《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》You might lose her




The next following days had been very embarrassing for both parts, they barely spoke to each other, feeling far too embarrassed and Phil noticed, but since Techno wouldn't tell him anything he went to question Angela.

"So, what happened between you two? Did you fight?" he asked while she was planting some new flowers, plucking out the withered ones. She shifted uncomfortably, sighing.

"Well... it's... quite embarrassing to say..." she mumbled, looking at Sam, Phil understood and ordered him to go patrol the perimeter of the garden, leaving them alone.

"There, now that we are alone, can you tell me what happened?" he asked again, Angela nodded.

"I... took a bath in the king's private bathroom.... not knowing it was his's and... he walked in and.... you know.... i ran out but... i'm so ashamed that i can't even look at him in the eyes" she admitted, buring her face in her hands, getting some dirt on it.

"Oh! I see, now it all make sense" he chuckled "Did you like what you sa-" he didn't have time to finish, as a handful of dirt collided with his face, sending him stumble back a few feet, spitting it out.

"Shut up Phil! It's already embarrassing as is!" she shouted angrily, a flush present on her cheeks. Phil laughed a bit "I'm sorry, i'm sorry" he apologized, walking back over to her.

"Do you want me to go apologize on your behalf to the king?" he asked, receiving a shy nod from her "Thank you" she mumbled, he smiled, patting her shoulder "No problem, i'll leave you to your flowers then" he headed back inside the castle. Angela sighed, hopefully he'll be able to fix this mess she got herself into.

Once she finished fixing the flowers she picked up her tools and started heading back towards the shack to put them back, she wasn't really paying attention to where she was going and it resulted in her colliding with someone, causing them both to fall.

"Ouch..." she opened her eyes, seeing that she bumped into a man with some gems stuck in his skin, she guessed he was probably a magical creature.

"I'm sorry, i wasn't looking were i was going, here, let me help you" she helped him gather the stuff he dropped, which were mostly blueprints for some sort of machine she didn't understand.


"You're an architect? You must be very smart to come up with this ideas" she complimented handing him back the projects, he smiled, blushing a bit "Thanks" she offered her hand.

"I'm Angela, sorry for bumping into you" she said with a bright smile, he took her hand "I'm-"

"Skeppy! Where have you wandered off to?" A voice called from not too far, making him jump, his expression suddenly falling as a man dressed in a dark green cloak turned the corner, entering in their field of view.

"Oh there you are" he walked up to them, wrapping an arm around him"What are you doing here? You know the building site is on the other side of the castle. Were you trying to escape?" he asked in a bit of a threatening way but Angela guessed they were just playing.

"Sorry..." he apologized, quickly leaving and running towards the direction he came from, making the green man sigh.

"What will i do with him" he muttered in a bit of a hateful tone, which didn't set right with Angela. The man turned to look at her, squaring her from head to toe with an unfriendly look.

"You look familiar, do i know you?" he asked, leaning over menacingly, causing her to back away a bit.

"Uhm... i-i don't think so" she stuttered out, her legs bumping against the fountain, causing her to stop, the man keeping coming closer.

"No, i think we did. I never forget a face when i see one" he stepped closer until they were less than a foot apart "Who are you?"

Angela was shaking by now, scared beyond her mind that this stranger might hurt her "I-i-i..."

"Hey!" someone on their left called, catching the man's attention. Angela was relieved to see Sam stand there, pointing his sword at him.

"Leave her alone" he ordered sternly, earning a glare from the man "Beat it pipsqueak, i'm having a talk" he said in a slightly angry voice.

"She clearly doesn't want to talk to you" he pushed him back, standing in front of her in order to protect her more effectively "Now leave, or i'll report your behavior to the king" he warned, making him scoff.

"Fine, i'll leave, this wasn't worth the trouble anyway" he turned around, starting to leave, shooting her a short glance "We are gonna finish our little talk another time" and with that he left, turning the corner and disappearing from their sight. Sam sighed, putting away his sword.


"Are you o-" he got interrupted, as Angela straight up hugged him, buring her face in his leathery armor.

"T-thank you Sam, i-i was so scared. I-i thought he was g-going to hurt m-me" she chocked out, trying her best to hold back her tears, not really doing a good job. After the initial shock wore off he hugged her back.

"It's ok, it's my job to protect you, i'm sorry if i took so long" he assured, glaring in the direction where the man went, maybe he needed to inform the king about this.

"S-sam?" she called, catching his attention "Yes?"

"P-please don't tell the king, he's g-gonna get angry at you a-and i d-don't want you to get p-punished" she begged, holding tightly to his shirt. Sam sighed "Alright, i won't tell him if that's what you want, just come to me whenever you fell you're in danger ok?" she nodded, sniffing a bit.

"Do you want to go back inside?" she hummed, letting go of him and wiping away her tears "I-i need to get those things back to S-schlatt first" she kneeled down and started picking up her stuff.

"I'll help you then"


Philza found Techno in his room, attending some important documents, he knocked before entering, making his presence known to the king.

"Oh hi Phil, where did you go? You kinda disappeared for a bit" he asked, not lifting his gaze from the papers.

"I just went to say hi to Angela" he noticed Techno's hand stopped for a moment at the mention of her name, quickly resuming what he was doing.

"Is that so?" he asked, trying to act nonchalantly.

"She actually asked me to deliver a message to you, since she was too embarrassed to do it herself" this time he managed to make the regnant lift his head to look at him.

"What is it?" he eagerly asked, making Phil snicker a bit.

"She wanted to apologize for entering in your bathroom, she says she's sorry and promises to be more careful in the future" he answered, making a shy blush appear on the king's cheeks.

"V-very well, her apology is accepted" he muttered, causing Phil to roll his eyes.

"Come on mate, she did her part, now it's your turn to apologize, it's your fault that she entered that room in the first place" he scolded, earning a glare from him.

"I don't have to apologize to anyone, i'm the king" he scoffed.

"Oh come on Techno, if you like her at least be nice" he said in an annoyed tone.

"I am being nice, i allow her to go wherever she wants and do whatever she wants" Phil groaned, he really was hopeless when it came to love.

"Mate, i mean do something with her. Like give her some flowers or spend time together, you know, court her like you're supposed to do. She's a very beautiful gal Techno, if you don't do a move soon i'm sure someone else will" he suggested.

"Phil i have duties t-"

"Oh for Christ sake Techno i'll do the paperwork for you, just go and say something nice to her" he piratically dragged him outside of his own room.

"Wait, hold on-Phil!" he shouted as he shoved him out, closing the door behind him, locking it.

"I'll pluck every one of your ugly feathers when i get back" he growled, turning around and starting to walk down the long hall, his eye landing on the fountain in the garden, where he could see Sam stand in front of Angela, sword in hand, seemingly protecting her from someone, but he couldn't see anyone near them.

He felt his heart constrict a bit when he saw her hug him, a pang of jealousy hitting him particularly hard when Sam hugged her back. He clenched his fists, resuming his walking, now angry. Philza was right, he needed to get a move, or someone might steal her away from him, and he will not allow that. She was his and only his's.


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