《Future Dynasty》Lecture Twenty-Four


"And how is this a good idea?" Asked River as he looked around us. He didn't look bothered about our situation but it wasn't the first time he had asked this question.

"I never said it was a good idea. I said I had an idea. That's on you if you think it's a good one." I replied as I too glanced around me waiting for somebody to jump out.

Standing down on the lower ground of the F.B.I headquarters probably wasn't on the top of my list of good ideas but was one way to get noticed.

And getting noticed was what I really aimed for right now.

The woman behind the desk kept looking at us like we would disappear into thin air. She was for kicking us out until I told her who I was. Well more like who my parents are.

She was probably hoping to get a promotion from her bosses for being the one to bring them down to us.

"Didn't you say your mom told you not to fuck with Martinez?" River's voice was low so that he couldn't be overheard. "Pretty sure coming to her work is the opposite of what she told you."

"Daniella isn't the one we're going to fuck with. Well not initially anyway, accidents might happen." My tone matched his own as I watched the elevator doors open once again but it wasn't who I was looking for.

Daniella was the end game with the situation but I knew I could never get her to come down here to see me. As soon as Davis heard that me and River were here he would take this situation on himself.

Then he would question why I even wanted to see Daniella in the first place.

This time when the elevator doors opened Davis walked through them, his head held high as he glanced around the room for me.

River must have seen the cunning grin that crossed my lips because he looked at Davis and then raised his eyebrow as he looked back at me.

"This definitely isn't a good idea after all."

"Never said it was." I whispered back as Davis eyes finally landed on us.

The fun was about to begin.

"You know, I'm really starting to get sick of you lot walking into our headquarters like you own the place."

Davis didn't sound annoyed though, he was curious. There was no doubt in my mind he was well past being used to deal with my mom. So seeing me standing here in front of him instead had probably got his curiosity going.

"So moms not the only one that you've dealt with?" It was actually a question that I couldn't help but ask. His statement was enough to tell me that he has.

Davis scoffed like what I had just said was a joke. "Trust me I've dealt with more of your family than I ever want to deal with ever again. Unfortunately you lot will be in my nightmares for the rest of my life." He eyed be carefully before continuing on. "Now it seems like the next generation is getting their foot in the door. So what is it you want kid?"

"Me and River came here to apologise for the other week."

"You are?"

"We are?" Questioned River with just as much surprise as Davis making me dig my elbow into his side to shut him up.

"We shouldn't have fought so much against you and your agents. And I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you in the holding room. I hope your agents recovered quickly from their injuries." I kept my voice soft trying to make myself seem as sincere as possible.


Something I wasn't used to doing.

As a Kennedy I didn't apologise for anything but right now I was fighting against who I was to pull off this act.

Digging my elbow isn't River's side again he groaned in pain before turning to look at Davis once more.

"I'm sorry for breaking that agents nose."

Davis scoffed. "You did more than just break one of my agents noses. In your own holding room you bashed another one's head against the glass and broke the arm of another."

This time it was my turn to look at River surprised who looked like he was trying hid a grin behind a cough. He didn't tell me that part. Quickly recovering I cleared my throat and turned back to Davis.

"That's why we wanted to say sorry. We thought about it and-"

"I'm not buying it." Cut off Davis clearly sick of my shit.

I didn't blame him I was sick of my shit too.

"Me either." Agreed River turning to face me not even bothering to hide our act.

Well more like my act.

"What is it you really want and make it quick I've places to be." He looked down at his watch like he was proving a point but all it did was annoy me.

He didn't have somewhere to be. If he did he would never have come down here to see me.

"I wanted to make a deal." I was thinking on my feet making this up at I went along. Planning everything out was moms thing, just going with the flow and making shit up was my thing.

"A deal?" Davis sounded doubtful. "Trust me I've made enough deals with your family and they've never been on my terms. So what makes you willingly think I would agree to one from the very daughter of a couple that have my agents run from one side of the world to the other."

He has a point there was no doubt about that.

"I have names, names of people that you probably want." The folder my brother had given me popped into my head. I would never give him any of the names in the end. After all it was full of names that worked for the Italian's and the Italian's were my families problem.

Davis crossed his arms. "You really Lyra's daughter."

"What?" It wasn't the first time I've heard this in the last few weeks and it was starting to get to me.

