《Loving a Liar │Number Five》𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍


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𝐘/𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 𝐓𝐇𝐄 next day pretty late. Since she didn't get a normal sleep for 2 days she wanted to sleep in for once. She opened her eyes and yawned. For a split second, she kind of forgot where she was and how she got here since of that tiredness the memory gets messed up. But she quickly remembered the previous days' events.

She got up, changed into a new uniform, and walked out of her room slowly opening the door. She walked around the house and noticed mom. But she was broken. Wires sticking out of her hands like someone just cut her wide open. Grace was sitting there with her closed eyes and head tilted down.

The girl just put her hands to her mouth, not knowing what to think. She stared at her mother from a distance not deciding on what to do and how to react. But then she saw Diego head for Five's room which caught her attention.

"Why the hell is he going to Five's room now?" So she followed Diego but silently so he wouldn't notice around the hallway. Then she drew her attention to the fact that Luther and Pogo were in Five's room.

"Oh, for god's sake, if they are going to fight again..."

"Like I said, Master Luther, Number Five hasn't lived in this room since he was a boy." Pogo explained as Luther went through all of the things in Five's room.

"Yeah, I know but we need to warn him. He doesn't even know we were attacked. Y/n knows, but he doesn't. They don't even know they're looking for them, he doesn't know-"

"What are you doing here?" Diego interrupted Luther walking inside the room. Pogo looked at Diego knowing where this might go. Y/n just came inside the room and leaned against the doorway.

Luther noticed her looking at him, but she knew that Luther was...different. She figured out that before the others found out.

"Uh..." Luther stood up from the floor. "Do you know about mom?"'

"Well, it looks like you got what you wanted, one way or another right?" Diego looked around noticing Y/n behind him.

Luther looked at Pogo nervously not knowing what to say now. "Wanna tell me what you're doing here?"

"Looking for Five. But Y/n probably already knows where he is, right?" Diego looked back at the girl.

"No, no I don't. And I couldn't care less where he is so keep this between you two." She pointed at the two men.

"Let me guess, you're gonna save the day." Luther almost cut Y/n off wanting to say this faster than ever.

"It's what I do. Asshole." Diego evilly smirked as he was about to walk out.

"Really? Last I checked, you mopped floors."

Diego stopped smirking and stopped in his tracks. Pogo looked between the two boys and back at Y/n. She was just looking at everything thinking when she should intervene.

Diego turned around glaring at Luther. "And what do you do? Sit on the moon for four years, waiting for orders?"

"This won't' help you find Five." Y/n stood up from leaning on the doorframe but the boys ignored her.


"Keep on being a loyal soldier after everything our father did to you." Diego continued talking.

"What? You mean save my life?"

"No, I mean...turn you into a monster." Diego leaned on a cabinet. Then Luther punched the same cabinet only inches away from Diego causing a huge whole to come out of it. But Pogo and Y/n just sighed at that.

"Can't hide it anymore, champ." Diego didn't break his gaze as Luther took his hand out of the hole.

"He had a difficult decision to make, and he made it." Luther kept defending his father.

"Grow up, Luther. We're not 13 anymore." Diego shook his head.

"That's what leaders do, by the way."

"He sent you on that mission all alone. Almost got you killed."

"Yeah, well at least he was there. Where were you? You and everyone else in this family. You walked out."

The boys just kept arguing, but the tension was so high that Y/n even thought about using her telekinesis to shut them both.

"And thank Christ that I did, or I would have ended up just like you." Diego pointed at Luther. But he was just speechless. He had nothing to say to that. "Let me ask you a question. When you watch one of those nature shows..."

"Diego, please!" Y/n came closer to them from the doorway.

"...does it turn you on?"

"So what? Is he just an animal to you, too now, Diego, huh?" Luther pointed at Pogo.


"Enough! Last night this house was attacked." Y/n walked up to them as she was almost in the middle of them making sure they don't start fighting. "You barely got out with your lives. And mom...she wasn't as lucky as us. Five is missing and even I have no clue where he might be right now. And this is how you plan to deal with everything? Act more mature like the adults you should be."

"Miss Y/n is absolutely correct. Take your nonsense somewhere else." Pogo agreed.

"Sorry, Pogo."

"Yeah, sorry, Pogo."

The two boys left the room and Y/n sighed heavily following them with her eyes.

"Miss Y/n, you should-"

"I don't want to help them, Pogo." Y/n cut Pogo off looking at the ground. "I don't want to find Five nor I intend to ever do that."

Pogo didn't quite knew what happened between them but he understood that there was something that broke their friendship. "Miss Y/n, I don't know what happened in the future, but you should still be the sister of your brothers and help them. Don't you think?"

It really made Y/n re-think everything. She thought about it for a couple of seconds. "Okay, I will. Thank you, Pogo."

Then she walked out of the room and quickly caught up with the boys who were walking down the stairs.

"So, I can see that without me you won't make it far so let me help you." She said as she walked in the middle of them.

