《The Rejected Mate》14 - Averill Mascov


Unfortunately , I needed to attend my job personally on my office. Two weeks after the werewolves thankfully stopped trying to see me. And here I am back in my office again. Working nonstop with the business proposals I needed to sign , doing the appointments I rescheduled , answering emails from my clients. The pile of job I left unattended during the time I went towards the pack were countless and for three weeks of working with those there are still a lot left. My gaze was tore from the computer screen when my secretary Belle went inside.

"Ma'am you should monitor our bidding website , the new property was getting a higher and a higher bid"-Belle said and I immediately switch my screen into our website. I smile wide to see the progress of our bidding. We just posted the property just 24 hours ago and other businessmen are already bidding fast. Their offer became bigger and bigger.

"Great , I am not regretting why we worked hard pursuing the property"-I said. It is hard for us to get the property since the owner was so hard to get , but eventually he gave in with the price we offer. We bought it in an expensive price but everything's paying it off , the bid were even triple.

"Gold Inc. is leading..I think they'll win the bid"-Belle said. It is a 8 hectares property in a still undeveloped place in a bay area. Gold Inc. is a persistent client , and now they are ahead of everyone already , they are already offering $200 , 000 , 000 for it and others are already not fighting

"Shall we close the bidding now ma'am?"-Belle asked

"Wait for one more minute"-I said and crossed my arms and lean towards the headrest of my swivel chair. We waited and in few second another bidder threw a price. $200 , 500 , 000 .

"Hm.. Not enough.. If you like the property so much , you'll threw a much higher price.."-I said. Few more seconds and there are a lot of offers but it ended in $300M then Gold Inc. went up into $500M


"I guess half a billion is fine already"-I said and was about to click when suddenly an offer popped in and me and Belle's eyeballs almost pop out of its socket.

"W•Corporation almost did not make it!"-Belle said referring to the last bidder who bid $1 billion for the property. Then the line became clear , no one dared to fight the bid.

"Make an appointment with them , immediately"-I said closing the bidding

"Yes ma'am"-Belle said and went out of my office cheerfully.

W•CORPORATION is really a big catch indeed.


I am in a good mood as I rise from my bed. I was back in my studio type apartment again , the drive from our house was four hours ti'l here in the city , so everytime I was working I chose to sleep in my apartment. I needed to wake up early since I have to meet with the W•CORPORATION. For the settlement of our property dealing. I wanted to go there personally as they requested for the CEO , it's a big offer afterall and they needed a special accommodation.

I immediately did my usual morning routine , put on a presentable outfit and make up. I glanced at my self once more , flash a smile then viola , I'm done. I used my car to go towards a coffeeshop , a place they planned to meet up. I am a few minutes earlier so I ordered my own coffee first. Few moments later my own Lawyer arrived and during the exact time of our meet up , the bell by the door rang indicating a new comer. I prepared a beautiful smile before I drted my gaze towards the entrance but my smile faltered when I was met by those beautiful silver orbs.

"Ms. Mascov?"-I blinked to notice him with his lawyer already in front of us , I brought back a rather fake smile.

"Mr. Wringgs , nice to meet you"-I said extending my hand and we shook hands together

"My lawyer by the way , Mr. Garring"-he introduces and I shook hand with his lawyer

"This is my lawyer too , Mr. Windahl"-I said and after the introductions we sat on our chairs , facing each other. A waitress arrived in front of us and gave us a menu. They ordered their coffees and as soon as their orders arrived we started on our business. Everything's formal and professional as we were discussing about the terms of our deals but what I wanted to do is to immediately leave the place and not engage with any personal conversation with Archer anymore. As soon as we settled everything , signed the contracts and deed of sales , we already closed the deal and stand up. As soon as we went out of the coffeeshop , our lawyers bid their goodbyes and found their own vehicle at the parking area , while I simply tried to escape not until Archer caught me on my wrist.


"Averill Mascov huh?"-he asked and I gave him a glare.

"Why did you left without any notice? Our deal wasn't still done Aveera , Allisa's health wasn't still well enough"-he said with a hard tone

"I am done with this shit Archer , I have my own life to establish , see me? I'm a boss , I am not someone to be boss around. And certainly not someone to be rejected , then brought back just to substitute someone else and most of all I am not a babymaker" - I said and his expression soften

"I-I'm sorry about that.."-he said

"If you do not want Anna , just give her to me , I can raise her well , better than her own parents , I am not as cruel as you to just think about pups like mere instruments. Someone you could exchange with another? So that you'll have a heir?"-I asked spicily

"Sorry , it's really a jerk of me to planned that out..but please come back to the pack--"

"I don't see any reason to do so now. I can see that Allisa is already getting better"-I said

"But she can't still do her duties well , Allisa is still not that healthy and people will be suspicious if the Luna's health will drop suddenly like that"-he said

"You hid Allisa's health for the past years , you can also do that again now"-I said


"I need to go , I know you would understand as a businessman. I have a lot of work to deal with"-I said and stride towards my car. While he stayed there watching me left.

- - -

I slumped on my couch at the apartment as I listened on the rant of my kids on the other line of the phone. Marc was talking about how this classmate of them are talking bad about them and Marcus snapped suddenly and punched the kid. Oh my god , my kids are just six , how can they be violent? I take my time giving them a sermon , especially Marcus. They are stronger than the normal kids , they should not be violent towards them , they clearly know their capability. But here is Marcus not backing down after listening my sermon. I sighed.

"You should come home mom , so we could talk personally"-Marcus said. I bit my lips. Archer is just around the town. I can't risk leading him to my kids , who knows he is trying to spy me?

"I'll come home one of this days , you know that I still have a lot of work to do. Listen there buddy , just be patient okay? Always remember that you are stronger than the other kids , so you should reserve your power for more necessary purpose"-I said

"He is not innocent at all! If he is not bad , then I won't punch him"

I sighed

"Okay , Okay , I get it , but you should avoid trouble next time , okay?"

"Yes mom.."-he curtly said. Marcus can be prideful sometimes.

"Bye guys , I love you , eat well , don't stay up late , be nice to nanny okay?"

"Yeah , bye mom , love you"

And they ended the call. They did not mention what kind of badmouthing the kid said. I wonder what could other kids badmouth my boys , they're always nice and this is actually the first time I heard about them hurting someone , they're geniuses too..probably some childish things..probably.

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