《The Rejected Mate》23 - The Choice


Archer remained standing. His fists forming and his jaw clenching as he looked at us.

"Your time is running"-Blake said. I closed my eyes. Archer is in a dire position , he could not choose. He loves Allisa , he always did , while he is just having a difficult time trying to decide about me. We have children , and I am his mate. But who he truly love is Allisa. There's no doubt. He wouldn't defend her if he doesn't. I sighed and opened my eyes before I looked towards Blake's direction.

"Just let them leave and kill me afterwards at least not in front of the kid"-I said

"Aveera! What are you talking about?!"-Archer asked between his gritted teeth

"I'm giving you a choice"-I said glaring at him

"So you rather die for your mate and his wife? Leaving behind your kids who are waiting for you in that pack hall?"-Blake said. I am not surprised for him to know that I have a kids. I felt sad but at least I already introduced them to their dad before I died right?

"No! You are not killing her!"-Archer said stepping forward. The Rogues immediately stood on guard.

"You can't have both , Wringgs , if you won't give me my mate then I'll just better kill yours"-Blake said and I gagged as he tighten his hold on my throat. Blake is still nice when he talked fo me before right? Can he really kill me? Maybe yes , everyone can do anything if their mates were involved.

"I already told you to kill me"-I said and Archer growl

"Don't!"-he shouted

"Please , I...I love her"-he said and I left frozen on my foot.

"Say clearly what is your choice then"-Blake said. I stare at Archer as his eyes shifted towards me and on the Rogue's arms.

"Maybe we can settle this in another way. Don't touch the girls and we will have a fight. You and the rogues , versus me and my warriors , whoever might win could have them , but I will assure you won't get out of this pack alive"-Archer said

"You can't beat us Wringgs , you almost lose the battle a while ago , its clear that I won"-Blake said

"I'll go"-Allisa finally voice out after a lot of contemplating.

"Allisa , stay back"-Archer said

"I'm..I'm going with him"-she said

"What did you say?"-Archer asked

"Blake is not going to hurt me..I am his mate..you can , just let me leave..and just be happy with Aveera and your kids"-Allisa said


"I am happy that you still cared for me..but maybe this is the right thing to do , maybe being with my mate is the right thing to happen. I'm stepping down from the title of the Luna , I know the Moon goddess will understand it all"-Allisa said and went towards Archer and hugged him , making a growl escape from Blake's throat.

"Thank you for taking care of me these past few years , and for loving me..but I know you are already moving on and you are already in love with your real mate"-she said and took something from his hand , their wedding bond. She drop it to the ground together with hers.


"Goodbye"-she said and went towards the Rogues , she glanced at me and then to Anna.

"You can have Anna , I know you became more of a mother to her..is that if you want"-she said

"I would love to"-I said and take Anna with me. The Rogues released us and Archer immediately went towards us letting the Rogues out of the way. He immediately encased me in a hug.

"Are you okay?"-he asked

"I am..are you?"-I asked back

"I will be"-he said watching Allisa as her mate bring her in his arms protectively. Blake gave me a sideway glance and a curt smile.

"Take care of Allisa , she's used of being pampered since we are kids"-I said and he just grin

"I will treat her as my queen"-he said

"Blake."-Archer said before thy could exit the place.

"I hope , I wouldn't see any of your Troupe in my pack again in the future , not if they're trying to bring danger inside"-Archer said

"You have my word Wringgs. And oh , tighten your security in this area , it's easy to penetrate"-he said and Archer just nod. We see them out until they disappeared into the forest. Archer tightened his hug on me and sighed.


I turn around as the kids snaggle towards me. My eyes flip open and landed towards Archer who's laying on his back , staring at the ceiling.

"Can't sleep?"-I asked almost in a rugged voice. I've been sleeping for about two hours now. And we're already back on the mansion , the kids as they said slept with us. But Archer is still bothered ti'l now.

"I just can't believe Allisa's mate is a rogue , is she going to be fine there?"-he asked almost to himself

"Of course she will , Blake is nice"-I said and he turn his head towards me

"Do you know him?"-he immediately asked

"Not personally but I've talked to him twice , first at the pack party and second.."-I stopped midway. Will he be angry towards me if I told him that I saw Blake yesterday at the woods?

"Well , yeah at the pack party , we danced remember? And he told me he's searching for his mate"-I said and he stared at me closely.

"Are you keeping something from me?"

"Nope"-I said almost immediately

"You're keeping something from me"-he said

"I told you I don't"-I said firmly

"What is it Aveera?"-he asked again

"Lower your voice please? The kids are sleeping"-I said

"Let's go out and talk then"-he said attempting to stand up

"Can't we do this some other time?"-I asked

"We have a lot of time right now , I can't sleep anyways"-he said and I gritted my teeth. Why is he putting all his anger towards me?

