《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》The library




The next day, after she finished tending to the garden, Angela decided to go around and explore the castle a little more, since she hadn't wandered too far aside from the usual rooms where she needed to go.

First she went outside, Sam always following her close behind, doing some small talk.

"Now that i think about it, you said that bandana was given to you by someone special, are they your lover?" she asked, a bit curious.

"Oh no, it was a gift from my son, he wants to become a guard when he grows up and said i needed to hide my face so when the bad guys see me they won't recognize me" he explained, making her chuckle.

"Smart kid you've got" Sam smiled, touching the bandana "Yeah... i'm lucky to have him"

"What's his name?" she asked "Tommy, do you want to meet him? We can go to my house to say hi if you want" he proposed.

"Sure, i'd love to!" she eagerly answered, starting to follow him outside of the castle gates and into the lower part of the kingdom, soon reaching a small, but well kept house. Sam took out a pair of keys and unlocked the door, entering inside and immediately getting tackled to the ground by a kid.

"Who's there?!" he shouted, pointing a wooden sword at him, making Sam chuckle "It's me Tommy, calm down" he said, gently pushing the kid off him so he could stand back up.

"Dad? What are you doing home now? And who is this woman?" he asked in an unfriendly tone, trying to look threatening, but it's pretty hard to do that when you are a seven years old.

"She's the lady i have to protect, she wanted to meet you" Angela kneeled down, offering her hand "Hi there Tommy, i'm Angela, it's nice to finally meet you" Tommy looked at he funny before taking her hand, shaking it a bit too much.

"So you're like my new mom now?" he asked, causing Sam to laugh "No Tommy, she's not your mom" he looked around a bit "Where's Punz? Why isn't he with you?" he asked, not seeing his friend around. Since he couldn't leave Tommy alone for too long, he entrusted him to his friend Punz, so he would keep an eye on him.


"He went out to feed Henry" Angela lifted an eyebrow "Henry?"

"It's the name of Punz's cow, Tommy named it Henry even though she's a girl" he explained.

"But he has horns dad! How could he be a woman!?" Angela smiled, he was a really sunny and energetic kid, Sam was lucky to have him. She flinched a bit when another short memory flashed in front of her eyes. She was holding hands with a little Elythrian kid, who smiled at her, the memory ended shortly after, not giving her more information.

"Sam?" a voice called from outside, making them turn and see a person stand at the entrance, a bucket of milk in hand "What are you doing home this early?"

"Hi Punz, i just passed by, we're leaving soon don't worry" he answered, helping his friend set down the stuff he was carrying.

"She's the lady i've told you about" he said gesturing to Angela.

"Ahh i see, so this is the famous Angela, it's nice to finally meet you" she blushed a bit "I'm not famous, i'm just a common girl" she mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed, Punz chuckled.

"Well you're important enough to have your own guard, if that doesn't scream famous i don't know what does" he joked, his attention getting drawn by Tommy when he pulled his sleeve.

"Can we go now? You promised we would go once you finished feeding Henry!" he whined, pulling harder and causing him to roll his eyes.

"Alright, we can go, just wait a second for your dad to leave" Sam was confused "Where are you going?"

"He made a new friend today at the market and wanted to go say hi and play a bit, i think his name was... Tubbo?" Angela's eye lit up.

"Oh we know him, he's a really sweet kid" she assured, they wanted to talk more but Tommy was getting impatient, so they all decided to part ways, Sam and Angela returning to the castle grounds.

"Your son is energetic to say the least" she joked on their way back, making him smile "Yeah, he took it from his mother... she sadly passed away at birth" he sighed, Angela placed a hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry for your loss, it must have been hard for you" he nodded.


"He helps a lot, i can see her in him every time he smiles"


They soon returned in the castle grounds, passing in front of the training area and seeing Dream walk by with Skeppy following him close behind. Angela hid a bit behind Sam, waiting for him to go away.

"Do you want to go inside?" she nodded and Sam discretely brought her in without him seeing them.

"I don't know why but he really scares me..." she admitted once inside.

"Don't worry, we can just avoid him for the time being, he'll be gone in a few more months once he finished building the training course"

"He's building a training course?" she asked.

"Yes, from what i've been told he showed the king his combat skills and claimed it was all thanks to a particular training course he invented, so his majesty commissioned him to build one inside the castle grounds" he explained.

"I see..." she didn't want to see him around, and if he was building that... 'thing' outside, there was a chance for them to run into him if she went to the garden now.

"Do you know if there's a library in the castle Sam?" she asked, feeling in the mood to read a bit. Sam tilted his head to the side.

"You know how to read?" he asked surprised.

"Uhhh... yes? Why?" she asked back.

"It's quite rare for commoners to know how to read" he smiled, starting to walk towards the library "Maybe you aren't a commoner after all" she smiled "Or maybe i'm just very smart" her comment making Sam laugh "Or that, yes"

The two soon reached a large door and opened it, finding themselves in a large library with thousands and thousands of books. Angela was quite exited, running left and right to look at the titles of the books, choosing which one she should read first, finally setting on a romantic story.

"Guardian angel? Isn't that a romance book?" Sam asked, sitting next to her at the table, she pouted.

"I like reading romances, maybe i can learn something about how to behave around the people i like" she said a bit offended, opening the book and starting to read quietly. She stopped after a while, noticing that Sam was peeking over her shoulder, trying to read as well.

"Do you want to read it too?" she asked, placing the book in between so they both could see.

"Oh i would love to but... i'm not very good at reading" he shyly admitted, scratching his neck.

"I'll read it to you then" she took the book and cleared her throat, starting back from the start, putting particular emphasis when some important events happened in the story. Sam listened closely, he liked listening to stories but the ones the other guards would tell were always about dragons or other barbaric stuff, this was the first one which was different, and he was quite enjoying it.

"And you're my magic. The end" she finished, closing the book "What do you think?" she asked, turning around, only to notice Sam was struggling to hold back tears "That was so sad and nice" he said in a wobbly voice, making her laugh.

"You get very sentimental very easily huh?" she teased as he wiped his tears "But it was so romantic!" he wined, both of them ending up laughing. She liked reading and loved seeing Sam's reaction, maybe she could come back here more often, even with the king...

The king... why was she thinking about him?

It's ok, i'm here, you're safe.

He just said that to calm her down.

It's gone now, it can't hurt you anymore. Whoever hurt you won't do it again, i'll protect you.

He didn't care that much about her...

I promise.



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