《The Rejected Mate》02 - Old Pack


I can't believe what I heard. It makes my heart clenched in anger making me grit my teeth.

"What the fvcking hell did you say?"-I asked in a grim expression.

"The Luna , your sister Allisa was sick , its been a while now and we've been searching for you for a while now. To help her heal. With a weak Luna the pack will have a weak point and the Alpha will eventually became weak too. We are afraid that the people in the pack would discover it and the other Alphas and the Rogues would have a hint. They will overpower us and attack our pack. Silvertail has been the most powerful and respected pack these past couple of years. But with this chance we know that the other Alphas are just waiting for a loophole in our pack so they can easily invade it"-Trojan said

"And you think you can just use me as an instrument for your pack's wellness? Does your Alpha think he can reject me and take me back the way he wanted and make me his substitute Luna freely whenever he want?"-I asked , anger rose through me in realization. It isn't just a humiliation on my side. But it will hurt my wolf too. She can't be feel loved the next moment , rejected the next one and be brought back again and play her emotions. That's insane.

"Please understand Aveera. If you won't help us. The people you used to grow with and the next generation will be at risk , and they will suffer in a bad hands of those other Alphas"-Mavic said

"Don't you feel sorry for them?"-Cobalt asked. Sorry? That's not a necessary feeling I should feel towards them.

"Does they felt sorry when they petitioned me out of the pack seven years ago?"-I asked and they became silent.

"Throwing out an eighteen years old girl on the world she do not have an idea how it works in there and they were not even sorry for it. But now that they needed her they think she will feel sorry for them?"-I asked. I laughed bitterly.

"I was thrown out of the pack cause everyone believed that I might be a threat towards their beloved future Luna. The one they love , cherish and adore a lot. And now they will bring me back telling they needed me? That was just insane. No I'm not holding onto that petty past. I am just a kind of person who believes in give and take if you give me something , I'll give you what you deserve in exchange. And probably helping the pack ain't something everyone deserve in there. Not the Alpha , not the Luna , not my Family , not the whole pack deserved"-I said. The three of them sighed.


"We understand your point , it's just that.. We wanted to be selfish and use you for everyone's well-being , sorry , please just talk with the Alpha about it. We can't handle dramas we are just here to follow his orders"-Cobalt said.

"Fine , bring me to your Alpha and I'll make him realize the mistake of making me handle the pack as a substitute Luna"-I said. Archer Wringgs I'll definitely make you pay for hurting me and my wolf. Let me give you the taste of your own medicine.

I groan in discomfort as I shifted on my seat uncomfortably. I can feel the car is still running. When I opened my eyes Cobalt is already the one driving it. Trojan is on my side and Mavic on the passenger seat. They're all wide awake. I looked out of the window and found an empty highway with row of trees on the both side of it. The road was too old already and it's obvious that it wasn't renovated for a long time. The sky is still dark out there.

"What time is it?"-I asked

"It's already 12:28 midnight"-Trojan said making my eyes widen. We have been travelling for passed six hours already! I remembered coming home around six in the afternoon. My stomach growl. And I still haven't eaten dinner yet.

"Here"-Trojan said giving me a sandwich imprinted the logo of 'Subway' store on it. I immediately took it and opened the wrapper. I can't believe a mere sandwich can be this delicious on my taste. And it only took me four bites to finish it. I groan in protest , it ain't enough.

"Sorry that's the only one we spare"-Trojan said. I groan again and took the bottled water he is holding and emptied it.

"So.. What actually happened these past couple of years I was away?"-I asked crossing my arms. I had an internal dialogue before I fell asleep a while ago and I decided to be rationale and mature in this.

"Two years after you left the position was passed towards Alpha Archer and his mate Luna Allisa"-Cobalt said. I waited for the next.

"Then a year later , they had a pup , a girl , the Alpha and Luna was so strict towards their pup and Anna haven't went out of their house since then. They never conceived a heir for the throne and that's one of their problem"-I kept quiet as I kept on listening.


"Three years ago , the Luna got pregnant and it was detected as a boy but it was gone even before she gave birth. The Luna's health dropped after that and it became worst as time goes by. No one can detect what her real illness is , but even before three years ago Luna Allisa's health wasn't that good actually. So a traditional physician noted that it might be because she ain't the real mate of the Alpha that's why they couldn't conceive a heir and it might be because someone is still holding a grudge towards her that she kept having a bad health condition. It was just a myth actually but they're already desperate now And was trying to take any process just to heal the Luna"-Trojan said

"Are they quoting that I cursed the Luna and the Alpha like such?"-I asked

"Well.. It can be put that way , that's why we needed your presence and also we needed you to help the Alpha with the throne too. Even you don't do anything , just to show the people that their Luna is still well"-Mavic said. I kept my silence and weigh the information I received.

"How did you find me by the way?"-I asked

"We have been searching for you for two years now , in every corner of USA. But we couldn't find your smell. We tried searching your name and there are quite a lot who was named like you and the surnames are different. You used a different surname too so it became hard for us. Luckily we found you now and it wasn't that hard to recognize you when your wolf if trying to take over , your smell escaped as it was a full moon"-Cobalt said

"So you find all the woman named Aveera?"-I asked

"Yes"-they said.

I am relieved that they find me as Aveera. In this human world I was in. I have two identities. Aveera , the one who was working as an office worker in a company here in Los Angeles , an average woman who lived in a studio type apartment , has a minimum income , single and does not have any family anymore. While my other identity is quite different. I am relieved they found me as Aveera first. I shifted my gaze outside the car and found it entering a narrow way towards the woods. We take turns and turns , and travelled for almost 20 minutes still , before we arrived on a dead end. Where a high concrete wall was gating the vicinity inside.

A big man suddenly pop out of nowhere holding a big kind of gun. Cobalt opened the window and show his identity medallion showing he is a part of Silvertail and his position. The guard immediately went away and pushed some control suddenly the ground in front of us slid down leading us into a dark tunnel. As soon as our car went down the tunnel closed again. We drive for almost 10 minutes before we went up and the pack became visible. In fairness , it improves a lot. No traditional houses was found everything were concrete , the landscapes were also made well , there are establishments but not too big to catch any attention , there is a park and anything that a village must have. I wonder why the humans never intrude or located this place ti'l now , I mean there are drones and other invented mechanisms already right? But I guess wolves has a way to conceal theirselves. We stopped in front of the big mansion in the middle of the village. Which I recognized as the same location of the Alpha's Mansion before. This is it. I'm seeing him and I'm finally back to my old pack..

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

What do you think would be Aveera's first meeting with her mate after being rejected seven years ago??

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