They had expectations of me and I didn't know how I felt about that.

It was hard live up to parents like mine and frankly I didn't know if I could.

"Nothing." Sighed Davis dropping his arms. "I have all the information I need so that trick isn't going to work on me. If anything I should be arresting the two of you."

"Arrest us? Why?"

Davis looked at me like I was stupid. "You did just hear about the damage you two did while you were here right? Do you really think you could just walk with that?"

Holding out my wrists I gave him a grin. "Arrest us then."

"What?" Questioned Davis confused.

"What?" Came even River's reply like I had officially lost my God damn mind.

"You're right." I said shrugging showing him that he was right. "If my parents were anyone else I would be arrested. So arrest me. What ever control my parents have over you isn't from me. So I have no control over you, so really you're just not doing your job." I pushed out my arms towards him even more, even daring to take a step towards him.


Davis eyes looked down at me and he didn't even bother to hide his surprise on his features.

"What the hell has she taken?" This time Davis directed the question to River who had grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back but I wasn't for moving.

"Trust me, I wish I knew." Muttered River under this breath when he realised I was for leaving the situation. He didn't drop his grip on my arm though, telling me he didn't like what I was doing but he was supporting me.

We were starting to cause a scene. People were gathering around, some pretending to not look while others just watched openly. Davis looked around him seeing the same thing I did and this time his eyes narrowed at me.

"What are you doing?" Davis snapped under this breath his whole tone changing.

Frankly I wish I knew, I was just winging it at this point.

Then it hit me.

If these people wanted a scene I'd give them one.

Bother River and Davis looked at me with a bewildered look as I fell to my knees with my wrists still held out. My head was done and I did the one thing that was every man's weakness.

I started to cry.

Even River took a step back from me out of his confusion before he caught himself a leaned down beside me. His arm wrapped around my shoulders as he looked up at Davis.

He had clearly caught up with my show to at least act beside me.

Tears slowly started to trip down my cheeks as I looked up at Davis through my lashes. I had never seen a man more uncomfortable in my life as he glanced down at me and the people around us.

"What are you doing? Get up." His voice was low so that only we could hear it but I completely ignored him I went on.

"I'm so sorry." I choked out between sobs, my voice breaking in the middle. "I didn't mean what I did. I panicked, what else was I meant to do? I was trapped in a room with your agents and I didn't know what was going on."

"Panicked? You didn't-" But I cut him off not letting him finish.

"I'm only seventeen, it's not my fault who my parents -" he cut me off this time by grabbing me by the arm and pulling me to my feet and I let him.

Before I knew I was being shoved into the elevator with both Davis and River. I let out a few sobs as I looked at Davis' back who stood in front of me. His shoulders were tense and I could see that I had made him uncomfortable. Well it was probably all the eyes on us that made him uncomfortable.

River stood beside me and looked down and when we made eye contact I gave him a grin, my hair covering my face from any reflection Davis might see me in.

River ran his hand down his face looking frustrated but in reality I knew he was amused when I seen the corner of his lips behind his hand.

At least I got us in.

Now I just needed to wing the rest of this little act I had going on.

Davis grabbed me by the upper arm making me glare at his back for a second before I remembered myself. River didn't seem to like how he was handling me either but we both knew it wasn't the time or place to me making complaints.

He walked down the hallway and I tried to take in as much as I could. When I first her I was too busy trying to get out of her to even notice what was around me.

He stopped in front of one of the doors before pointing at River and then inside the room.

"You wait in there."

River looked at me first and I gave him a discreet nod as I let out another sob. His green eyes then snapped back to Davis but they weren't at all kind.

"Fine, but if anything happens to her I'm coming for you."

River bumped shoulders with Davis as he walked into the room and Davis closed the door.

He then opened another door across the hall and pointed at me.

"In." He didn't ask he was ordering me. "I'll be in, in a minute."

Letting out a few more sobs I stumbled over my words. My face was soaked with tears and I didnt bother to wipe them away. The whole thing just added to my act. "Won't you let me see your agents that I attacked? I just want to say sorry."

"In." Finally I moved towards the door and walked in.

Quickly I noticed it was basically another holding room that I was in the first time I was here. Davis pushed me towards the chair in front of the desk and sat me down. This time I noticed the cuffs were attached to the table and I couldn't help but let the corner of my lips curve upwards.

