《The Rejected Mate》06 - Luna


I straightened my long dress as I looked at myself once more at the mirror. I looked like Allisa and it means I looked like a fake bitch. Urgh , this is crap. I heard the door opened and Archer went in.

"Still not done yet?"-he asked impatiently

"Can't I just wear a different dress?"-I asked

"Definitely not"-he said and striding towards me.

"Now , don't ever make a mistake. Be nice , smile , and don't through any sarcasms , get it?"-he said

"Yeah , yeah , whatever"-I said rolling my eyes

"Hurry up honey"-he said holding my hand and pulling me outside.

"Ugh! This sucks"-I murmured as we descended below the staircase. At the living room , the former Alpha and Luna were there together with my mom and dad. As soon as they saw us , they immediately stood to greet us.

"Oh darling , we never visited for a while"-mom said smiling at me. I smiled back , the sweetest and nicest smile I could muster.

"Yeah , I was too busy too"-I said , I stiffened when he pull me into a hug. I reluctantly hug her back. My mom never hugged me as Aveera before.. And I wasn't the sweetest daughter too. After her dad did the same.

"We are glad you are fine Allisa"-he said. I smiled at him too. Mr and Mrs. Wringgs greeted me too.

"Uhm.. The dinner is ready shall we go there now?"-I asked

"Of course-of course"-they said and we all went towards the dining area. Different cuisines were served in the table as soon as we were seated. Servants standing around us. We were making small talks over dinner and I am making sure to be as polite as Allisa would be. And it is damn..hard to do that. We were halfway on our dessert when the former Alpha started another topic.

"Are you still not pregnant for a heir Allisa?"-Mr. Wringgs asked making me dumbfounded for his blatantness


"No father , it is hard for us to conceive a heir.. But we're working on it"-Archer said holding my hand and squeezing it

"Did you already try consulting a physician about this Archer?"-Mrs. Wringgs asked

"Yes mother , but we could not find the cause"-Archer said

"You know I've been thinking about this , could it be because of your real mate Archer?"-Mrs. Wringgs asked

"What do you mean mother?"-Archer asked

"It could be a curse Archer , it was a common belief from the elders actually. Curse are inevitable , see , we have already get rid of her but she left a curse for you and your wife remain useless"-Mrs. Wringgs said

"I don't think Aveera cursed us"-I said crossing my arms , making everyone stare at me. Archer cleared his throat.

"She means--"

"I mean..I could not just blame my sister , I know she could not do such thing. I am still her sister afterall..she wouldn't do anything to hurt me and her mate"-I said in the nicest way I could

"Oh..you are such a nice woman Allisa , but we could not be blind with the possibility"-Mrs. Wringgs said


"But we could not deny the fact that your sister can do it. Afterall , Aveera is always the unpredictable one. Allisa , you never did anything bad..and you do not deserve to end up like this"-our mother said

"Not really mom..Aveera can't be that bad , see , she never interrupt us ti'l now cause she can understand why she is rejected"-I said defensively

"She mightn't have been interrupting you because she might be sure you were not well all this time"-mother said

"I dont--"-Archer held my hand and gave me a warning look.

"Don't worry we are going to figure it out , we could not just throw any assumption without making sure it was real"-Archer said

"You should Archer , cause you need to have a heir no matter what"-Mrs. Wringgs said. My lips turned into a thin line. I was close on snapping if Archer wasn't there. I glanced towards my father who has been just watching us all the time , not even contributing on the heated conversation.

The next few days was me dealing with the Luna works. Accommodating pack members who are trying to ask help or consult me with something. We also started visiting each area of our pack to assess them. And acting as Allisa is damn difficult when I just wanted to threw everyone out of my way. 'Always smile' 'Be sympathetic' 'Use appropriate words' 'Move like a prim and sophisticated woman'. Those are things Archer would always remind me and I can't believe I'm doing just that. This is insane. And now I am readying myself for meeting another Alpha and a Luna of the different pack who are visiting the pack today.

I am wearing a round neck laced dress with a bell sleeves , it hugs my figure and the skirt fall down from my waist into below my knees. My hair was tied into a bun and I am wearing a natural make up. I looked like a prim and proper woman. I was struggling on putting accessories when I heard the door squeak open. Even I won't looked back or glance at the dresser mirror , I can already smell who it is.

"Still not done yet?"-Archer asked

"If I were you , you should help me with this crap first. This is so time consuming to wear"-I said pertaining to the necklaces , earrings , rings and bracelets I needed to wear to show off myself as a Luna. I am not really someone who used wear too much accessories , just a pair of earrings will do. Acting like Allisa makes me realize more how much differences we have. The only factor that makes us a twin is our face. Archer sighed and took the mini chandelier from my hand a.k.a the earrings and help me put it on my ears.

"Why won't you take a servant to assist you? Allisa used to have assistants everytime"-he said

"I don't like dogs tailing me and I don't really like your servants here. They're all Allisa's pet"-I said. He sighed and just ignored my remark. He also learned to just shut up and give me a lot of patience everytime I threw snarly remarks. We quit the often fighting actually nowadays , except for when he is too annoyed with me already , all in all were actually more civil now. After he finished putting on the accessories in me he tapped me on the shoulders already and helped me up.


