《Too Special To Kill (Yandere x Reader)》Chapter 9


Your eyes widened at his question and you went silent. Takeo looked down at you silently as he waited for your answer. After a few minutes of staring Takeo finally spoke.

"Well? Do you or do you not wanna go?" He asked with a mildly impatient tone. You were brought back to reality at his words and you blinked at him.

"O-Outside?" You asked in total surprise. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you deaf or something? I'm offering to take you outside. Just say yes or no." Takeo grumbled, obviously getting agitated.

"Yes! B-But why? Aren't you scared I'll run away?" You asked. Takeo looked thoughtful for a moment before shrugging.

"Think of it as a merciful act on my part. A last chance at freedom before you die. And as for you running away...trust me. I'll be ready if you try anything." He answered ominously. He had a serious look on his face but his threat seemed somewhat...forced. He hesitantly let you go and you shuffled away from him. He stood up and walked over to his dresser. He pulled out a plain black shirt and a pair of jeans. He walked to his bedroom door and opened it. He glanced at you, looking as if he wanted to say something, but then shook his head with a sigh and walked out of the room. You sat in silence for a long while, waiting for him to return. For what seemed like half an hour you waited. The door opened to reveal Takeo in new clothing. His hair was slightly damp and he had a towel hanging around his neck. He dried his hair a bit with the towel and threw it onto his bed before walking over to you. He crouched down in front of you and withdrew a key from his pocket. He grabbed your ankle with the chain and padlock around it and stuck the key into the lock. With one turn of the key the padlock snapped open and Takeo unraveled the chain. Once your ankle was free you shot up and tried to run. Sadly Takeo still had your ankle in his hand and you tripped and fell to the ground. You tensed as you heard Takeo growl a bit. "What did I say about running?" You looked at him with scared eyes. His angry gaze softened a bit and he sighed. "That was your last chance. Don't try anything again." He said. You nodded. He let go of your ankle and pushed yourself off the ground to sit up. Takeo stood up and looked down at you. "So where do you wanna go?" He asked. You looked at him surprised.


"You're asking me where we're going to go?" You asked. Takeo scoffed.

"Duh. It'd be pretty stupid to drag you somewhere you don't want to go when I'm trying to be nice." He said as though it was obvious. You looked at your feet as you thought about where to go.

"Well there is a certain place I'd like to go." You said looking up. Takeo nodded waiting for you to finish. "I'd like to go to a little flower shop near the park I go to." You answered. Takeo's eyebrows furrowed.

"Seriously? That's where you want to go?"

"Th-There are some really nice people that I made friends with there. I don't really know anyone else to go to and I'd like to see them again." You said. Takeo sighed.

"Fine whatever. C'mon." He said sticking out his hand to help you up. You took his hand and stood up. He quickly let go and led you out the door.

The two of you walked down the street, Takeo walking closely at your side to make sure you didn't try anything. Before you had left his apartment, Takeo had given you your hoodie. You put your hands in its pocket, thankful for the warmth it provided since it was currently winter and freezing. You were nearing the flower shop when you suddenly hear quiet screaming slowly becoming louder.

"(FFFFF/NNNNNN)!!" A female's voice called. Suddenly you were tackled by a blur of green and yellow. When your surprise left you, you looked down to see Kazuko hugging you. She had on a green gardening apron with the flower shop's name on it. She smiled up at you.

"Oh. It's you. Hi Kazuko." Your said smiling sheepishly down at her. Kazuko let go of you and grabbed both your hands in hers still smiling.


"Oh my gosh!! (F/N)! It's been forever since I've seen you. Where have you been? Aki and I have been waiting to see you." She said starting to tug you towards the shop.

"H-Hasn't it only been a few days?" You asked.

"Yeah well three days is a long ti-" She cut herself off when she realized that someone was stopping you from moving. Takeo had grabbed hold of your free wrist and wouldn't let Kazuko drag you more than an arms length away. Kazuko looked at him before smiling. "Who are you?" She asked. Suddenly her eyes shot open and she gasped with a smile. "Are you (F/N)'s boyfriend? Oh no Aki'll be so jealous when he meets you!"

"Who are you?" Takeo asked bluntly.

"I'm Kazuko! Surely you've heard of me." She said proudly.

"Can't say I have." Takeo answered. Kazuko looked at you with a fake heartbroken expression.

"(F/N)! I can't believe you never talked about me to your boyfriend!" She said. She turned her back to you and pretended to be sniffing.

"I-Im sorry! I just never got the chance to." You said patting her back with an apologetic smile. You looked back to Takeo to see his glare directed towards Kazuko. "I-Its okay Takeo. She's my friend." You said. Suddenly two arms wrapped around you.

"Yaaaay!! Im your friend!!" Kazuko cheered as she completely changed her attitude less than a second.

"Kazuko!" A voice suddenly called. You looked up to see Aki standing in the doorway of the store. Kazuko let go of you and called her cousin over.

"Over here Aki!" She called. Aki saw you and smiled as he walked over.

"Hey (F/N)!" He said.

"H-Hi." You said smiling sheepishly. As Aki walked closer to you, you were dragged backwards. Takeo put his arm around you as he stared at Aki with a deadpan expression. Anger was clearly evident in his gaze. Aki stared at Takeo in silence with wide eyes.

"Kazuko why don't you go show (F/N) those new (Favorite flower)'s that we just got?" Aki said not taking his eyes off of Takeo. Kazuko nodded with a smile, completely oblivious to the hate filled staring contest going on between the boys, and grabbed your wrist. Takeo leaned down towards your ear.

"Don't try anything." He ordered in a hushed whisper. He let you go and you immediately got dragged away towards the shop, leaving the two boys behind.

"What are you doing here Takeo? And why do you have (F/N) with you?" Aki demanded once the girls were gone. Takeo put on a cocky smirk.

"C'mon Aki. Is that any way to greet an "

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