《LOSER > THE GOONIES》Chapter Twenty - Two



"How many years do I got until I get fat, and my hair falls out.. and until I look like him!" Andi didn't know what she pointed at until we all saw what it was.

She then screamed as she ran into Brands arms.

"A skeleton? For Christ's sake. That's it I'm done. Adios!" I yelled as I turned back, but I was facing Mouth. He turned me back around, I stomped my feet onto the ground.

"I can't do this crap anymore. That's the second body I've seen that's not alive! Jeez" I complained, the words that came outta my mouth surprised me also.

"Hey, hey June calm down" kelsey says "Don't tell me what to do!" I said harshly, catching everyone's attention. I now realized what I said.

"sorry.." I trailed off, She chuckles a little "don't worry about it zoner." Kelsey smiles


I walked to the skeleton, "dont touch it June!" Mouth says "why not? We're all gonna die in here anyway, might as well make it last." I spoke, "we aren't gonna die." Jon says "oh okay, says the one who said we were." I put my hands on my hips.

dang, why am I now feeling sassy?

Jon gave me a stare, then walked off.

"You guys are seriously acting like a couple." Mouth said, "Shut up Mouth."

"That's not the first time someone's ever said that" Data says, I couldn't help but laugh at Data's comment.

"He's dead for sure.. maybe he's Chester Copperpot." Data said looking at the skeleton, "Chester Coppe- who?" I asked, "Chester Copperpot! The guy in the newspaper up in Mikey's attic, don't you guys remember? They said the guy that went looking for the rich stuff, they said that he went in. But he never came back out, see that was back in 1935.." Data explains the whole thing about Chester Copperpot.


"I really need to pay attention more.." I put my hand over my face, I sighed.

"someone.. get the wallet, we don't know for sure that it's Chester Copperpot." Brand says, We all exchanged looks.

"Mouth you do it." Data suggested "Hell no, I'm not touching that! June you do it." Mouth says "No!"

"Mikey?" We all asked in unison. Mikey rolled his eyes, he looked around.

Pulling out a wallet from the pocket.

"It is Chester.." Mikey trailed off, handing Brand the wallet.

"Oh god.."

"See, I told you!!"

I grabbed the wallet from Brand, "I wonder if the dude still has money." I opened his wallet. The boys gave me a glare.

"it's from 1935 June. I think it'll be outdated by now." Mouth said, while shaking his head "what? A girl can't try find money?" I asked innocently.

Mikey chuckled, and so did Data.

"Hey.. look candles!" Mikey pulled out a bunch of stuff from somewhere beside the rock.

"Oh, here give it to me!" Data says, Mikey passed him the candles.

Data got up from the ground, placing the candles in his bag. I figured he was claiming it now.

"Data where are you going?" Mikey called out. "I'm setting bootytraps." Data said, walking off




Brand grabbed something like a skeleton but almost like a key. I guess you could say it was a key.

"looks like a skeleton." I said "yeah, it does" Mouth says, as he stared at the key.

"Give me that" Mikey grabbed the key from Brand, it was around the skeletons neck, Mikey pulled it and the head CAME OFF


"holy shit!" I yelled, I jumped up from the ground.

"Oh no, no, no, no!" Mouth shudders about Brand touching the head. I was beside Mouth. Holding onto him because I was friggin scared.

Mouth held back onto me, I looked at Mouth. He returned the look, I moved away from him like an inch.

I dusted myself off, since I was covered in dust from the walls and crap.

"Look at this.. see what I found?" Mikey asked, looking at the ground. He was pulling what I suppose was a string.

"Um.. Mikey?" I tried to warn him but he wasn't paying attention, I heard noises come from around us.

"Mikey!" I grumbled "what June?!" He replied back harshly, I don't think he meant it for it to sound mean.

Or at least I hope not.

He heard the noises, Mikey removed his hand from the string.

"guys, don't move an inch." Mikey says "you guys don't move back there!"

"What?" We heard Data yell from the beginning of the tunnel.

"Guys Run!" Mikey yelled, Stef Kelsey and Andi ran towards us, but I saw Data fall down.

"Data get up!" I shouted, one rock from the top of the tunnel came flying down, almost hitting Data until Kelsey pulled his arm, getting him out of the way.


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