《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Gardening




"She got a rose?" Techno asked Sam once they came back, Angela had left for a bit to go to the bathroom, handing the pot with the flower to Sam just as Techno happened to walk by.

"Yeah, the keeper of the stand gave it to her as a gift for playing with his son a bit, she really liked it" he explained. Techno gave the rose a closer look.

'She likes white huh?' he thought, a small smile forming on his lips. Angela soon returned, seeing that Techno was there with Sam.

"Oh! Your majesty" she bowed a bit, making him chuckle "You don't need to bow every time you see me Angela" he assured "Are you sure? Everyone else does it" he nodded "I'm sure"

"A-alright then" she looked away shyly "Uhm... can i bring the flower to my room?" she asked, not sure if she was allowed to keep it inside the castle.

"Of course, it's yours after all" Techno gave a quick look at the clock on the wall "Just be back soon, dinner will be served shortly" she nodded, taking the pot and starting to head back towards her room, Sam following close behind.

They ate dinner and went to bed soon after, Angela slept very well, looking at the window where she could see the rose she had placed, so it would get enough light.

"Goodnight Bianca" (yes she named the flower, i do it too, deal with it)


The next day she asked Techno if she could get a job in the castle.

"Why would you want to work in the castle?" he asked a bit confused.

"I want to earn some money, so i can buy more flowers" she eagerly explained, Techno sighed "Alright then, what kind of job would you want to do?"

Angela thought about it for a moment before answering.

"Can i work with your gardener in the royal garden?" she asked.

"I'll allow it. Sam, bring her over to meet him" he ordered and the two left shortly after, heading towards the garden and into a small shack, knocking on it's door.

"One second!" a voice inside called, they heard some shuffling before the door swinged opened "Yes?"


"Schlatt?" she called incredulous, making him jump in surprise "Oh! It's you! The lady from the market" he said surprised.

"You are the royal gardener?" she asked, a bright smile present on her features, Schlatt smiled back "Yup, i'm the best in the whole kingdom. Changing subject, why are you here? Did you need something from me?"

"Oh, i asked the king to give me a job, so from now on i'll be working with you here" she explained a bit too excitedly, making him chuckle.

"Awesome, it will be nice to finally have some company, come on, let's get you into some more appropriate clothes before we start" Schlatt gave her some gardener clothes to wear, they were a little too big for her but nothing some cutting and sewing won't fix, he also handed her a pair of gloves and boots.

"Is your friend here also going to help?" he asked, pointing at Sam.

"Oh no, he's just here to make sure i'm safe" she turned to look at him "But if you want you can help us too Sam" she said with a bright smile, making him smile as well under his bandana.

"I appreciate the offer but i'm denied when it comes to plant stuff, i'll just do more damages" he explained, making them laugh a bit.

"That's ok big fella, just tell us if you change your mind later ok?" he nodded and they all headed towards a patch of flowers, grabbing two watering cans.

"Can you lift it? It's pretty heavy" Schlatt asked when he saw her struggle a bit "N-no, i got it" she was determined to do it by herself and nothing was going to stop her, so she managed to bring it to the flowers, slowly, but she did it nonetheless.

"We got a lot of flowers to water, so you might want to speed things up a bit" Schlatt teased, earning a glare from her "I'll do thing at my pace old man!" she shouted back. They finished watering the whole garden in a little more than two hours, Angela managing to water only about 5% if it, while Schlatt did most of the work.


"One day... i'll be able... to do it too" she panted out, making Schlatt laugh "Sure thing hon, whatever you say, come on, we have to trim the roses now" he handed her a pair of gardening scissors and she watched closely as he cut off the longest branches, being careful to not get stung by the thorns.

She then tried to do the same, getting stung several times over, but she didn't mind, it didn't hurt that much anyway. She managed to do a pretty decent job and was quite proud of herself. In that moment, a short memory flashed before her eyes, she was standing in a small garden, holding a red rose in her hands. She tried to focus and see more into it but just as the memory came, it was soon gone.

"Not bad for a first timer, but i think you should head back now, it's almost noon" he pointed out, she had been so focused on her task that she didn't notice the passing of time.

"You're right! I'll be back after i've eaten, see you soon Schlatt" she quickly changed back into her normal clothes and headed back towards the dining room with the help of Sam.

"So, how was your first day on the job?" Techno asked once they arrived, quietly eating his food.

"It was great! I watered a lot of flowers and then trimmed some roses" she said excitedly, making the king smile "I'm happy that you're having fun" he said in a soft voice.

"I also remembered something" her last sentence caught Philza's attention as well "Really? What?" he asked.

"Nothing special, just me standing in a garden holding a red rose" she answered.

"That's still good, it means that your memory is slowly starting to come back, i'm sure you'll manage to remember everything one day" Phil assured, giving her a kind smile, she nodded "Thanks Phil"

After lunch she headed back into the garden, helping Schlatt for a few more hours until all his tasks were over, at which point she decided to go look for Phil, wanting to ask him a favor.

"Sam do you know where Philza is?" she asked "He should be with his majesty right now, i'm guessing they are in the meeting room doing some paperwork" he answered.

"Am i allowed to go there?" she asked, not sure if it was among the places the king told her not to go, Sam nodded "Yes, as long as we knock before entering, do you want me to bring you there?"

"Yes please"


Once they reached the meeting room Sam knocked on the door, waiting for an answer before entering, he heard the king call him forth a few seconds later and so he opened it, allowing him and Angela inside.

"Oh, Angela, what are you doing here? Did you already finish your tasks for the day?" Phil asked.

"Yeah, i actually came here to ask you a favor Phil" he lifted a questioning eyebrow "What is it?"

"Well... we've established by now that i'm an Elythrian too... and i wanted to open my medallion earlier this morning but... i don't know how to use magic. Would you teach me?" she asked politely.

"I can try, but i'm not very good with it either" he said as he walked up to her "It's ok, i just want to learn how to open the medallion" she assured with a smile.

"Alright then, give me your hands" she did "Now close your eyes and focus, try to imagine the source of your magic is right where your heart is, and then slowly move some of it's power in your hands" he instructed, Angela nodded, focusing hard on doing what Phil told her, soon managing to make her hands shine a bit.

"Open your eyes, it seems you're quite talented" he complimented.

"What do i do now?" she asked, still in awe by the light her hands let out.

"Just take the medallion in your hands, it will open by itself" Angela did it and, just as Philza said, the medallion opened, showing the images of her family. It was clearly took with some sort of magic, since the closest thing to it in this era were paintings, but she didn't care, this was her family, and she still liked them, painting or not.


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