《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Steamy encounter




"Sam? Do you know where are the baths? I would like to clean myself off since... ya know..." she gestured to her body, which was covered in dirt and leaves after a long day of gardening. Sam chuckled, nodding.

"This way" he brought her into a large room with a door that led inside the bath, which only consisted in a large pool filled with hot water. Angela peeked in, not seeing anyone.

"Are you sure i can go in here? This is the sort of baths that are for noble and royals" she asked a bit unsure.

"Don't worry, the king told me you are allowed to use it, get in, i'll go back to your room and fetch you some clean clothes" she smiled "Thank you Sam, you're the best" she entered the room, closing the door behind her, quickly undressing and entering the pool.

The water was pleasantly warm, not too hot nor too cold, just perfect. She could see various statues of lions scattered around the pool, which supplied the hot water by letting it out of their mouths.

"This place is huge" she swam around a bit, seeing that the pool extended itself in all directions, with many turns, she couldn't see too far away due to the steam in the air but it wasn't like she minded.

After some wandering she decided to stop in a corner on the far left, grabbing a soap that was laying nearby and starting to wash her body and hair thoroughly, humming a tune.

She flinched a bit when she touched her back, feeling it sensitive. Now that she thought about it, Philza told her someone took her wings, but she never bothered to check her own back. Angela looked around, spotting a mirror a few meters away, she stood up and walked towards it, turning around, there, right on the center of her back, there were two large scars where her wings used to be, the injury had healed over time but her skin was still very sensitive to touch.


"That must have hurt a lot... i'm glad i don't remember it" she mumbled, returning inside the pool to finish cleaning herself, in that moment, another short memory flashed in front of her eyes. She was face to the ground and someone was laughing behind her, the memory cut off as she felt a sharp pain on her back. She closed her eyes, shaking her head violently.

"Nevermind..." that was a memory she would have gladly kept forgotten.

Her attention was caught when she heard the door of the bath open and close again.

'Oh! That must be Sam with my clothes, he probably left them at the door, i should go get them' she thought, stating to quietly swim towards the door, reaching it in about a minute.

She stood out of the water and kneeled down to get them when she heard another splash of water, meaning that there was someone else here with her.

"W-w-who's there?" she called a bit scared, she couldn't see anything over the thick steam, all she could hear was the sound of water moving around, soon resulting in a figure walking towards her. The steam cleared out a bit, revealing that the figure in question was no other than king Techno himself... completely naked, his long pink hair let loose and falling on his back and chest.

The two just stared at each other for a hot second, not believing their eyes as their brains completely shut down.

"Ahhh!" she screamed, quickly hiding behind a nearby statue "I'm so s-sorry i d-didn't knew this was your r-royal b-bath i'll leave immediately" she stuttered out, feeling her cheeks burn as she ran outside of the room, keeping her eyes closed so to not stare at his body. His tall, muscular bod-gwah! What was she thinking!? He's the king and she's a commoner! She shouldn't have this kind of thoughts!


She hastily put on her clothes and darted back towards her room, burying her flushed face in the pillows. Before she hid behind the statue her eyes moved dangerously low over the king's body, and she was very ashamed to admit that she liked what she saw.


Techno decided to take a nice relaxing bath after such a long day, so he headed towards the large bathroom that he commissioned, he liked it a lot, it was quiet and no one would dare to disturb him there. He was a bit confused when he saw Sam walk out of said room but he didn't gave it too much thought, thinking that he probably went to get some soap or something.

The king undressed and entered the room, it was just as steamy as he remembered, a thick layer hovering over the water surface, creating a magical environment, almost like he was standing in an hot spring. He stepped into it's warm waters, making some noise.

"W-w-who's there?" a voice called, alerting him, no one was supposed to enter this room aside from the servants who cleaned it and him, and at this time of the day they already came to do it earlier.

He walked towards the direction where he heard the voice come, determined to scold whoever dared to enter his private bath, needless to say he was quite stunned when he saw Angela stand there, holding some clothes over her wet body, trying to hide her breast at best as she could.

He froze, not believing his eyes, she was simply beautiful. Her slim body, her curves, her azure eyes, which stood out over the deep blush that soon appeared on her cheeks. She screamed, quickly hiding behind a nearby lion statue, muttering an apology before darting outside, leaving Techno alone to elaborate what just happened.

He stepped back, sinking into the warm water of the pool, his cheeks burning. Why was she here? Did she got lost again? But she had Sam to guide her... wait... didn't he saw Sam earlier come out of this very room?

Techno groaned, he forgot to tell him that this bath was his private bath, and no one else outside him was allowed inside. He sighed, slumping down on a sitting position, the water reaching his chest.

He closed his eyes, his mind instantly wandering back to the image of her body, he thought she was beautiful with whatever she wore but he had never imagined that her naked body could be so breathtaking.


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