"Fine!"-I said in a loud voice

"I saw him last night at the woods where you found me , I accidentally saw someone from the window and I followed the direction to where I saw it and found him there. We had small talks , I asked him if he already found his mate and he said yes but they're still not together and it'll happen soon. That's it , he revealed that he is a Rogue and told me to go back to the mansion because not all rogue are as nice as him. Then he left"-I said in a firm void trying to stress each syllable.


"So you know all along that a rogue have entered the pack but you did not told me?"-he asked unbelievably

"I never know what he's capable of , all I know is he is harmless against me and that he only wanted to get his mate"-I said frustratedly

"That still an important information , how could you hide it away from me?"-he said with the same anger manner. I closed my eyes tight.

"What are you implying now? What done is done , I did a mistake for not informing you about what I know , but the right thing happened"-I said

"How can you talk like you weren't guilty at all?"

"I am not guilty , I don't have a fault here. And I fairly think that what Blake did is just his way of showing how he is determined to get his mate. Have you ever thought of it? He waited for the party , to silently take his mate , no rogue attacked the part where a lot of people are gathering , he did not plan to ambush the pack. He only wanted to get his mate , but they were discovered and thus they fight--"

"Are you siding with the rogues now?"-I sighed frustratedly.

"You know , we are talking nonsense right now. Of course you wouldn't understand Blake's effort of taking Allisa , how he risk himself and his companions just to have his mate , because you never thought of it. You never worked hard to get your mate , in fact you rejected your one true mate and used her like an instrument. You are the worst mate ever , go , chase them and retrieve Allisa , the one you truly love and just let us go and don't ever disturb us again. I'll have my kids with me"-I said standing up , by the end of it , the kids are already awake and crying. I furiously take the bags we brought here , dumped the clothes we have and went towards the door.

"Don't ever dare to leave again Aveera!"-he warned

"Come on kids"-I said firmly. And Marcus and Marc went towards me reluctantly and crying. They glanced at their father who was sharply gazing at me.

"Do you want to go to him? Who wants to be left?"-I asked. I could not force my kids right? They might want to be with their dad. They shook their head and clutched the edge of my shirt.

"Awnt Aveewa!"-Anna cried and jumped from the bed to follow us , but Archer held her. She cried and struggled from him.

"I wiwl go with Awnt Aveewa!"-she screamed

"No! No one's leaving!"-Archer said firmly and standing from the bed. He angrily stride towards us , his eyes flaring with rage , his chest heaving up and down on his uncontrollable breath.

"Drop the bags Aveera , for once"-he said with so much authority in his voice. I firmly stare back at him not obeying what he said and it made him even more furious. In few strides he reached us , immediately raising his palms. I closed my eyes waiting for him to do something towards me , maybe slap me? pounce on me? scratch me? I don't know. My kids were crying hard beside me. I could taste a salty tears on my lips too. I share my kids feelings. I pity them for having such dad. I pity them for not having the perfect family like others. Every kids were aware of how their parents loved each other , but my kids are now exposed in this kind of shits their parents have. Fvck the moon goddess and her horrible taste for mating werewolves. Fvck her for putting my life and my kids' life on hell. Curse every deity for this.

"Shh.. Please don't cry"-I felt his warm breath on my face , I stepped back a little and he groan holding me back.

"I-I know.. I know I've been the worst mate ever. I'm just stressed right now.. I'm just.. I'm still shock of anything.. Please don't leave me"-he beg. I opened my eyes and saw a different expression this time , different from what he is a while ago.

"Please give me a chance.."-he said. I wipe the tears on my cheeks and shook my head firmly. I can't do this. I can't accept him and then we'll end up quarrelling again. I've been hurt on and on.. Until he wouldn't understand everything , understand his role , his responsibility as a mate and a father , until he won't fully understand what he wanted in his life , what his real choice is..I never think we'll be stable. It's not enough that he beg , it's not enough that he show me he cared...I'm also a person , I have feelings , I've been practical all of my life before..I chooses what's best even it hurts me on and on , but right now..I guess it's time to be selfish..and make him realize his real mistakes , make him reflect through his actions and not only through his words.

"We're leaving"-I said and he deflate all of the sudden. His eyes were covered with different emotions..lost , sadness , fear.. But for once I wouldn't be such a softhearted , he needed a change. He should learn how to strive hard and not get anything he think he want.

"Please prepare a chopper for us"-I said and went out of the room completely. I stopped midway when little arms wrapped on my legs.

"I want to come with you.."-Anna said. I gave her a little smile and glance towards Archer who can't seem to move on his foot.

"If you want to"-I said and held her hand

Few moments later we arrived at the rooftop where a chopper is already waiting for us. As soon as we settled , I lean towards the headrest and close my eyes. This is for the better.. Right? This is the right thing.. The right choice.. I am not being irrational and giving him a revenge for abandoning me before , I am correcting him. In a ways for him to discover by himself. He can't be told with anything , he needed to learn by himself. And if the right time came.. I hope he'll fully understand everything. Maybe in that day we could accept him again.. I could accept him again..

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