《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Veronica Persica




After the tea they all headed back inside the castle to eat lunch together.

"I have to come too?" Angela asked a bit surprised, she had always been eating before or after the royals, seeing that she wasn't part of their family.

"Yes, Wilbur said you'll eat with us today" Techno explained as they walked towards the dining room.

"B-but i don't know how to use any of the silverware aside from a normal fork and knife" she stuttered out, looking a bit panicked.

"You can sit next to me if you want to, i'll teach you" Phil almost stopped in his tracks, either this was Techno's way of flirting or he was really that oblivious, nonetheless, the scene made him smile.

"A-are you sure? S-shouldn't your guard sit close to you?" she asked, giving a quick look at Phil.

"Don't worry about that old man, he can sit on the floor"

"EXCUSE ME?!" Techno laughed "I'm just joking Phil, you can sit on the other side of the table"


So in the end Angela sat to the next to the king, while Philza was in front of him on the other side of the table, king Soot and queen Sally at the head of the table, since they were the regnant of the kingdom.

"Today we have a rabbit stew, accompanied with some freshly baked bread and a whine brought by his majesty Technoblade as a gift" the cook announced, starting to distribute the food.

"You brought a gift? You shouldn't have" Sally said in a sweet voice, Techno shrugged "I think you might quite enjoy this one, it's from the harvest of a few years back and i thought it might fancy your taste" he explained as the cook poured his king a glass, which he then proceeded to taste, humming in approval.

"I agree with you, i like it a lot. Do you think you could sell us a couple more bottles?" Techno snickered, knowing that his friend was a wine lover "I'll tell Ranboo to set a fair price once we get back"

"Remember to give us a discount" he teased, making him laugh "Don't hope too much into it" the two king laughed, making Angela smile, she didn't thought two kings could be this close friends.


As food was served to everyone, they started eating, Angela was a bit hesitant but seeing that it was just a stew she took the spoon and started to eat. It tasted quite good, a bit too salty but still good.

The two kings kept doing some small talks, talking about their affairs and giving each other some advice that could come in handy in the future.

When the second dish arrived things started to get tricky, since it was a fish, which still had the fish bones in, and she had no clue how to clean it. She looked at Techno and saw him grab the silverware that looked like a knife but wasn't sharp, using it to open up the fish and move aside it's flesh, exposing the bones and removing them without much trouble.

'Seem simple enough' she thought, doing the same, but it turns out when you don't have much experience in the field, things tend to be harder. Techno noticed she was struggling quite a bit and decided to help.

"I'll do it, you'll end up destroying it at this rate" he teased a bit, taking her silverware and quickly cleaning the fish, removing the bones swiftly.

"T-thank you your majesty" she mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed. Wilbur and Philza exchanged a look and just sighed, it was so obvious he liked her, this was gonna be a pain to watch, especially since they didn't even know if she was from a noble family or not, and if the latter one was the case...


Later on Techno, Philza and Angela headed outside of the castle and into the forest, walking around a bit until they found a small opening without trees, dozens and dozens of wild flowers sprouting everywhere.

"There they are" she quickly ran towards a batch of small blue flowers, kneeling down beside them, Techno soon catching up "Are these the flowers you like?" he asked and she eagerly nodded.

"They are called Veronica Persica, but most people call them the 'Don't forget me'" Techno sat down beside her, lifting a questioning eyebrow "And why is that?" he asked.


She smiled, plucking one out and offering it to him, he took it and the flower immediately fell off it's stem, surprising him.

"HEH?!" she giggled.

"They are very delicate flowers, if you as much as touch them their petal part will fall off" she smiled, looking down at them again "That's why they are called like that, even though they lose their most colorful and beautiful part, their stem is still there, they still live. They are still alive, so we shouldn't forget them just because we don't see them as clearly as before" she explained, her expression brightening a bit.

"I... remember that we used to bring those to the graves of our loved ones, so to let them know that we still remember them, even though we don't see them anymore, we know they are still here, with us"

"So you do remember something" Phil pointed out, she nodded "Only bits here and there but yes"

"What else do you remember?" Techno asked and she gave it a thought.

"I... i remember a lake... like this one but bigger and... with a waterfall... i remember a village, high up in the trees... i remember feathers... black and... white... and... everything else it's a blur, i can hear voices but i don't know from who they are" she sighed, taking out a small medallion from under her shirt.

"King Wilbur told me i had this on when they found me, but i don't even know what it is" she offered it to Techno, who took it, inspecting the item. It was a circular silver medallion, with a pair of wings engraved in it, it looked like it could be opened but it wouldn't budge.

"I know what that is" Phil said, squatting down next to the king and taking the item, looking at Angela "Where... how did you get this? Who gave this to you?" he asked, she shook her head.

"I told you i don't know, i woke up with it" she scooted closer "Can you tell me what it is?" Phil sighed.

"This is a medallion given to Elythrian children when they are born, they usually contain the photos of your loved ones inside and can only be opened by using Elythrian magic" he explained.

"Can you open it then?" Techno asked.

"I can try" Phil cupped the object, closing his eyes an focusing hard, calling forth his magic and gathering it in his hands. After about a minute they all heard a 'Click' and he opened his eyes, releasing the now open medallion.

"Wha...." he breathed out, a shocked expression appearing on his face, Techno took the item from him, taking a look at the photos inside, Angela leaned over, her face very close to the king's one, trying to see as well.

The medallion contained two photos, one on the right with two Elythrian, a woman and a man, presumably her parents, the one on the left was a family photo, and they could clearly see Angela stand in the middle of the frame, two large white wings behind her back and a bright smile on her face.

"I'm.... what?" she asked, snatching the object from Techno "Why do i have white wings? Are these my parents?" she asked, more to herself than Philza, who looked utterly shocked.

"Phil what does this mean? You said she couldn't be an Elythrian" Techno demanded, but Phil stayed silent, clenching his teeth.

"Angela" he called, catching her attention "King Wilbur said they found you a few weeks ago scared and hurt in the forest" he started "But where were you hurt? What were your injuries?"

No one spoke for several seconds.

"Well.... i don't really know, my vision was red and blurry, my head hurted, as well as my back but... when i woke up my chest was all bandaged up" she explained, looking at him "Why?"

Techno's expression fell as realization hit him, he looked at Philza who had a sad look in his eyes.

"Someone... " he clenched his fists in anger "Someone took your wings"


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