《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Tea time





As the song soon ended, everyone applauded to the dancers on the dancing floor, guests slowly starting to leave. Techno released Angela, who smiled, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

"T-that was actually very fun, i liked it. Thank you your majesty"

A hand being placed on her shoulder caught her attention.

"You are in big trouble now miss" Wilbur said in an angry tone, making her jump and turn around, seeing that he looked pissed.

"I-i'm so sorry king Soot, i g-got distracted by the f-flowers outside and-" Sally shushed her.

"No need to explain sweetie, but you have to at least warn us when you leave, understand?" Angela shyly nodded, apologizing again.

"Your highness! There you are!" Ranboo and Phil ran towards him "We've been looking everywhere for you, Philza almost called off the entire ball"

"Yeah sorry but i just couldn't stay in one place for too long" he joked, making Phil roll his eyes.

"Speaking of which. You're the Elythrian right? Philza" Wilbur asked, receiving a nod from him.

"We would like to exchange some words with you, do you think you could come to our kingdom one of these days?" Sally politely asked.

"I'm sorry queen Sally but i have to remain by his majesty's side at all times and make sure he's safe at, i cannot go that far away" he explained.

"Isn't there someone who can cover for you? It'll be just for a day" he shook his head.

"What if i come along then?" Techno piped in, catching his attention "This way you can go and will be able to keep an eye on me as well" he proposed, Philza sighed.

"Fine, but just for one day" Techno nodded "Ranboo, when is the closest date i can go?" Ranboo quickly flickered through his pages.

"Uhm... there's one in two days, you just have to sign some papers, but i can move that to the next day if you please" he nodded and Ranboo proceeded to change the king's schedule.

"It's decided then" Wilbur patted his back "See you in two days my friend" a yawn escaped his mouth "I think it's time we all head to bed, goodnight" he stared to leave, Sally right on toe.

"S-see you soon your highness" Angela said, giving him a small wave, he waved back.


"See you soon Angela" he said with a smile.

Once everyone was gone, Phil accompanied him back to his rooms, a malicious smile present on his lips.

"Sooo..." he started "Angela huh?" he said, winking at him.

"Oh shut up old man, we just talked a bit and danced" he answered annoyed.

"It looked a bit more to me" he lifted his hands in surrender "But if that makes you sleep at night mate"


Needless to say the council came to pester him the next morning, eager to know if he was interest in anyone, he just dismissed them by saying he needed some time to consider his choices and after two days, him and Phil headed back to the Soot kingdom.

"Welcome back my friend, did you have a safe journey?" Wilbur asked, patting his back and guiding him inside, Philza right on toe.

"Yes, thank you for your consideration" they made their way into the meeting room and sat down around the table.

"Now, you've both already met Angela didn't you?" they nodded "Well, she isn't part of our royal family, me and Sally found her a few weeks ago wandering in the forest, scared and hurt. We brought her back inside the castle and healed her wounds and once she woke up she claimed that the only thing she remembered was her name and the fact that she was a magical creature, an Elythrian to be exact" Phil scoffed.

"That's clearly a lie, Elythrians have wings, she doesn't" he coldly stated.

"Are you calling me a liar?" Wilbur asked a bit too harshly "I would never your majesty, i'm calling that girl a liar"

"Isn't there a way for her to hide her wings?" Techno asked, Phil shook his head "The only way an Elythrian can lose his wings is by getting them ripped out of their back" Techno shivered a bit at the though.

"Where is she now anyway? Shouldn't we talk with her since this things are about her?" Techno asked.

"She's in the garden, as always. And no, it's best if we discuss this privately first, i don't know if you've noticed this Techno but she's not very good when it comes to talk about injuries or past stories. She says that every time she tries to remember her head starts to hurt a lot, so she stopped trying. Techno fell silent for several minutes, letting Wilbur speak with Philza, the two exchanging various information until he was satisfied.


"Thank you for your time Mr. Philza, with the information you gave us hopefully we'll manage to get to the bottom of this story" he shook his hand, noticing it was almost noon.

"Why don't you stick around for lunch? I'll invite Angela to join us as well" Techno nodded, accepting his offer.

"We still have about an hour before our food is served, you are free to wander anywhere inside and outside of the castle, as you already know. Just try to not get lost" Wilbur teased, leaving to return to his queen's side.

Techno rolled his eyes, deciding to take a stroll outside, he hadn't seen Wilbur's garden in a while, he wondered if anything changed. He soon reached it and wasn't surprised to see the flowers looked absolutely beautiful.

"Seems like Niki is really working hard this year" Philza commented as the two walked through the neatly cut blue and white rose bushes, which queen Sally loved.

"And then you put some pebbles around it so the roots have something to hold onto" they could hear a faint voice in the distance, seemingly instructing someone. Curious, he walked towards it and soon bumped into Niki, who was kneeling down near a flowerbed, Angela by her side, holding a pot with a small blue flower in it, a bright smile present on her face.

"Hi Niki" Phil greeted, scaring the two women and causing Angela to drop her pot, shattering it.

"Oh God i'm so sorry miss Niki!" she quickly starting to pick up the broken ceramic pieces, careful not to cut herself" It's fine don't worry, i have plenty spares" she assured, helping her clean.

"It's nice to see you your majesty, although next time refrain from scaring us like that please" Niki scolded, she was perhaps one of the few servants in the Soot kingdom that would speak to him less formally, not that he minded it.

"My apologies Niki, it wasn't my intention" he smiled, kneeling down to help.

"Oh there's no need for you to get your clothes dirty your highness, just leave it to us" she assured, making him roll his eyes "Alright, can i at least offer you a tea for the trouble?" he said a bit jokingly.

"That' would be very nice of you" she turned to look at Angela "What do you think Angela?" she flinched a bit "Uhm... t-tea is fine for me"

Soon after they were all seated around a small table in a small gazebo. Niki proceeded to pour a cup each, offering the first one to the king, when it came Angela's turn she took her's a bit hesitantly, not really knowing what to do, since she had never had tea before.

"What am i supposed to do?" she whispered to Niki, who giggled "You taste it, and if it's too bitter you add some honey to it" she explained, taking a sip and deciding it was already sweet enough for her taste.

Angela copied, taking a small sip, flinching at how how it was, but nonetheless, it tasted very sweet, it also had a hint of bitterness, which she quite enjoyed.

"Do you like it?" Techno asked, noticing her content expression "Yes, it's very sweet" she took another sip, this time aware of it's temperature. Philza noticed that Techno was smiling more than usual, which made him think that perhaps he liked this Angela more than what he was willing to admit.

But that was fine, in time he would probably realize it by himself.

"So Niki, i've noticed that the flower this year are looking marvelous, you've really outdone yourself" Phil complimented, making some conversation.

"Oh you have to thank Angela for that" she patted her back "She had been really helpful to me" she blushed a bit.

"I-i just did what you told me to miss Niki, it's nothing special really" she quickly said, Niki smiled "She had been coming here to the garden from the first day she arrived and had been helping me ever since"

"Do you like flowers Angela?" Techno asked, placing down his cup, she nodded "I do"

"Do you have any favorites?" Phil shot his eyes on him, perhaps Techno would realize sooner than he thought.

"Well... yes but they aren't found in this garden, they are a type of wild flower and can only be found near the forest" she explained, her expression brightening a bit.

"What about we go look for it later?" he proposed, surprising everyone.

"Don't you have to return to your kingdom soon your majesty?" Niki asked, a bit confused, Techno waved at her dismissively "My kingdom will survive a few more hours without me"


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