Davis attached the cuffs to wrists and I looked at him with a questioning look between my act.

"Kid, I don't trust you for a second."

Smart, I had to at least give him that.

With one finally look at my tear stained face he walked out. I was sure I looked at write sight before this I had eye makeup on because I was going for a meal with my family later. Frankly I wasn't expecting to have to put on the water works.

Keeping my head down I let my long hair cover my face as I used it to look around. I might not be planning on escaping this time but Ace had it drilled into my head now to always be aware of my surroundings. The first rule was to always look for a way out before anything else.

Not to long after the door opened again and I was fully expecting Davis to walk in but it was Daniella.

The very person I wanted to see.

In honesty I didn't think Davis would've let Daniella come in here. He was bound to know I was hope to something and he basically said that when he cuffed me to the table.

"Davis told me about your little scene down the stairs."

My eyes snapped up to look at her and I turned my back slightly so that it was facing the camera.

"I just wanted to say sorry for the other week." My voice wasn't as soft as it once was and Daniella must have noticed my actions because she looked at the camera and then back at me.

Silence fell between us before she got up and walked over to it. From over my shoulder I seen her switch it off and turn it the other way.

"What are you doing here, Layla?" The way she spoke my name was like she had known me my whole life. Maybe she did, I was sure Reagan would've talked about me to her at some point when they were friends or seeing each other.

Suddenly my act was gone and I sat taller in my chair. My eyes bore into her own and I gave her a cunning grin. She rolled her eyes at my actions as I took a moment to us the sleeve of my hoody to wipe my face. Not that it helped much with my hands in cuffs that in turn were attached to the table in front of me.

"Just wanted to say sorry."

"What ever act you were playing with Davis just drop it. We both know a Kennedy never says sorry." There was bit of a bite in her tone and I raised my eyebrow at her wording.

"Bit sensitive on that one are we?" I asked wanting to know more. If this was the woman my brother had trusted just as much as his family I wanted to know everything I could about her.

"Don't act like I'm stupid, we both know your here about something to do with me and Reagan. I noticed your curiosity the last time you were here, surprised Nick didn't tell you everything.

Frankly I hadn't had a chance to talk to Nick, he left the city once he got out of here and didn't look back. He only came to warn me about his family, after that everything else was on us.

"Reagan actually." Daniella looked astonished that I had even mentioned my brother, never mind the fact he was the one who told me something. "And mom but we both know she knows everything anyway."

"Reagan talked to you about me?" She sounded doubtful but at the same time didn't sound completely surprised.

Everyone knew me and Reagan were close. We had more in common compared to me and Levi and Emilia was still to young for this shit.

"Is that such a surprise?" I asked tilting my head with a innocent look.

"No, not at all." She trailed off seeming to be lost in her own thoughts. Then she looked back at me, a new determination in her eyes. "So what are you doing here? If you know who I am and I know who your family is."

Getting more comfortable in the chair I started to tap my finger on the desk in front of me. My action was innocent enough but there was something more to my actions. "Knowing who my family is, isn't a threat. The whole world knows who we are even if they never say it out loud."

"I know because we can't touch you." Remarked Daniella and I knew what she was doing. She was being open with me to try and get the information that she wanted.

"Can we not do this." I groaned out like a kid who had just been told they couldn't have a toy. "I'm not in the mood for mind games I just came to talk to you as the sister of the man you love."

"Love?" Choked out Daniella and her whole demeanour changed. "I didn't love your brother."

"Oh really?" Her whole body language told me a different story. "Let's just agree to disagree on that one."

Of course I didn't know if truly did love each other at one point. Either as best friends or something more but I didn't need to know. I just needed to get her emotions high.

"Your brother told me you're a trickster." Commented Daniella as she didn't look surprised when I pulled my hand free from the cuffs.

"Oh really?" I commented yawning and stretching my back out as I rubbed my wrists. "And he's stickler for the the straight and narrow. But of course you'd know all about that."

"I'm not going to ask you again, what is it you want?"

Sighing I sat up straight once more. "I want to make a deal."

"A deal?"

"Yea, a deal just for you."

This time when I mentioned a deal it was the truth. Davis was never the one I wanted, I need Daniella on my side and something told me she would do it.

She looked conflicted but something in her eyes told me that she was interested in at least hearing what I had to say.

"Ok, let's hear it."

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