《Too Special To Kill (Yandere x Reader)》Chapter 5


You woke up to your head throbbing in pain. You winced slightly at the headache.

What the hell happened...? You thought. You slowly started to remember what had happened before you got knocked out. You glanced at your ankle and sure enough the chain and padlock were still there. You sighed as you pushed yourself into a sitting position. You glanced around the room that you were being held captive in. The walls were painted beige with paint peeling at random places. The floor was covered in a grey carpet. Looking towards the window, which was your only light source, you saw light shining through the white curtains indicating that it was day. A bed stood beside the window covered in an olive green and brown plaid comforter. Beside the bed was a nightstand with a small drawer and a blue and white lamp on top of it. On the opposite side of the bed stood a wooden dresser mostly likely filled with clothes. Beside the dresser stood closet. Before you could notice anything else the door to the room opened revealing Takeo. You froze up and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Hey Girly." He said as he casually strolled into his room. You backed up further against the wall trying to create as much space between you and him as possible. He noticed your movements and smirked. "Aww. Is someone scared of me?" He asked mockingly.

"W-What do you want?" You asked trying to sound braver.

"What? Can't a guy go into his own room?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. You went silent and looked at the floor. You heard him take a few steps in your direction and then something drop in front of you. You looked up to see a bottle of water and a bottle of pills. You picked them up and tilted your head. "They're pain killers. You probably have a headache from me hitting you upside the head yesterday." Takeo said which surprised you. Your looked up to see that Takeo was now sitting on his bed not facing you. He glanced back slightly. "Don't look at me like that. It's not that I care but it'd be annoying for you to complain about it later." He said looking away again with furrowed eyebrows and unnoticeably pink tinted cheeks. You looked back to the two bottles. You opened the pill bottle and took out a painkiller. After popping it into your mouth you opened the water bottle and drank it. Slowly you felt your headache subside a bit.


"Th-Thank you..." You mumbled quietly. You heard Takeo scoff.

"I told you. I don't care about you I just don't wanna hear you complain." He said. You nodded and went silent. After a few minutes of sitting in awkward silence you started to look around for anything to occupy yourself with. You glanced over to the bed beside you and saw what looked like a book underneath it. You reached your hand out a quietly slid it out. After sliding it out from underneath the bed you saw that it was an old looking photo album. Curious, you opened it to the first page. On the page was a picture was a picture of a beautiful woman with blonde curly hair and familiar looking amber eyes. She was sitting in front of a background of a flower garden on a white chair with a gentle smile on her face. You turned the page. On the second page there were two pictures. The same woman from the first page was in the next picture. She was with a man with dark brown hair and blue eyes. They sat on a red picnic blanket with a basket between them. Both of them were smiling happily at the camera while they held hands. On the next photo the woman was with a little boy. The boy had dark brown hair but any other features were hidden to to his back being turned from the camera The woman was turned towards the camera while she had a closed eyes smiled directed towards the young boy. The boy stuck flowers into her beautiful blonde hair as they both sat in a field of wild flowers. Just as you were about to look at the next picture your wrist was yanked up with so much strength that half of your body came off the floor. Takeo's angry face was in front of yours as he firmly held your wrist above your head. "The hell are you doing?" He asked menacingly.


"I was...I-I j-just saw the a-album and was curious. I-I didn't mean to up-upset you." You said nervously. Takeo threw you down and you landed back on the ground. Suddenly two hands slammed into the wall beside your head making you yelp in surprise. Takeo glared at you.

"I'm only going to tell you this once. Don't ever go through my things or I will make sure that your death will be a very slow and painful one. Got it?" You frantically nodded. He took his hands away from the wall and he snatched up the photo album. He turned around and left the room without another word leaving you to stare at the door in terrified silence. You looked down to see your hands shaking in fear. You clasped them together trying to calm yourself. Takeo's words played over in your mind.

What have I gotten myself into? Your thought miserably. But during your self pity party the image of the woman and man appeared in you head. Now that I think about...Takeo looks fairly similar to them...I wonder who they are.

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