《Family Issues》6


Amelia's P.O.V

"Guys I got an email from the school saying I'm going on the trip tomorrow" I said coming down the steps to eat breakfast

The boys nodded and ate in silence

Okay this is weird

I ignored it and went to get some cereal. I then sat down with the others.

"Can we have movie night tonight cuz we didn't do it yesterday" I said

Adam nodded and went to put his plate away. Why is everyone so friggin quiet

"Did someone die?" I said putting my spoon


Jackson began choking on his food but soon regained his breathe

"No why would u think that" he said between coughs

"Cuz ur all so quiet which is weird, Jason hasn't said good morning to me, Chris hasn't cooked breakfast, football isn't playing on the tv and Deans not being a prick to me" I said crossing my arms

"Do u want me to be a prick to u?" Dean said smirking

"Oh So now u talk" I said rolling my eyes

"Nothings wrong Lia" Adam said

I huffed and continued eating


All of our heads snapped to the voice to see our cousins standing there with the door wide open

My mouth hung open the milk from my cereal spilling out of it




All the boys stood up excitedly rushing over to hug them

I looked to there sides to see suitcases

There goes my social life

Don't get me wrong I adore my cousins except the fact that they are older than me and protective just like my brothers

Frick me in the asshole.

Let me give u bit of closure on them

They are my favourite cousins more likely my only cousins. They are from my mothers side.


The oldest is Elliot at 24 second oldest is Brandon at 23 and the youngest is Noah at 19.

The three boys looked over at me and there smiles widened

"YOUVE GROWN SO MUCH HOLY SHIT BITCH" they said running over to pick me up and spin me around

"I'm not 10 guys" I said trying to get out of there grasp

"Look at her she hit puberty like a truck" Noah said poking my face

"Yh oof u guys better be making sure no guys are touching her" Elliot said clicking his tongue and shaking his head

"Guuuyyyssss" I said finally jumping out of Elliot's grasp

"How have u been sweetheart how's high school?" Brandon said sitting down on my stool and eating my cereal

"It's good" I said sitting down on the seat next to him

Everyone sat down on the table me having to sit in Adams lap cuz there wasn't any more space

"So what brings u guys here" I said

"Our parents are going on vacation and we didn't want to stay alone so we thought why not crash at our cousins" Brandon said shrugging his shoulders

"And how long are aunt and uncle on vacation for?" I said scratching my neck awkwardly

"4 weeks" they said together making my eyes widen and the boys smile to grow bigger

"Anyway tell me how did the baby's first week of high school go any problems?" Noah said ruffling my hair

I looked at the others to tell them with my eyes not to say anything about Dylan

Dean smirked before saying

"Some stuff has been happening"

I flared my nostrils and glared at him

" I think I'm gonna go" I said standing up just to get pushed right back into Adam

"Ur not going anywhere mrs now dean tell me what been happening" Elliot said crossing his arms


Fuck my life

"There's a guy, Dylan I think he's called" dean said looking over at me

"Hmmm tell me more does our little princess have a crush on this Dylan" Noah said stifling a laugh

My head shot up and my eyes widened

"WHAT NO!" I said loudly causing the others to get abit startled

They all started laughing

"U sure Amelia" Brandon said raising an eyebrow

"I am very extremely 100% sure that I don't like him he's a cocky man whore, like Dean" I said smirking towards the end

"Offended" Dean said rolling his eyes

"Don't worry Lia they are just messing with u" Jason said smiling at me

I huffed and went upstairs to go get changed for the day

I came back down but stopped at the top of the step when I heard whispering

"When are u gonna tell her?" Someone said I think Elliot?

"Not yet she's too ...." I couldn't hear the rest because a blender whirring stopped me to

The last voice sounded like Adam

What were they on about?

What do they need to tell me?!

I thought for a few minutes but decided to just ignore it and go on with my day


"What movie yall hoes wanna watch" Noah said jumping onto the couch sitting beside me laying his head on my shoulder

"Insidious" Dean said laying on the couch on his phone

"u guys know Amelia is scared of horror movie" Noah said shaking his head

"Thank you" I said smiling at him

"Which is all the more reason as to why we should watch it" he said laying back on my shoulder

I looked at him in shock

"U little-" I got cut off by Elliot

"There will be no swearing in my house hold" he said pointing his finger at me

"But the others get to!" I said crossing my arms

"Doesn't matter" he said sitting down

"Ha ha shit fuck bitch shit fuck bitch fuck bitch shit" Jackson said going on

"Frick u" I said putting my ring finger up at him is it didn't really count as swearing

Everyone settled down and we began watching the movie

Hopefully I don't have Dylan on the trip tomorrow


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