《Alpha Raphael》15



Ariels POV

My heat was finally over. I could walk again and it was great. But it also meant Raphie had to go back to work. Which was okay, but breakfast in bed was pretty great too.

Justin and Parker were back, and the first thing they asked was if I had sex. But after they took a moment, they knew I hadn't because of my scent.

"Have you two had sex yet?" I retort angrily, instantly regretting what I said when Parker smirks.

"Darling, I think you'd be jealous if you knew how much-"

Justin quickly interrupts him. "Parker." He snaps sharply.

I mumble incoherent words under my breath in anger. Heat simply made me snap at everyone and peaked what my brother called anger issues. And even though it was over, I think that part lingered.

These boys were simply annoying sometimes.

"So... Whatcha wanna do then?" Parker raises an eyebrow.

"Go into town," I shrug.

Justin frowns. "I don't want to take you after what happened last time."

"Well I'm not gonna never go into town again. Come on." I grab my sunglasses and slide them on. The boys don't argue, they just get into the back of Raphie's car when I slide into the drivers seat.

I speed off. I have some business to do.

Drug store shopping.

When I pull up at the store, Parker gives me a funny look. I simply get out and walk in. I might not tend to wear makeup, but I really like doing it, it's fun. And I want candy and snacks. And I need some hygiene things. So that's what I'm getting.

Parker and Justin trail along with me. They help me match things to my skin tone and it makes me laugh. When we get to the hygiene products however, they start to go silent. Seeming lost in the rows of shampoo and conditioner.

It's funny seeing these two doing such a mundane thing besides arguing.

We get everything I need and want and I use my own money to pay. I don't want to keep relying on Raphie.

Heading home, my mind flickers to my family and friends. Do they miss me? Do they think of me?

"Shut up." I tell Justin and Parker.

"We weren't talking..." Justin says slowly.

"You're thinking, it's annoying." I reply.

"She's quoting Sherlock," Parker mumbles. "It's her favourite show."

I smile proudly. Someone knows what I'm talking about. Good job Parker for actually watching with me. I sigh and let myself think again, but Parker and Justin really are annoying, I just wanna be alone.

When I get back to the house we bring everything to the kitchen for the time being.


"Raphael is coming home soon." Justin informs.

So he's coming early and he won't link me but he'll link Justin. That's annoying. He can be annoying.

"Raphie is an ass." I huff.

Parker laughs. "If you weren't his mate, I think you'd be dead by now."

"Whatever." I huff.

"You know he's busy trying to prepare for an attack." Justin states. "Don't give him so much crap."

I blink a few times. "What?"

"You didn't know?" Parker frowns. "He's been preparing for an attack for quite some time now."

"He... Never told me."

Justin and Parker exchange glances. "Maybe we shouldn't have said anything..." Justin states then Raphie walks in.

The boys are quick to leave, not wanting to get caught in any fight or my moodiness. It's not my fault I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I didn't actually, it'd be pretty funny if I did though...

"Ariel," Raphael acknowledges me, he looks over the bags on the island before getting himself food.

"How come you never told me you were preparing for an attack? An attack from who?" I burst.

"That is none of your business Ariel."

"Of course it's my business! I'm the Luna of this pack. I deserve to know everything. I may not be entirely your equal, but pack matters aren't just your burden anymore. You have a mate now. Learn to share. Tell me what's going on with my pack now." Inside my wolf seethes, I try to force her back. I want to know what's going on and if she starts to hurt me Raphie won't tell me at all.

It's a moment before he sighs and complies. "Remember the pack I told you about? With the angry alpha. I have reason to believe he is planning an attack on our pack."

This doesn't help my wolf. I whimper in pain when she comes out. She isn't mad at Raphie now, rather, mad at this alpha.

"Ariel..." Raphie sounds hurt. He walks over and crushes me in a hug. "I've been doing some research on this matter as well. I think there's a really simple solution."

"And what's that?" I whisper, again fighting for control with my wolf.

