《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Unexpected visit




The first thing Techno had on his agenda today was apologize and explain himself to Angela, so as soon as he got up and changed he made a beeline for her room, knocking on the door.

"Angela? Are you there? Can we talk?" he called, not hearing any response.

"Uhm... your majesty?" a voice behind him called, he turned around and was surprised to see Puffy stand there "I-if you're looking for Angela s-she and Sam left about an hour ago for the m-market" Techno sighed, he came too late.

"Thank you Puffy" he was really tempted to just go to the market himself but he refrained himself from doing it. He decided to head towards the dining room to eat, running into the councilmen on his way there.

"Oh your majesty! We were just looking for you, have you made up your mind about what lady to summon?" one of them asked, making him roll his eyes, he really didn't want to be bordered by them today.

"Uh yeah, the one dressed in a red and blue dress" he said dismissively, not stopping, soon reaching the dining room, Philza and Ranboo already waiting for him there, surprisingly enough, the councilmen didn't follow him, but he didn't give too much thought about it.

He ate his breakfast and then did some of his royal duties, constantly gazing outside the window in hope to see Angela walk into the castle. He saw her when it was about lunch time, returning with a lot of pots and other gardening stuff in hand, Sam helping her out.

He immediately shot to his feet and darted out of his room, making Phil shake his head in disapproval, soon chasing after him. He practically flew down the stairs, running towards the front door and opening it.

Needless to say he was quite shocked when instead of Angela he saw another girl stand there, a carriage behind her. She was wearing an elegant red dress and had her hair tied in a bun over her head.


"Your majesty! What a warm welcome, i wasn't expecting such a greeting from you" she giggled a bit, bowing down. Techno was extremely confused, who was this woman? And what was she doing here?

"Ah your majesty!" the councilman behind her called "We called the lady you requested, she came as soon as she could" he explained. Techno internally screamed, remembering that he did in fact told them to call her, but he didn't even give them a name, he didn't even remember her name.

Techno sighed, he couldn't back out now, he had to go through or it would bring some troubles with the family of the girl and stain his reputation as a good king, so he put on a forced smile.

"It's nice to see you again" he said, his eyes getting drawn away from her as he saw Angela enter the garden with the pots. He cringed, knowing that he couldn't go to her now.

"Why don't we get some tea? I heard you are quite a fan of it" she proposed, wrapping her hands around his arm, he had to forcefully refrain himself from shaking her off, and so the two started to walk back towards the dining room, Philza still following him while the others scattered away.

"I'm really glad that his majesty liked me, i hope to not let your hopes down" she lightly joked, giggling a bit. Techno faked a giggle as well, trying not to be rude, he was hating the situation he had gotten himself into but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Why don't we take our tea outside? It's such a lovely day today" she suggested.

"Oh-uhm... the garden is under renovation so..." Phil shook his head at the poorly thought excuse, it was very clear that a small section of the garden was without flowers but the majority of it had already been planted and cleaned.


"That gazebo seems ok to me" she commented, looking outside of the window and seeing the nicely kept gazebo. Techno cringed, giving in.

"Fine, we can go there i suppose"


"Your garden is so nicely kept your majesty, what's your secret?" she asked as some servants brought their tea. Techno, being raised as a gentleman, poured her cup before his own, handing it out.

"I just have good gardeners, they really work hard and this is the final result" he answered with a smile, sitting back down and drinking a sip of his hot tea. He saw Angela appear out of the corner of his eye with a pot in hand, she looked quite happy, Sam was right behind her, also with a pot.

"Oh, are they the gardener you've told me about? They look quite busy and... dirty" she said the last word in a derogatory tone, which didn't set right with Techno but he tried not to show it.

"It's normal for them to get dirty considering the job they do" he defended, deciding to add some honey to his tea, suddenly feeling a bitter taste in his mouth.

"I suppose, but that girl is carrying a really beautiful flower" she stood up "Hey, you girl!" she called, catching her attention "Yes you, come here" Angela looked confusedly at Sam, who just shrugged, the two walked towards them.

"I-is there something you need from me miss?" she asked, keeping a respectful tone seeing that she was clearly a noble by the way she was dressed.

"Yes, i would like you to give me the flower you're carrying" Techno, as well as Angela were taken aback by her sudden request.

"E-excuse me?" she asked hesitantly, making her scoff "I want that flower, it's really pretty, give it to me" she said, pointing at the white rose she had in the pot.

"B-but... t-this..." she didn't want to give away Bianca, sure, it was just a flower but it was the first flower she had got, and it was a gift from a friend too, so it was even more important for her. Seeing her in distress Sam decided to step in.

"Madam, this flower is very important to her, if you give us some time we can get you another one like it" he proposed.

"No, i want that one, give it to me, that's an order" she sternly said, standing up to reach out for it. Luckily Techno decided to step in, grabbing her by the arm.

"Stop" he said coldly "I will not stand here and watch you mistreat my subjects like that, leave" he ordered, letting her go.

"Y-your majesty please, i'm sorry i won't-"

"I don't care what you have to say, if you treat my gardeners like that then how were you going to treat my subjects once you became queen? I don't need another tyrant to take care of. Leave, before i call the guards to escort you out. Phil" he turned to look at him "Show the lady the door" Phil bowed down and did as he was told, a content smile present on his lips.

"This way madam please" she fussed a bit but followed him in the end, finally leaving them alone. Techno turned to see Angela hug tightly the pot, a shy smile present on her lips.

"T-thank you your highness..." she mumbled out, bowing and quickly running away, leaving behind a stunned Sam, who awkwardly bowed as well before running after her. Techno sighed, that was not his best move but he didn't care, he wasn't going to let someone talk to the woman he loved like that, not now, not never.


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