《Too Special To Kill (Yandere x Reader)》Chapter 1


You hastily walked down the street looking down. You were trying your best not to be noticed. You stuffed your hand's into your (F/C) hoodie and fiddled with the pocket knife inside the pocket. You looked around you as you made your way to your favorite café. You yawned.

Ugh I hate the mornings! You thought as a gust of cold winter air blasted you in the face making your hood fly off. You huffed and pulled your hood back on. You walked to the café making sure to avoid any eye contact with people. That's one thing your father had taught you.

Never trust anyone.

He always would say, 'Stay away from anyone you don't know. You have no idea who your enemies are.' You knew he would get angry if you didn't listen to him so you chose to take his lesson to heart.

You stood in line keeping your head down. Soon it was your turn to order. You were greeted by a cheerful cashier.

"Hello~!" She said with a bright smile. "What can I getcha today?"

"Uhm..." You thought for a moment. "I'll have (favorite hot drink) please." You said in a quiet voice while keeping your head down.

"Alrighty~! Please go into the next line and we'll have your order ready!" The cashier girl said cheerily. You nodded and walked over to the line next to your's. You tried to make yourself as small as possible. You tried not to make any contact with the crowd of people around you. Their stares made you uncomfortable. It felt like they were secretly plotting something behind their innocent smiles. You tapped your foot anxiously as you waited to get your drink.

You heard the bell from the front door of the café ring. You glanced over to see a man about your age. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a white undershirt, along with blue jeans, black sneakers, and around his neck hung a pair of black headphones. He had light brown hair and amber eyes. He was glancing around as if looking for something. Suddenly he looked over to your direction and you both locked gazes. You quickly looked away. You could still feel his gaze on the back of your head.


"Miss?" A voice sounded from in front of you. You realized it was your turn to get your order.

"Ah, sorry..." You mumbled as you walked up to the cashier and grabbed your things. You paid for your order and quickly walked out of the café. You felt as if you were being watched.

Dammit. I'm just being paranoid. Snap out of it (Y/N)... You scolded yourself as you made your way to your next destination.

The park.

Your favorite place in the city. It was a place you could go to clear your head. To be alone. Excluded from other people.

You were always an anxious girl. Your father had always taught you to be wary and tried to separate you from strangers as much as possible. Ah yes your father. The leader of the mafia group, Blue Blade. He was adopted into the organization and taught how to fight at a very young age. After many years of work he finally achieved the rank of the organizations leader. He then met your mother and they both married. They had you and all was right with the world. That was until your mother was killed. She was caught between a gang war with Blue Blade and their most formidable enemy, Shadow Demon. After her death your father had been more wary, more quiet, more...cold. He was irritable and always had a scowl. You honestly couldn't remember the last time you saw him smile. This made you feel even more alone than usual. Between having an irritable father, no mother, and only knowing the older people from Blue Blade you tended to stay away from people.

You breathed in the air. It felt good to go to the park to clear your head. Sadly the sun wasn't shining as you had hoped. It was cloudy and windy. You shivered a bit and took a sip of your (favorite hot drink). You sat under a tree near the entrance and pulled your knees up to your chest. You watched as couples, children, and many other people entered and left the park. This was your normal routine. Watching people as you desperately wished to have a normal life like them.


Suddenly a cold sensation hit your nose. You blinked and looked up. The clouds were darker now and you could hear thunder.

Rain? You thought. More droplets fell onto your head. You stood up and was ready to leave until something caught your eye. Or rather someone. You saw the man you locked eyes with in the café. He stood with his headphones on as he was slowly getting drenched in water. You felt bad for him and glanced down to look at the (F/C) hoodie you were wearing.

You took a deep breath and took off the hoodie. You hesitantly walked over tightly clutching the piece of clothing in your shaking hands. The man looked up at you. He tilted his head.

"Can I help you?" He asked curiously. You sighed.

"H-Here..." You said holding out the hoodie. He glanced at it.

"You...want me to have this?" He asked. You nodded.

"Yeah...I wouldn't want you to get soaked in the rain." You looked at the ground. The man eyed you. You could have sworn his eyes widened for a moment as if realizing something.

"Well...thanks I guess..." He mumbled. You nodded and quickly walked away.

Takeo watched your leaving figure. It's her...my target... He thought. He glanced down at the hoodie in his hands. Ha! As if I'd wear her hoodie! He thought but he couldn't bring himself to toss the clothing away. He couldn't stop thinking about your kind act towards him, a total stranger. He felt rain drops fall onto his head and face. I...I guess I'll wear it...just so I don't get soaked... He took off his leather jacket and put on the hoodie. He caught a whiff of your scent. She...smells kinda nice...WAIT WHAT?! No no no! I can't be thinking about that crap! She's my damn target! Get it together Takeo!! He thought. He stuffed his hands into the hoodie and walked down to the streets to follow you. He felt something in the pocket. He pulled out a pocket knife. A sly smirk crossed his face. Heh...dumb girl...you just threw away your only defense.

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