking the bouquet and quickly placing it in a nearby vase, adding some water so they wouldn't wilt.

"Would you mind walking with me a bit? I need to talk to you" Phil asked.

"S-sure uhh... where's Sam?"

"I gave him the day off, you'll be with me now, come on, let's go to the garden, i know you like it there" she quickly followed him outside and into the garden, the two soon starting to talk.

"Say Angela" he begun "What do you think of Techno?" he asked.

"Well... he's a good king, he's kind and takes care of his subjects very well, it's clear that he cares about them a lot" she smiled, passing a hand over a nearby bush "I've never seen him fight but Puffy told me he's very strong, so i believe her on the word" she giggled, making Philza smile, she really was a simple soul alright, so pure.

"What do you think about a queen?" she stopped for a moment, giving him a confused look "A queen?" she repeated.

"Techno is gonna need to fine a consort soon, what do you think about it?" he asked in a calm voice, noticing her fidget a bit with her hands.

"I mean... i know the kingdom needs a new queen and... i just hope he finds someone that is as nice and kind to his subjects as he is. I also hope for the king to be happy as well so... hopefully he will marry someone he loves" she said with a hint of sadness, which Phil noticed.


"Do you like our king Angela?" she jumped a bit "I-i mean, o-of course i do, he's a nice king, everyone likes him" Phil sighed.

"I meant if you like our king, Angela" he put particular emphasis on the word like this time, clarifying his true question.

"I-i-i..." she blushed, looking away and causing Phil to smile "H-he's a v-very good l-looking man a-and has a n-nice personality a-and-" she started to ramble, making him giggle lightly.

"Why don't you go tell him?" he teased a bit.

"A-are you crazy?! I c-can't do that! He's the k-king and i'm a commoner!" she shouted, immediately shushing herself once she noticed how loud she was.

"That's not completely true" she gave him a confused look "You see, among Elythrians, those who have white wings are considered nobility, and since you are one of them, you too technically are a noble" he explained.

"I-i am? But i don't have my wings anymore" he shook his head "That doesn't matter, you still remain as one, many kingdoms don't recognize our nobility as such, since it's not passed down by the family, but we aren't one of them" he smiled, patting her back a bit too energetically, causing her to flinch in pain.

"Ah sorry" he quickly apologized.

"S-so.... you're saying that... i-i could..." he nodded "By technically being a noble you could become the king's bride" she blushed harder at the word bride, hiding her face in her hands.

"Why are you telling me this? Why now?" she asked, her voice a bit muffled.

"I figured i would give you guys a little help seeing that you are both gasping like fishes out of water" he joked, a particular word catching her attention "Both?" she asked.

"Yeah, Techno likes you too Angela, didn't you notice? It's so obvious" he said nonchalantly, he didn't know he had just triggered a bomb.

"WHAT?!" Phil flinched at the volume of her voice "Quiet down, someone might hear us" he scolded but she didn't hear him, she was too busy pacing back and forth mumbling to herself.

"T-there's no way that he a-actually l-likes me right? It was j-just an a-accident... right?" Phil rolled his eyes, God they were hopeless. He dragged her in a more secluded area so she could calm down a bit.


"Hey it's ok, you don't have to confess to him right now if you're not ready, just breathe, calm down" he said in a calm voice, she listened, taking some deep breaths until she was calmer.

"A-are you serious a-about.... h-he..." Phil chuckled "Yes he likes you, trust me. I've been by his side long enough to know when something's off with him" he answered, placing a hand on her shoulder "Just take your time, i'm sure he'll muster up enough courage to tell you himself eventually" he assured, managing to make her smile a bit.

"Thank you Phil" she looked up at the sky, staring at the clouds a bit, she could see some other Elythrian fly by, some kids playing in the air, they all looked very happy... shame she would never get to experience it.

"Do you want to fly?" he asked, catching her attention "What?"

"Do you want to fly? I can take you up if you want to" he proposed, spreading his wings a bit.

"Y-you would?" he nodded "It's pretty easy for me since you are light, not like Techno" he commented, making her snicker.

"Y..." she hesitated a second, her smile slowly fading "No... it's better if you don't..." she said in a sad voice.

"What? Why?" he asked confused, she looked so exited a few seconds ago and now was suddenly sad.

"If you bring me up there then i'll know how it feels like... i'll feel the wind in my hair, the sun on my skin.... i... i'll come to miss it... it's better if i never experience it... so i will never come to miss it..." she sighed, hugging herself and letting out a sad giggle.

"Funny... i can't even remember if i ever learned how to fly but... i still somehow miss the sky" a few tears slid down her face, Phil went to hug her, wrapping her with his wings.

"Shhhh, it's ok, you'll be fine. I'll find whoever did this to you and they'll pay, i promise" he whispered in a caring voice, he heard her shuffle a bit in under his grasp.

"Don't... please... i keep seeing memories of it... when they took them... my family... my friends... they tried to fight back but... they all got killed" she clasped his shirt hard "I don't want you to get hurt Phil, i don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me... not anymore... i don't want to lose the people i care about... please"

Phil stayed silent, stunned by her revelation, he sighed in the end, deciding to get some more information.

"Alright, i won't look for them... but at least tell me what you've remembered" he asked in a caring voice, she hesitated at first, not wanting to recall the events, but she figured it would be best for Philza to know, since he's the chief of the guards.

"There was fire... a lot... they set our village on fire and dragged me away... i..." she started to remember bits, some short images flashing in front of her eyes.

"They... it changed form... i saw them... it was only one person but... it fought like an army and... there was so much blood Phil... everyone was screaming and... i couldn't do anything...." she started to shake.

"It's all my fault... they would still be alive if... if i wasn't born with those stupid wings... i caused this... they died because of me Phil... i did this..." he pulled her closer.

"It's not your fault Angela, there will always be some evil people who want to hurt others for their own gains, your having white wings has nothing to do with this" he assured in a fatherly tone "You're safe now, as long as you remain in this kingdom me and Techno will always protect you, i... we won't let anyone else get hurt because of some little shape-shifting bitch" he manage to snatch a small giggle from her.

"Thanks Phil..."


Neither of them noticed the figure who had been listening to the whole conversation, well hidden in a nearby bush as a dog. And as it arrived, it was soon gone, leaving no trace behind aside some paw footprints, which after several hundred meters started to turn into human feet.

"Found you little birdie"


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