《Too Special To Kill (Yandere x Reader)》Prologue


Takeo stood in the lobby of an old abandoned apartment building. He had recently been called over for another mission and was told to meet at this apartment building. Looking up from the ground he saw a middle aged man come over to him with a scowl. The scar on the man's cheek and white combover told Takeo that he was his informant. He nodded to the man in greeting.

" 'Sup gramps?" He said casually. The man's scowl deepened.

"You should really be more respectful." The man snapped. His voice sounded like a frog's croak. Takeo shrugged.

"Did I get called here for a mission or for you to lecture me in manners'?" He said with a bored expression. The informant sighed.

"Your mouth is gonna get you killed one of these days, boy." The man said reaching into the inside of his black jacket. He handed him a folder filled with a few papers. "The information is all in there." The man mumbled. Takeo opened the folder and fiddled with the pages for a moment. He looked back up with a raised eyebrow.

"This is all I've got to go by?" He asked.

"Shut up! The girl's secrets are closely guarded. It was a struggle to get her name let alone anything else. It's not like Blue Blade's boss just goes around telling everyone about his daughter. Barely anyone outside of Blue Blade knows she even exists!" The man snarled in an agitated tone. Takeo just shrugged off his angry voice and skimmed over the first page.

"In my opinion most of the stuff in here is useless." He said to be annoying. The man huffed.

"We did the best we could, dammit! Now take the information and get the hell outta here." He ordered, turning around and quickly stomping away. Takeo paid him no mind and started to read the information of his next target.


Target. Yes. The next person Takeo was going to kill. Takeo worked as an assassin for a mafia group called Shadow Demon. It was pretty well known and very feared in his city. He was their best assassin. He never failed to kill his victim. He was currently reading over his newest target's information. The daughter of Shadow Demon's rival mafia group, Blue Blade.

Her name was (Y/N) (L/N), age 17, female. He glanced at the photo of her that was paper clipped to the top left corner of the page.

She had soft looking (H/C) hair, Beautiful (E/C) eyes', And (S/C) skin that had a healthy glow. In this photo she was walking down the streets unaware of the photograph being taken. Her head was slightly down so she wouldn't attract attention but the angle still gave the assassin a good view of her face. She had a (F/C) hoodie on while her hands were stuffed into their pockets. She also had ripped blue jeans and a pair of worn grey sneakers on.

Takeo's eyes' scanned over the picture for a moment. He stared at every inch of the photo carefully memorizing the girl's features. He would need to know exactly what his target looked like.

Huh... Takeo thought. She's kinda cute. He ran his fingers over the edge of the photo. Oh well, too bad she'll be dead in the next few days'. He shrugged. He read over more of the information.

Her usual routine consisted of going to the park for a few hours after buying coffee at the café not far from his current location.

Well that's convenient for me, heheh. Takeo thought with a smug smile. He continued to read.

She would always sit under a tree near the entrance to the park. After leaving she would stop by a bar. She'd stay there until about ten o' clock and leave. She always came out sober apparently. She'd usually walk to a motel but she sometimes went to various other locations. Takeo moved onto more unimportant information. She barely was found socializing with people. She tended to avoid crowds and was never outspoken in public. She wasn't skilled in any weaponry but carried a pocket knife with her at all times. Takeo continued to read until he had read all of the information.


Well this should be fun. The boy thought with a smirk. I wonder how her daddy will react when he finds out she's dead. He chuckled at his thoughts. He shut the folder and placed it inside the black leather jacket he was wearing. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and started to walk down the street with a smirk. His amber eyes' were filled confidence. He chuckled lightly. I bet the boss'll promote me or something when I finish this mission. Hah! Now I just need to figure out how I'm gonna kill the girl. Hmmm...maybe lure her into an alleyway? Nah, she'd never go into an alleyway when she sees me. Maybe...pose as a messenger and asking her to follow me to an undisclosed location? That could probably work...no.Maybe I could follow her to that motel the report talked about. Yeah I guess I'll do that. It'll be easier that way. Good thinking, me.

Takeo made his was down the street with his head held high. He walked to an apartment building and walked inside not giving the lobby goers a glance. He walked to the elevator and punched in his floor number. After going up two floors the elevator opened and he stepped out walking to the end of the hall. He unlocked his door and stepped into his room. He walked to his kitchen and threw the keys onto his dinner table. He walked to his room and put his folder onto his dresser. He opened the drawer of his dresser and pulled out a shining black switch blade. Staring at the gleaming weapon he flopped lazily onto his bed. He smirked looking over at the folder on his dresser.

Watch out girly~. He thought as he fiddled with the blade of his weapon. Your day's are numbered~.

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