《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》A day in the life of the king





Techno groaned when the curtains in his room were suddenly drawn open, allowing the first morning lights to shine through the large windows.

"Good morning your majesty, did you sleep well?" the servant asked, while preparing his clothes. Techno sat up on his bed, yawning.

"I did, until you woke me up" he answered groggily, making him laugh.

"My apologies your majesty, i would have let you sleep in but it seems like you have a very full day scheduled ahead of you" he answered, helping him up and into his royal outfit, never forgetting to put on his red gown, alongside the crown.

"What does his majesty wish to have today?" he asked politely, Techno waved at him dismissively "Just tell the cook to make whatever he things is fitting"

"Of course your highness" the servant bowed, opening the door and quickly leaving, closing it behind him. Techno sighed, walking up to the window and opening it, stepping outside the balcony and enjoying the cold spring air.

He liked to wake up early sometimes and watch as the sunrise hit the roofs of the houses below the castle, his eyes wandering as far as the walls around his kingdom got, which was pretty far, considering he was one of the most powerful kings around. His army was pretty consistent, composed by many strong warriors, all of which specialized in their fields of choice.

In their ranks there were some magical creatures as well, many kingdoms were wary of them but Techno managed to get some on his side, considering that he got cursed when he was younger, causing his hair to grow pink and his ears assume a pig like shape. That allowed him to tie some knots with them, becoming good friends with their respective leaders.

He kept staring into the distance, seeing the streets start to become more lively as the sun rose. Soon in the central square the market started to get set up and the people swarmed in, eager to get the best products before the others. Techno could vaguely see some of his servants among the crowd, going in to buy what they needed to probably prepare his lunch and dinner later on, he smiled.


"Maybe i should pay them a bit more, going all the way over there and back looks like a real struggle" he walked back inside his room, closing the window just as a knock was heard on his door, which soon opened.

"Your highness?" the servant from before called "Your breakfast is served"


Techno quietly ate his breakfast, which consisted of two hard boiled eggs, some toasted bread with butter and various types of jam, alongside a big jar of freshly squeezed orange juice, which he quite enjoyed.

"Is everything of your liking your highness?" the cook asked, as he started to clean up what was left of the food.

"Yes, it was quite tasty, thank you" he said with a smile, using a napkin to clean his mouth. The cook let out a short chuckle.

"You have to thank Miss Puffy for that, she's a really good help around the kitchen. We managed to make higher quality meals since you hired her your majesty. A very wise choice to let an experienced woman in the kitchen if i may say so myself" he explained, catching his attention.

"Perhaps i should go thank her myself then" he stood up, starting to head towards the kitchen, the cook close behind him.

"I-i-it's not necessary for his majesty to come in such a lowly place" he quickly added.

"It's still part of my castle, i'll just go and thank her" he opened the kitchen door, causing all the people inside it to turn and look at him, some even dropping the stuff they were holding, quickly walking up to him and bowing down.

"Your majesty! I-it's an honor to have you here, w-what can we do for you?" one of the cooks stuttered out.

"I just came here to thank you all for the hard work you do everyday. I wanted to thank a woman who goes by the name of Puffy" he looked around "Where is she?" the cooks nudged her forward and the woman with long, curly white hair stepped forwards, keeping her gaze low to the ground, not daring to look at him in the eyes.


"I-i-i'm here your m-majesty" she mumbled out, shaking a bit. Techno smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder, causing her to flinch.

"You did a very good job today, the food you cooked was really good, keep it up" he gave her a small pat, turning around and starting to leave.

"Thank you for your consideration your highness! We'll do our best to not let you down!" the cook said as he left the kitchen, turning around to notice that Puffy had a large smile plastered across her face.


As he was starting to leave the dining room, Techno saw a tall figure dressed in dark clothes run towards him, soon catching up.

"Your highness! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" he panted out, making him chuckle lightly.

"I'm sorry Ranboo, i just wanted to say hi to our cooks, what's on the agenda today?" he asked, as they started walking down the hallway. Ranboo was his secretary, keeping notes of his duties and everything he needed to do as a king, he was a magical creature as well and it was pretty obvious, seeing that his hair and face where half white and half black, as well as his eyes, one red and one green. He had the power to teleport around, which was pretty handful when he needed to get to him quickly for urgent matters.

He was very tall, a little bit taller than Techno, and he was the tallest one around the castle, but that didn't bother him at all, since he knew the guy was no match for him in a fight. Ranboo hurriedly opened his book, which had a 'DO NOT READ' written in capital letters on it's cover, since it contained very important and sensitive information.

"Uhm... you have a meeting with the representatives of the farmers in about ten minutes about the agricultural problems and damages caused by the recent storm" he flipped the page "Then you need to read and sign some paperwork about the economical exchanges with our closest ally, the Soot kingdom" he flipped it again.

"And then the council has requested an audience, if you wish to grant it" Techno groaned "They'll probably want to pester me again about the fact of finding a bride" he sighed "They are insufferable" he mumbled.

"Do you wish for me to tell them that you aren't available today?" Techno nodded "Please do, i'm not in the mood to hear their rantings today" Ranboo quickly noted that down on his book, before accompanying him to the meeting room, opening the door and bowing down before leaving.

The rest of his day went pretty well, he managed to strike a deal with the farmers, promising them that he'll give enough money to fix the damaged fields and houses, as well as seeds to replant. He took a short lunch break and then returned to reading the papers he needed, finishing in a little over than two hours.

He stretched out, looking at the sun outside, it was about five or six in the afternoon, he still had about an hour to waste before dinner, so he decided to go for a walk in the castle gardens.


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