《The Rejected Mate》04 - Substituted


I flip on the pages of the book I was reading. Here I am inside the big library of this mansion. Reading the guide of how to govern a pack as a Luna. And the ethics a Luna should follow. And reading these shits , I just realized more of how unsuitable I am in this position if I ended up as a Luna seven years ago. I might've ruined the ethics and runaway from the responsibilities indeed. Wondering what was the deal we made yesterday? , I told him to not bother me after I finished helping his pack. I told him to let me leave the pack in peace and don't ever try to bring me back again to help the pack. I will finally cut the ties with them. That's a lifetime benefits.

I yawned. I got too sleepy reading this book. Its so old and boring. I checked the pages left and I'm not even 1/4 of it. I groan and slammed it close on the table. Fvck ethics. I can be a Luna the way I am. Its just like dealing a company , like a CEO. Or its just like being a politician. And I don't need to please people , its not my name I'm gonna bring anyways its my sister's.

I crossed my arms and stand up , but I stopped when I heard the door squeak open. Then a little head of a little girl pop in. Her big round eyes widen some more to see me looking at her. I waved my hand motioning her to come in and she reluctantly did. I look at her in awe. She is such a cute and beautiful little girl wearing a Lolita Dress. Her wavy hair were tied into a piggy tails on the both side on the top of her head. She might be just four years old.

"Why do you keep following me? You are also the one who watch me when I arrived in here last time"-I said walking towards her. My red high heels clacking on the floor as I walk in crossed arms. She look up at me wide eyes not able to speak.

I might look intimidating for her as I stood high in a high heels and wearing a red dress that again , I cut short until on my knees , I also had a full red lipstick to complete my looks. I squatted in front of her and extended my finger to cup her chin. She is trembling in front of me. Did I scare her too much?

"What is your name little girl?"-I asked in a strict tone

"A-A-Anna"-she said. I knew it , it was the pup they have.

"Hm.. Anna? Why are you walking alone in here? Are you not afraid that a big bad wolf might eat you?"-I asked

"I-I waunt to know w-who awe you.."-she said.

"I am a big bad wolf"-I said and growl at her making her pale , her eyes ridden and tears are attempting to escape anytime soon. Oh she is just so cute and I can't resist it. I heard her gasp as I pull her into a hug.


"Hi I'm your aunt Aveera"-I said with a wide friendly smile.

"Awnt?"-she asked and I nodded my head with a bright smile.

"Yes I am"

"Did I scare you a lot honey?"-I asked cupping her soft fluppy cheeks. She shook her head.

"You wook wike my momma"-she said pointing my face so close.

"Yes , because I am your momma's twin sister"-I said. I took her on my arms and lifted her up as I stood.

"Are you not afraid to go alone?"-I asked

"I am , but I am cwuwious about you"-she said pointing at my face again. I smiled and kissed her teeny tiny finger. I seated her on the table I was a while ago and she smiled at me.

"Don't you have any friends in here?"-I asked

"I have my nanny"

"Nannies are not friends though.. Don't you play around?"-I said and she shook her head

"Then what do you do in here?"-I asked

"I wead books"

I looked at her my jaw hanging open.

"You read books? But you're just four!"-I said

"Mommy want me to wead books"-she said. I felt sorry for this little girl. She read books? A little child like this is still meant to play barbie dolls and not read books! That is hilarious!

"You awe good wolf not a big bad wolf.."-she said to me making a smile played on my lips. That was the first time someone told me I am good. And to think it came from a little child? Kids don't lie!

"Really? Its not true though , I'm really really bad"-I said and she shook her head

"You hug me.. And smiwe at me.."-she said

"That makes me a good girl?"-I asked and she nod.

"My momma don't hug me.. She just shout at me.. And don't want me in fwont of hew"-she said making my forehead crumple.

"Your momma do that?"-I asked and she nod.

"How about your poppa?"


We stopped talking when the library's door opened wide. And Archer went in. Anna struggled to get down but I held her cause she might fall. Archer stared at me and Anna.

"Anna , isn't your teacher is coming now?"-Archer asked


"Go back to your room now , I told you not to ditch your nannies"-Archer said and I helped her get down on the floor , she sadly looked at me.

"Bye bye Awnt Aveewa"-she said waving at me and run outside. She gave me a last glance and I mouthed 'see you' then she smiled and closed the door behind. I crossed my arms on my chest and gave Archer a sharp gaze.

"What?"-he asked

"Did you just order the kid like any other else and not your pup?"-I asked

"Don't interfere with my ways , now aren't you supposed to read the guide as a Luna rather than talking to my pup?"-he asked. I gritted my teeth.

"Anna is just a little girl. How could you treat her like an adult? She is just four years old and she still meant to play around with children her age and not studying in the confinement of her room"-I said


"Aveera. Aren't you stepping out of line here? You are just here to act as a Luna and help the pack. It doesn't include for you to interfere with my family affairs"-he said. I scowl.