"Who are those people who attacked-"

"They are probably assassins who were hired to kill us so that Five and I get back to work for the commission and so that we don't stop the end to the world." Y/n quickly explained by interrupting Luther.


"What do you mean "the commission?" And what do you mean "us"?" Diego asked confused.

"We don't have time for this, but I will explain everything later, ok?" They all stopped in the middle of the house in front of the door. The boys nodded as they started heading somewhere.

"Let's start with the most recent place I saw him."

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"𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐓. He's still here. This is Five's van." Luther explained the obvious for Diego and Y/n while the three of them came up to the van.

"Go. Go." Y/n rushed them as they approached the doors. But, of course, it was locked. Luther tried to open it but it was no use. Diego was about to open the door with his knives and unlock it but Y/n already did it with her telekinesis. The boys looked at her in confusion.

"What? Just hurry up." She pointed to the van.

Luther and Diego tried to get inside at the same time but they bumped into each other. Then backed away, and bumped into each other again.

"I'm one." Luther stated.

"And I'm Eight." Y/n added sarcastically as she shoved the boys through the middle and got inside it the first. They just looked at each other and continued. She started searching through everything and so were Luther and Diego soon enough.

Then Y/n found Vanya's book that Five used to write in everything. All of the equations, all of the notes were there. She remembered how he started documenting everything in here when they found her book.

"Of course! The library!"

"Hey, guys!" The boys turned around to look at her as she showed the stamp from the library. It said the library's name and address.

"I know where to find Five."

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 walked into the library. It was pretty big with many floors so they had to work fast.

"Let's split up. Luther, you take the right, and Diego, you take the left. I'll search from upstairs." Y/n explained as she teleported to the top floor. Luther rolled his eyes at the girl since he didn't like that she was acting like she was the leader. But she just kept looking everywhere until she came across Five.

He was sleeping there, sitting and leaning against a wall, hugging Delores while he held a bottle of some alcohol in his hands. The walls were all written over with some equations and there were books, notebooks, and pens scattered everywhere.

"Wow, Five, cheating on me with my best friend. Well...we're technically not together but you rebounded pretty fast, is all I'm saying." She chuckled slightly. She wasn't scared that he would hear her since he was sleeping in his slumber.

"God, you're a mess." She came to him and got on her knees to sit down. "Five? Five, wake up!" She kept shaking him but he was fast asleep, he just snored to her.

"Great." She looked around herself and saw Diego and Luther talking on the other side of the floor. "Hey, guys!" She yelled and waved. They came as quickly as possible and saw Five being drunk at its finest.

"Is he, um..."

"Drunk as a skunk." Y/n chuckled. "All right. Luther, pick him up, and let's get out of here before they call child protective services."

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𝐋𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐆𝐎, 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐘/𝐍 were walking down a dark alley as Luther carried Five bridal style with him holding Delores. Diego was in the lead, Y/n was in the middle and Luther was in the back with Five.

"Well, we can't go back to the house. It's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back any moment." Luther suggested.

"Yeah, but where are we supposed to go then? I don't think there are a lot of options." Y/n shrugged glancing between the brothers.

"My place is closer." Diego volunteered. "No one will look for them there."

Then Five belched and sighed. That meant he was finally awake.

"Ugh, Five." Y/n complained and rolled her eyes.

"If you vomit on me..." Luther didn't finish his sentence because he actually didn't know what he would do to him but one thing he knew is that he would be pissed.

"You know what's funny? Aah! I'm going through puberty." Five scoffed. "Huh, twice."

Y/n always appreciated Five's drunk humor when they were in the apocalypse, but now knowing that she left him to work and he got wasted was just pathetic. "Jesus..."

"And I...I drank that whole bottle, didn't I?" Five chuckled. "That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye." He waved his hand. "Poof, it's gone. What are you guys talkin' about?"

Luther sighed. "Two masked intruders attacked the academy last night."

"They came looking for you two, so I need you to focus since Y/n is already sober. What do they want?" Diego asked.

"Hazel and Cha-Cha..." Five sighed of the sound of that same problem.


"You know I hate code names."

"They're assassins, like us." Y/n pointed to her and Five.

"Yeaah, Y/n's right. You're so smart, Y/n. But the best of the best. Except for us, of course." Five laughed.

"The best of what?"

"You know, Y/n always said she hated when I drink. She said it made me surly-"

"Hey!" Diego broke Five's talk.

"Hm? Yeah?"

"I need you to focus. What do this Hazel and Cha-Cha want?"

Five just smirked at Diego while the other two waited for his answer.

"We just wanna protect you-"

"I told you, Diego, they want to kill us because we might change the timeline!" Y/n slapped her forehead out of frustration.

"Protect us. We don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea how many people we've killed?" Five tried to combine words into a sentence to make sense but then Luther and Diego just slowly looked at Y/n.

"Later!" She whispered.

"No. We're the four frickin' horsemen. The apocalypse is coming." And just as he said those last words he turned to the side and vomited with Luther trying not to drop him to the ground.

"Well, I did say the right thing: drinking makes you surly as hell."

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