"Remember , this Alpha is a little cocky , and he has the most interest of our pack , I don't personally like him actually , but we needed to be patience and professional , okay?"-he asked

"Okay"-I said rolling my eyes , he held the small of my back and we both headed out of the room. We went towards the gazebo at the garden where a couple was already there. The man is wearing a suit and a tie , while the woman , is wearing an elegant dress , but what was more eye catching towards her was her enormous accessories. That'll make my neck stiff wearing such necklace. It is definity heavy , even her earrings and her bundle of bracelets. They both stood and greeted us while we also greeted them back. I noticed the Alpha checked me out from head to toe and I saw how the Luna stared at me from head to toe too sizing me up before she snapped her gaze away.

"Honey this is Alpha Waldrich and Luna Melinda"-Archer said

"Hello , you must be Luna Allisa"-the Alpha said extending his hand towards me. I gave him a smile.

"Yes , pleasure to meet you Alpha Waldrich"-I said holding his hand , when I though he would shake it , I was surprised he lowered his head and kissed my knuckles. It takes few seconds and I could feel Archer's grip tighten on my waist before he let go and greeted the Luna too. I withdrew my hand from the Alpha and shook hands with Melinda and Archer did the same to Waldrich before we sat facing each other on the table. I can sense Melinda checking out Archer once in a while and I could also sense Waldrich's gazes towards me. I am certain the two wasn't the real mates. They might just did it for the sake of politics.

"So the rumors were real that Luna of this pack is such a real beau"-Alpha Waldrich said gazing at me again

"Thanks for the compliment , but the Luna here is gorgeous too , right honey?"-I asked Archer leaning on his shoulder , he instinctively wrapped his arms on my shoulder and nodded.

"Yes"-he said. A servant arrived bringing foods to the table.

"So , what made you visit Alpha Waldrich?"-Archer asked

"We are actually here to make an offer"-he said. We waited for him to continue.

"We planned on holding the next pack party in your pack for this season , to give opportunity for the other unmated members to be mated this season , who knows those remaining unmated would find it in your pack? If that , is fine with you"-he said

"Of course it is"-Archer said

"Okay let's just agree with the date then , and let the Lunas plan for the theme of the party"-Waldrich said. They continue discussing about some stuffs regarding to the pack and the issues of other packs , while I'll just answer some question directed to me. Mostly I just ate quietly.

"So...there's a rumor slipped on our pack that the Luna is oftenly visited by a physician here. I thought the Luna is sick"-Melinda suddenly said out of blue making me cough. Archer immediately caresses my back to calm me down.

"Wow , who made that rumor? I am completely well"-I said

"I figure that seeing you today. But we never seen Silvertail's Luna for a while"-she said. I gave her a smile.

"I preferred working inside the pack more often. And I had a lot of pack members to attend , you know for me my duty comes first"-I said

"Still you shouldn't let Alpha Archer go in social gatherings alone everytime. Females are just feasting at him knowing he doesn't have a wife"-Melinda said.

'And you're one of them? Huh! Bitch!'- I heard Agatha said. That's what I wanted to say too instead I chuckled.

"I'm aware of that , my husband here is quite a head turner I admit that. And a lot of woman are really willing to throw themselves at him , but you don't entertain them , do you honey?"-I asked in a sweet voice

"Of course not. There's no one could level you in my eyes my darling"-he said kissing the top of my head making me smile on his gesture. But I'm sure he is pertaining to Allisa.

"So Luna Allisa , I heard you have a twin sister?"-my attention snapped towards Alpha Waldrich when he spoke

"Yes.."-I said

"The rumor said she was thrown out of the pack because of rivalry between the both of you"-he added. I raised my brow. These people are gossipers tsk.

"Yes , that's right and wrong"-I said

"Hm? What do you mean?"-Melinda asked

"She was thrown out of the pack seven years ago , that's right , but what wrong is , it's not because of rivalry. She is just a little out of place in this pack , my sister is really stubborn so the whole pack decided to kick her out"-I said


"She was happy with her life now though , its half of her will to go out of the pack"-I said

"I wonder what your sister is like?"-he asked

"Oh if you mean her physical appearance , she's really beautiful , Aveera is prettier than me , she's a freewill woman and stands for her own decision , she's a brave woman too"-I said

"You must love your sister a lot"-Alpha Waldrich said

"Oh , not really"-I said sashaying my hand.

"You seemed to adore her so much"-he added convinced

"Everyone hated my sister"-I said

"If I have known her seven years ago , I must've invited her to my pack"-he said

"Oh , that'll cause a bad news in your pack too"-I said

"Hey..why don't we try the dessert?"-Archer asked breaking the topic. I just pout.

"Yes , yes , try the dessert our chef is really a pro"-I said when servant arrived with the desserts. Later after we're done eating and we had already finalized our plan about the party , we let our visitors go.

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