《Her Unrequited Love (Completed)》Chapter - 20


I don't laugh this hard unless I'm with you..

My heart skips a beat every time I see you..

Everything about my heart is always going to be you..

Still now I couldn't name all these feelings..

but the moment when I realized your life is more important than my own...

What it could be other than love??!!...

Yeah .. finally I'm in love.. love with the person who I love the most.. who I love more than myself.. I'm in love with you Krishna...

I fell in love with you..

I don't know why!!

I don't know how!!

But I just did💕💕💕

Meera wrote these words on her diary. Her face indicates how happy is she right now. She blushed hard when she written the last sentence, his name alone is enough to make her happy. She closed her diary and lied on the bed and her mind filled with his thoughts. Some melodious song started to play in her mind, she got sweet sensations, she smiled, she blushed but sleep, it's far away. LOVE four letter magical word made her sleepless that night.

Next morning she wake up, got ready and reached her college. After long time she reached college in a peaceful mindset. She carried a bright smile on her face when she looked at her friends. Initha understood that nothing happened to Krishna. She too smiled at her. "Is something special today?" Shiva asked her. "Nothing special" she replied with smile. "But your face says that something is very special about today" he asked raising his eyebrows. "Nothing, man. Its just a normal day" she said with grin. "Okay, what about our plan to Ooty. We planned it last week and you only made that plan but now you forgot about that" he asked with fake angry face.


"Sorry.. sorry, I completely forgot about that. I'm really sorry"she apologized. "Okay. Then what about tomorrow. Shall we go tomorrow"he asked with eagerness. Meera rolled her eyes. "Tomorrow, how you will make all arrangements within a day" she asked confusingly. "I have already done those arrangements, just date confirmation is pending" he said. "Okay, then I'll speak with others too." Meera said with a smile. "I already spoke with all, they all are fine with tomorrow." He said with a grin. "Then it's okay. Tomorrow we are going" Meera said with amusement.

"Initha, Krishna is safe. Nothing happened to him, yesterday I met him. Thank God, I was really scared" she said without any pause. Initha smiled at her words and action. She noticed her face and guessed something and kept that within herself. "Okay, what you planned about our trip tomorrow. Take your sweaters, it will be too cool and be ready to dance with me, I'm not leaving you this time. You want to dance and we are going for an amusement park, I heard it will be good too. I'm very excited." She said with excitement. Initha's face changed, she didn't reply. Meera looked her suspiciously, "What are you thinking so deeply?" She asked.

"I'm not interested to go anywhere Meera, I truly lost interest in these amusements and enjoyments. You guys enjoy, I'm not coming tomorrow. Please"she said without facing her. "What do you mean? You lost interest in the sense that you leave all happiness and going to be a saint" she burst out at her. Initha looked her with wide eyes. "Don't make me angry Initha, I want you to come with us. That's it. If not then forget our friendship" she said seriously and left that place and she sat with Sakthi. This act of her looks so childish but hurt is visible on her face. Initha looked at her sad face and she don't want to see it sad, so she decided to go with them. Meera came to her place in coffee break but she didn't looked at her, she just took her books for next class. Initha laughed at her behavior and stopped her by holding her hands.


Meera looked at her without any expression. Initha smiled and said "I planned to take extra two packets of potato chips to console my angry friend when she will be hungry during the trip." Meera looked her with confusion and later she understood what she told and hugged her with excitement. Initha felt happy to see her so excited. She aways likes to see her happy like this. After that Meera started to blabber about her plans for tomorrow's trip. Initha heard that with a smile. Meera called Initha's mom and said about their plan and she too agreed since she too wants to see Initha happy and strrss free. Everyone planned for the trip and they decided to start next morning 7.

Meera went home and happily informed her mom about their trip and she too felt happy to see her excitement and she helped her to pack her things. Maaya reached home and Meera said her about their trip and started to say about the places where they are visiting. After that, she called Krishna and asked about his health and informed him about the trip with excitement. " Are you very much excited about the trip?" He asked. "Yeah.. veryyy much" she replied. He smiled and said "okay, take care and enjoy your trip." "How are you? Today did you visit doctor?" She asked. "Him, he told within a week it will be completely cure" he replied. Meera sighed in relief and hung up the call. Her heart fully filled with happiness. She slept with same happiness.

Next day she wake up and got ready in simple cotton chuddy since it will be suitable for traveling and she bid bye to her parents and Maaya. They planned to start from a common place which is nearer to all 15 people. She took auto to reach the place and there she found her friends but her eyes searched for Initha. "Where is Initha?" She asked Shiva. "I'm trying to call her but it's not reachable" he said in sad tone. Meera understood that she is avoiding the call and all her excitement drained and she was about to cry...

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20th chapter is here. Do read and give me your valuable votes and comments.

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