《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Summoning




3 Years ago

"Are you sure this is a good idea Bad? This doesn't look safe" Skeppy mumbled while he finished drawing the summoning circle on the floor with redstone, it took him a good hour due to all the complex symbols it contained, and the fact that he kept getting them wrong didn't help either.

"Come on Skeppy we've been over this, she's my friend, she won't hurt anyone, i promise" Bad pouted, walking over the entrance of the cave and creating a thick barrier of dark energy so no one would disturb them.

"Bad! Now i can't see!" he shouted, patting the wall until he found the switch to turn on the lights, which were just crystals connected to a line of redstone to ignite them. The room soon lit up, allowing him to see again.

"Sorry" he said in a teasing tone, it wasn't really a problem for him, since Bad could see in the dark and loved pull pranks on Skeppy whenever he could. It was a strange relationship they had, he had summoned him a few years back to study his kind and ended up becoming friends with him, quite ironic.

Bad was a demon, but not just any demon, a void demon. They don't live in any known dimension and therefore many hypothesize they come from the void, this theory was confirmed by Bad himself, since he told him that there was indeed another realm underneath the nether, which is where he lived.

The people there are all dark skinned due to the long exposure to the void essence, many have wings but not all of them and they are organized by a hierarchy. They all are born with completely unique powers so it's almost impossible to document them all, Skeppy did though write down Bad's.

To his saying, he was one of the lowers demons, since his horns were pretty short and his powers weak. He was really tall, and he meant REALLY tall, like 9 foot tall, he destroyed the room when Skeppy summoned him, luckly he had the ability to shrink down, so that wasn't a problem anymore.


His power was... peculiar to say the least. He had the ability to 'put to rest' people who were suffering. If they were in extreme pain and wished to end their lives, he would help them. His touch sent said person into a deep slumber and made the illness or the injury progress faster, bringing a quick and painless death.

That was the main reason why he was targeted as a lower demon, he brought rest to those in pain when demons are supposed to bring pain to those who rest, that's also the reason why he was mockingly given a halo over his head. His powers were weakened here, since he didn't receive energy from the void anymore, but he could still use them if he concentrated hard enough.

He somehow convinced him to summon her friend as well and was now setting up the room for it. He had to dig up a whole new room only to summon her, since Bad told him she was taller and stronger than him, hence why the circle was much more complex than the one required to summon him.

"Do we really have to use lamb blood for the ritual? Yours didn't require it" he asked, getting a small jar of red liquid from a nearby shelf.

"Yes, she's a higher ranker demon so we need to use something related to her power to summon her" he explained.

"And you still refuse to tell me what her power is huh?" he said a bit annoyed, making Bad cringe "It's better if she explains it, trust me" Skeppy just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, so i just need to place this in the center and then say the magic words?" he asked back, receiving a nod from him. So he did, placing the bottle at the center of the summoning circle and grabbing the book he needed, starting to chant a spell in some unknown language.

The portal soon lit up and started to emit an eerie light, lifting a large cloud of blood-looking liquid, which soon took shape, forming a demon. Abyzou.

"Abby!" Bad quickly grew back to his original size and went to hug his friend "We did it! You're really here!" he shouted excitedly, jumping a bit and causing the cave to shake.


"Calm down Bad or you're gonna bring the whole cave down on us!" Skeppy called, seeing some rocks were starting to crack.

"Right, sorry" he let go of her, and she smiled back "It's nice to see you again Bad" he smiled back "Let's shrink down a bit, i want you to meet someone" the two shrunk down and walked towards Skeppy, who took the opportunity to get a good look at the new demon he just summoned.

She had a more bluish skin than Bad, who had it completely black. She was dressed like a succubus, in a tight black outfit that enhanced her curves, her eyes were black, while Bad's where white and she had a spiky tail, alongside two large horns. Even though she was born and raised in the void, her hair were a candid white.

"This is Skeppy, he's my friend and helped me summon you" he introduced them "Skeppy, meet Abby, my best friend" the two shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you, thanks for taking care of this muffin-head while he was here" she said with a smile.

"It's no biggie" he cleared his throat "If you don't mind me asking, could you tell me what does your power consist in?" he asked, taking out a book and a quill to take notes, before a magical creature, Skeppy was a researcher, and nothing would stop him from leaning new things about the world. She chuckled.

"My power allows me to attract children, i usually lure them away from their families and claim them on behalf of the void" Skeppy gulped, feeling a bit worried that he brought someone with such power on his world.

"Don't worry, i'm not going to do that anymore. Bad showed me what i was doing was wrong" she assured, ruffling his black hair a bit, earning a pout from the smaller demon.

"Ok then uhh... is there something i need to know before i show you around?" he asked, closing his book.

"Not really, do you have some spare clothes? In the void i was forced to wear this ugly outfit and it's uncomfortable now that i'm outside of my world" she asked.

"Uhh... i have some sweaters if you want" she nodded "That'll do, thanks"


Present days

Skeppy sighed, fixing in place some wood and complex gear so it would work. He was tired, so tired. He just wanted to sleep for a few hours and forget the mess he was in, forget what happened to him, forget what happened to his friends.

"Slacking off Skep?" Dream asked, walking up behind him, causing him to jump and drop the tools he was holding.

"I-i'm doing what i can Dream, but i need rest" he said in a shaky voice, Dream lifted a single finger, doing a no gesture.

"You now the deal, you sleep four hours and work for the rest of the day, i don't want to be stuck in this shitty place for longer than i have to" he spat out.

"You do your part and i'll do mine, once this machine is build i promise to let you and your friends go, but..." he leaned over, grabbing his face "If you try to escape or pull something on me i'll kill all of you before you even have time to blink, got that?" he asked in a threatening voice, earning a shaky nod from him.

"Good" he let go "Now get back to work you filthy beast" and with that he left, leaving Skeppy alone in the dark again, his work only illuminated by the dim light of a lantern. A few tears fell from his face, hitting the projects beneath him.

"Bad... i'm scared... i don't want to be alone anymore..."


Is proud to introduce a created in collaboration with her name is or for short, and you'll learn more about her, Bad and the void realm in the future, hope you like her.

Here's some fanart from the creator :)

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