"Just accept your wolf. You never let her take control. You never let her out. She's like a rebellious teenager who just needs to be free for a little while. You keep her so locked up and unattached from you that it hurts when she tries to come out. You act as though she's a second mind. She's not, she's a part of you. Just let her take control. Just accept her."


"What if she hurts someone?" My mind flickers to Darcy, June's mom, her wolf hurt her too. But in a different way and for a different reason then what Raphael is telling me.

"I'm here. I won't let that happen." Raphael says softly, which is a little strange to hear. It takes me a moment before I can do it, but I stop fighting for control. And I let my wolf take over.

My body shakes a little, threatening to shift with her so at the front. A growl escapes me, her doing, not mine. The pain only intensifies as I try to take control again, scared of doing something I'll regret. But she doesn't care about privacy either, giving Raphie full access to our mind.

I stop fighting for control and let her take us away from Raphie. Down to his basement where his workout stuff is. He follows, watching us just in case. I find the pain is still there, but subsiding. And all we do is sit.

Its stressful for both my wolf and I, so we sit on the padded floor and pick at it. Anytime I fight for control, she hurts me again. A strange battle in my mind. I think I should name her 'The Monster' or something.

I'm angry at this other pack for threatening ours. I'm angry at Raphael for... For being Raphael. I'm angry at my friends for not caring. I'm angry at my family for forgetting me. I'm angry at my wolf. I'm angry at the world.

I relax where I'm sitting. And then she starts to go back, to the back of my mind where she usually stays. She just gives me control back, without a battle. Maybe Raphie was right... Maybe I should just let her take control every once and a while. She didn't make me shift all she did was sit and pick at the padded floor.

Might have to replace this piece of padding stuff...

But Raphie was right. I look up at him, where he's waiting on the steps. I give him a huge smile. "You were right!"

He nods a little, giving a small smile in return. It fades pretty quickly but I feel honoured to have seen yet another one of his rare smiles. I run over, pushing past him to get upstairs.

"Where are you going?" He asks, I can hear him getting up after me.

"Food." I go to the kitchen and take out some of the candy I got.

"Ariel that isn't food-"

I growl darkly and he shuts up. He follows me to our room where I plop down on the bed. Candy is food. If you can eat it and it tastes good, and it's like, a product that is sold to be eaten, it's food.

Raphie sits next to me and with one hand he's on his phone, the other hand is around my waist. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but I watch what he's doing on his phone. It's amusing to see him playing Candy Crush. The big bad alpha can't beat level seventy three in Candy Crush.

Eventually I get tired of seeing him fail and I take the phone. Passing the level of a game I've never played with ease.

"How did you...?"

"I'm a goddess."

"In your dreams, tulip."

"I'm not a flower."

"Fine, sugar."

"I don't like that one either."

"Can't you just let me call you something kitten?"

"I'm a werewolf."

He groans and gives up. We sit together for a while as I ponder over this pack. I don't want them to attack us. That means lives will be lost. Pack wars are... They're just... Full of death. I shiver, causing Raphie to stop what he's doing on his phone and look over.

"What's wrong?"

"Why must he attack us? What if he attacks you? I don't want to lose you." I end up letting everything out. "I can't lose you. You're the annoying thorn in my side that never goes away. If you left you'd be taking a piece of me with you. So you can't go. You have to stay with me, Raphie I can't lose-"

I'm cut off by a kiss. Something I did not expect, surprise shocks me into stillness. And it's a moment before I find myself kissing back.

Heat runs through my body at the kiss. I'd never felt anything like this, it was amazing. Suddenly I don't hate the Moon Goddess for pairing my with the god Raphael. Because I love him.

When he pulls away, I take a moment to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry, did I give you permission to interrupt?"

"I thought it was an appropriate time." He replies softly and I can't help it, I lean in and kiss him again. Though only for a short moment before pulling away.

"I love you Raphael." I whisper, waiting for a reaction. I know he said he loved me, but that was some time ago. What if he suddenly didn't like me anymore? Well then why would he kiss you, moron? Maybe he just didn't want to hear me ranting? I mean I did compare him to a thorn-

"I love you too, Ariel."

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