《billy loomis imagines ♡》♡ 9 ♡


"I don't know dewey, he doesn't seems off." I said staring at billy as he laid with sid on the fountain.

"yeah well he's the only lead I have y/n, please?" dewey asked begging over the phone.

"fine, but you owe me." I stated as I grunted at him.

"fine. I just need you to watch him and tell me if he does anything suspicious."

"since when was putting your unpaid intern in charge of watching a potential serial killer safe?" I asked as I observed billy eating grapes.

"its not." dewey laughed as he hung up on me.

well that was rude.

i slowly got up from the bench i was sitting on and made my way towards randy.

"hey y/n, what was the call about?" randy asked, pausing his conversation with stu.

"nothing, just dewey being dewey." you said taking a seat next to randy as he shoved some grapes your way

you slowly lifted your head and made eye contact with billy as he stared at you suspiciously.

you couldn't lie, being around a potential serial killer did make you nervous, but you were somewhat biased since billy has been your friend since you were kids and maybe also because of your small little crush on him.

as soon as everything seemed fine, stu and randy got in an argument which ended up in stu giving a details on how to gut someone.

the silence that emitted was deafening and made you feel sorta sick.

once sid left dramatically, you decided to do the same and make a quick call to dewey.

heading inside the school you rounded a corner into an empty hallway and quickly dialed his number

"anything new?" dewey asked

"um well if you call stu giving sid details on how to gut someone new, then yes!" you whisper-yelled at dewey through the phone.


"ok, ok, ok, calm down. next time maybe record something, i need proof y/n!" dewey said the making you roll your eyes and sigh.

"i'll try my best officer doofus" you spit out immediately hanging up on him.

after pacing the hall for a second, you turned back around to get back to the group, but had accidentally ran into someone.

"oh sorry i-"

"it's fine y/n, just came to check on you." you tensed up hearing that familiar voice speak to you.

"i- i'm fine." you squeaked out, trying to get move out of billy's way.

"woah not so fast." billy said grabbing your arm as you tried to pass him, giving you slight tingles.

you squeezed your eyes shut as billy leaned down close to your ear and whispered to you.

"snooping in someone else's business doesn't end well, don't you think y/n?" you slowly opened your eyes making eye contact with billy and nodding your head at him.

"glad we're on the same page. i would hate is something were to happen to my friend." he whispered as he gripped your upper arm tighter.

after a few seconds of silence you finally regained your little courage you had left and tugged your arm away from billy and ran for it.

although it hurt you to say it out loud, you were officially on Dewey's side to take billy down.

having a crush on a potential killer was a serious problem.


"i want to be on your side dewey, but i don't know if i want to even believe he killed casey!" you exclaimed as you paced your living room back and forth.

"i know you have your little school crush on him y/n, but you're the only one i have right now who will even listen to my hunch!"


"fine i'll help, but if he is the killer and we do manage to catch him i want a raise!" you were so not putting your life on the line if there wasn't a catch.

"fine. it's late you need sleep, goodnight y/n." dewey chuckled before hanging up.

all this talk with dewey about billy being the killer was really starting to get to you. i mean billy was quite and was a private person, but a serial killer??

all of a sudden your phone rang making you jump up from the couch.

"dewey?" you asked squinting your eyebrows

"hello y/n" a deep voice stated.

"who is this?" something didn't feel right to you

"scary night, isn't it? with all the murders and all, it's like right out of a horror movie or something." the voice stated.

your worry started to grow slightly.

"do you like scary movies y/n?" the voice asked sounding amused as they asked.

"yes, but what do you want?" you asked tired of small talk.

"the questions is where am i?" you quickly sat up from the couch and immediately looked around your house. (your parents are gone)

"s-so where are you?" you stuttered

"your front porch." you silently and quickly as possible ran to the door.

but something inside of you was thinking maybe this was randy pranking you again.

instead of saying anything else you hung up the phone and locked your door, but as soon as you did someone came bursting out of a closet and came towards you with a knife.

you screamed loudly pausing for a second until you realized someone was trying to freaking murder you.

you ducked out of the killers way and started throwing everything in their direction as you flew up the stairs to your room quickly locking the door behind you and putting your dresser in front of it.

but just as you thought you were safe the killer quickly came slamming into your door trying open it.

still with a phone in your hand you dialed 911 screaming at them to come fast.

all of sudden everything went quite, you moved your dresser a little and took a peek noticing the killer was gone.

and just like that billy came peeking through the door scaring you to death.

"y/n! i was down the block and heard screaming! are you okay?" he rushed out in once

"the killer! h-he was here" you cried out rushing to billy as he squeezed you close.

And for a slept second you were happy he was here and you were being cradled in his arms.

but fear came just as quick.

"o-oh my god." you whispered

once your mind caught up with your body, you quickly untangled yourself with billy and ran down the stairs as he yelled your name.

you swing open the door getting ready to make a run for it again to the nearest house, but you were faced with a white ghost mask.

once you realized it was dewey you flung into his arms in relief.

"you're right dewey, he's the killer." you cried into dewey's chest.


i'm lazy to finish this so this is pt.1 idk when pt. 2 will be out

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