"What an awful parent you are"-I said and he growl on what I said

"Don't question my parenting ways"-he said. I shook my head and stand up.

"I'm done , I'm not reading that bullshit. I will act the way I wanted and not follow a petty guide of yours"-I said

"Aveera , I thought we already made it clear to stop fighting starting from now?"-he asked

"I am annoyed. I don't want to be forced to do things I don't want to do. So what? I wanted to fight then be it"-I said. He sighed.

"Okay , go wherever you like , do whatever you want , but don't ever runaway from the deal"-he said

"Yeah yeah whatever"-I said sashaying my hands at him. He sighed again and let me out of the library.

Evening , I put on a coat and went out of my room. I silently walked down the hallway and into the living room. I was about to hold the door knob when--

"Where are you going?"-I heard that deep voice suddenly appeared. I almost jumped , startled. I turn around and found him going out of the kitchen , his hands on his pocket.

"Outside"-I said

"Alone?"-he asked , I rolled my eyes

"Obviously"-I said. He shook his head and stride towards me.

"You're not going outside , alone. Who knows what you would do"-he said

"Stop suspecting me , I am not going to runaway for god's sake!"-I said

"I'm going with you"-he said and went out first. I grunt , why is he like this? Goddess! I couldn't do anything but follow him. We walked out of the Mansion's gate , still no one is speaking , he is walking first while I was following him with a distance. He suddenly stopped walking making me stop too.

"Are we going to walk like this?"-he asked. I stared at him curiously , what? , he sighed and stepped back until he reached beside me. He reached for my hand and hold it. I stiffened. He raised his brow at me and continue to walk.

We walked silently again. At least we were holding hands and walking side by side.

"Why don't you stay in this pack again for good?"-he asked after a while of walking.

"Why would I stay in this pack again?"-I asked back. He groan to my response.

"Can you be less sarcastic even for a while?"-he asked. I sighed. I just can't help it.. It is kind of instinct. Being sarcastic means I wouldn't flip over. I can avoid the unwanted subjects that would lead me to flipping off.

"You're not gonna do that , are you?"-he asked

"Fine , I'll try"-I said out of my nose.


"I have my life outside. I established myself already and I prefer living there more"-I said

"I heard you were just an office worker in a private company who earns a minimum wage. Your house is just a small studio type apartment , why would you prefer that life instead of here? In here every pack members are equal and you won't be worried if you have a money or not , the Alpha is the one to provide everyone's needs"-he said. I shook my head , my lips curving a little.

"You don't fully have an idea what is my life there. Yes life isn't that easy in there. You need to strive hard to provide yourself a food and a shelter. But its more comfortable than you think , besides , it's not hard for me to find a job and to please the bosses to promote me , since I'm beautiful"-I said. His lips tugged up to what I said.

"How did it became comfortable when you are hiding your real identity everytime?"-he asked raising his brow.

"Well , setting that aside. I was talking about the Comfortability of having a freedom to act as you are. Humans are the most judgemental and malicious creature ever made , but they learned to accept that every human has different personality , so if you want him then befriend him and if not , ignore him. On my seven years of living with them , I was never humiliated nor contradicted , no one ever tried to alienate me and kick me out of the society cause there are also other people that are like or even worst than me."-I said. He kept silent after that.

"So how do you live for seven years?"-he asked

"First I started in zero. I needed to work part time jobs so I could eat. I would work nighttime cause I don't have a shelter at night and I would sleep in bus stations in the morning or on the benches on the park. Its not like I look like a beggar , it was just like someone who was caught up sleepyhead early in the morning. When I already saved a lot , I had a little apartment in a downtown where only nasty people lives. Then I tried to enter a college. When I finished my studies , I had a regular job , I improve my living and it made me what I am right now"-I said

"You worked hard a lot"

"Of course I don't want to die in hunger and I don't think I am someone to be contented with such skimpy life. I'm too beautiful to stay as a 'commoner' forever"-I said flipping my hair.

"Don't you have any man..any man showing interests towards you?"-he asked

"There's a lot of course , that's normal"-I said


"And what?"

"Did you like them back?"-he asked. I raised my brow at him.

"Some of course. I have boyfriends"-I said

"Boyfriends? In a plural form?"

"I'm a single woman , its natural"-I said. I scowl when his hold on my hand tighten , I immediately take my hands out of his grip.

"Sorry..it was..I'm just--"

"Your wolf hates the idea"-I said and he just nod. I shook my head at him.

"Me and my wolf get along well and it's actually fun trying out different kinds of men"-I said and his eyes darken some more. I crossed my arms and turn around to continue my tour around.

"Come on , I still have a lot to see around"-I said and continue to walk. My lips tugged up into a smirk.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

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