《LOSER > THE GOONIES》Chapter Fourteen



"Sit down!" She ordered, and of course we obeyed because.. well she's scary as shit.

we all split and sat down on each chairs, the only one who's clumsy enough to fall is chuck and he did.

"You alright chunk?" Data asked, I looked down and saw him on the floor.

Chunk got up off the floor,

Chunk tried to find the right words to say as he was talking gibberish. "Come on Chunk, spit it out" Mikey said "you guys... if we don't get out soon enoug-"


He quietly talked "There's gonna be some kind of hostage crisis.. and i-"

"chunk... we're just gonna OD on your bullshit." Mouth rolled his eyes "Yeah man. Shut up" Data said,

The sound of glass hitting the table made all of us jump back into our seats. "Here's your water."

"Thank you sir.... I mean ma'am!" Mikey said as quick as possible. The lady gave him a death glare, "I am a ma'am NOT a sir!"


"Is this supposed to be water?" Mouth asked the lady, it was a weird looking colour.. oh god what if it's blood? Oh my god.

"It's wet ain't it?!" She asked, "yes yes.. yes it's w-water" I said as I grabbed my cup.

"Drink it!"

she's crazy. Making us drink this water what if it's poisonous.

"miss.. can I use the men's bathroom please?" Mikey asked, "Cant you hold it?" She asked "No!"

Mouth started teasing Mikey, he poured the water into another cup, and did the same thing over and over again until Mikey finally got to go to the bathroom.

I zoned out while Mikey raced off downstairs. I always do this.. and I really hate it. It's because I haven't took my pills once this morning. And I need to take them or else I'll have an attack. Or just pass out,


"Hey.. June you listening?" Mouth snapped me back into reality. "Uh.. umm what?"

"were you having a moment again?" He asked, I slowly nodded "did you even bother taking your pills?"

"How was I supposed to take it? It's at my house and I've been with you dorks all day." I replied, "well, you're supposed to have it with you at all cost damnit June" Mouth sighed, "well sorry"


It's been awhile since Mikey didn't come back, and we were starting to worry.

"June, do you mind looking for Mikey?" Data asked "you're kidding me right?"

"go look for him. He might be hurt, or even worse someone could've killed him!" Chunk said while biting his nails. I sighed.. "Man.. you guys always make the girl do the stuff."

"and we appreciate that very much." Data said as he smiled. "How am I even gonna ask her?"

"Just say that the water you drank made you need to pee really badly." Mouth whispered.

I shook my head. "Lady?" I asked, she turned her head "what?!"

"wheres your woman's bathroom?"

"your boyfriend just went to the bathroom. Hold it until he comes back" She said rudely, "but I can't... the water I had. It made me need to use the washroom badly." I jumped up and down.

"He's not my boyfriend by the way"

I said

"Does it look like I care? Go downstairs, wait until your boyfriend comes out and use it, do not go anywhere else but the washroom. You hear me?" She pointed her finger towards me, I nodded quickly.

I ran to the door that led downstairs. I was actually kinda scared, knowing the fact that they ARE murderers.. they probably got Mikey.. Jesus..


I heard footsteps coming from the right of the tunnel. "Hey, hey! What are you doing here?!" The man grabbed my arm "i-i Uh needed to u-use the bathroom sir." I said "it's right there. And stay to the right. Don't go to the left you hear?"

I nodded "of course"

He let go of my arm and I quickly ran to the bathroom, the man went back upstairs. Me being my noisy self I decided to go check what they're hiding.

The left tunnel led to a room with a man facing the television. His head looked like a cone. What the hell


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