《Fateful Encounter (Fumikage Tokoyami x Reader)》Sweet Romance


You unlock your front door and peek inside your house, scanning the interior for your parents. "Looks like they're gone. They said they would be out for a couple of hours. So..." You quote your boyfriend, "What do you want to do... Now that we're all alone?"

He chuckles, speaking softly, "Perhaps we should... visit your room?" He shoots you a lustful gaze, and you nod as the two of you rush to your room. You swing open the door and shut it hard as soon as Fumikage slips inside. You turn around, now peering into Fumikage's beautiful crimson eyes. He presses his beak against your lips, kissing you tenderly yet passionately. Blissful moans escape your mouth, making Fumikage blush fiercely and you smile even more. Suddenly, he breaks away from you and murmurs, "I- ...I can't do this, (y/n). It's... too much..." Noticing his scarlet cheeks and nervous sweating, you realize that you might be going too fast for Fumikage.

"Hey," you whisper sweetly, "It's okay, we can slow down. What do you want to do instead?"

"I- ...I am unsure. I just..." Panic sweeps his face, and you try to calm him. He settles down and continues, "I cannot do that... Yet I do not know what I desire to do."

You think for a moment and reply, "How about we just cuddle and hang out? You know, I would love to learn more about you." He accepts your offer, and the two of you sit on your bed and cover yourselves with your favorite blanket. "So, Fumi, tell me more about yourself."

"Well," he begins, "I am quite fond of odori-don. It is surely my favorite dish."

"Odori-don? What's that," you query curiously.

"It is a dish consisting of rice or noodles with a fresh squid as the main feature." You listen intently as he continues, "Soy sauce is poured atop the freshly-killed squid, which causes its muscles to react to the sodium in the sauce. The result is a deceased squid that appears to squirm around, and makes for an intriguing, delicious meal. However, my favorite food in general is certainly apples."


Stunned by his description of odori-don, all you can manage to say is, "...I like apples, too. Uh... Oh! What's your favorite kind of apple?"

After a brief pause, he replies, "Apples with a deep red hue. I'm uncertain of their names, but red apples are my preference. What is your favorite kind of apple, (y/n)?"

"Hmm... I'm not quite sure. They're all pretty tasty. Um, is there anything you want to do? I mean, we won't always be able to be alone all the time, after all." You enjoy hearing what he has to say, but you have an immense urge to do something really romantic with Fumikage. As you're trying to think of something you'd both enjoy, he comes up with the perfect plan.

"What if we were to play my favorite video game? Since we've played yours, it seems sensible that we play mine." You grin and nod enthusiastically as the two of you dash to your living room. He looks through your collection of video games and snatches up one of the cases. "I noticed that you possessed this game when I first entered your home. Shall we play?"

"Of course," you respond. You're almost shocked to see what he's chosen, but even more surprised to know that it's probably your second favorite game. Excited to play, Fumikage asks if you like the game he chose. "Are you kidding me? I love this game! I still can't believe it's your favorite, since you're so good at fighting RPGs." He blushes at your response, trying to convince you that he's no good at his favorite game. "Yeah, right! I bet you're awesome at it! Now let's dance!!" Yes, Fumikage's favorite video game is a dancing game. He lets you choose the song, and as you dance together, you notice that Fumikage is truly amazing at this. His final score is incredibly high, even higher than yours!


"My gosh, your score's better than mine and, like, I play this almost every day after school," you shriek in awe.

"It's a minuscule difference," Fumikage replies, "But I suppose if our results are so close, I must be much better than I had previously assumed."

"Fumi, just admit it - you're awesome!" Fumikage flushes, his cheeks burning as he sits on the couch next to you. You scoot closer to him, and he doesn't even try to hide his joyous smile. "Since we've been dancing like crazy, I'm really tired. You are too, aren't you?" He nods softly as you continue, "Well... I know what we can do next."

"And what would that be?" He looks deeply into your eyes, exhausted yet very focused on you.

"Taking a nap together. You know, not like last time... but on purpose...? My bed's pretty comfy..."

Fumikage's face lights up in surprise and glee. "But of course! I would most certainly adore such a thing!"

Since you're both still wearing your school uniforms, you lend Fumikage a cozy pair of shorts and a shirt, and you change into your favorite pajamas. When the two of you are ready, you lay in your bed together, covered in a warm blanket. You snuggle into each other, your body pressing into his. You feel an endearing warmth emanating from Fumi as you cuddle him affectionately. He nuzzles his face against yours, and you feel his soft feathers on your cheek.

"(y/n)", he whispers seductively, "I adore you an impossibly tremendous amount... And somehow, you care immensely for me, as well."

"Fumi," you begin, "Do you know why I love you so much?" He just shakes his head gently, and you reply, "Because you're so amazing. You're beautiful, smart, kind, passionate, lovable - you're perfect, and I love every single thing about you."

"Truly, (y/n)?"

"Truly." And with that, the two of you doze off, unaware that your parents would soon be home.

About half an hour later, your parents arrive back home. "That was so much fun," (your mom's name: m/n) says.

"My gosh, I would never have seen myself singing on Karaoke Night without you, hon," (your dad's name: d/n) exclaims. He jiggles the handle on the front door, noticing that you locked it. "(m/n), can you get the key please?"

Your mother reaches into her purse, digging around for the key. "It's a good thing (y/n) locked the door. There's been quite a few crimes around here recently... Here it is!" She unlocks the door, and your parents walk inside. "I'm going to check on (y/n) real quick, I'll be back soon."

Your unsuspecting mother waltzed into your room to find you and Fumikage fast asleep together. Thankfully, she thought it was adorable rather than inappropriate. However, she thought you and your boyfriend were so cute that she showed your father and helped herself to an extensive photo shoot. Yes, your mom now has pictures of you snuggling with Fumikage, but you were snuggling Fumikage - do you really mind?

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