《Future Dynasty》Lecture Five


A few days had past without any of those men reappearing. Not that I was expecting them to make another move anytime soon.

My mom had taught me a lot of things in life and being in that situation was one of them. They were testing the waters, seeing what we were capable off and what way everything was set up.

If I was to guess they now knew who was still in the City when it came to my dads men and who was the biggest threat.

One thing was clear. They wanted me.

Ace had told me he had met Levi and Emilia that same day only hours before me. Those men had been following him the whole time but they didn't make a move when he was with them. What ever they wanted it had something to do with me.

Revving the engine of my bike I waited for the lights to change to green. The visor of the helmet kept my eyes out of view as I looked around me carefully. Lately I had a feeling someone was watching me and I wasn't talking about my dads men who normally kept an eye out for us all.

No there was someone else out there watching me closely.

Currently I was heading to school which was the last thing on my mind. Between Payton and waiting to see what her family would do about me breaking their daughters nose and the men that showed up yesterday I didn't know what to think.

Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they were all connected.

The light turned green and I let my bike take off down the road. Lost in my own thoughts I almost didn't notice the car sitting at the entrance of the school gates. It was a black SUV but that wasn't what really caught my attention, it was Payton's older brother pacing in front of it.

Slowing my bike I came to a stop beside him and looked around. There wasn't many people about so I took the risk of talking to him in public. After all I was sure he was here to talk to me.

"What do you want Nick." Lifting my Visor up I watched him freeze for a second as he fully took me in. It had been a long time since I seen Nick he used to be one of Reagan's closest friends. That was until the families businesses pulled them apart.

"We need to talk." He was looking around him almost like he could sense the eyes watching us that I sensed earlier. Maybe I wasn't losing my mind after all.

"If my brother knew you were trying to talk to me he'd kill you, you know that right?" I was stating a fact and we both knew it. Reagan wouldn't take to kindly to Nick's appearance in the City after so long.

"Don't you think I know that." Snapped Nick and for the first time I noticed just how uncomfortable he truly was. "Your little boyfriend has already warned me when he drove through the gates only seconds before you."


Frowning I gave him a pointed look. "Well if River knows you're here then you should hurry up and speak before he tells Reagan you're in the city."

"How was I meant to know River still even went to school." There was a panic in Nicks voice has he spoke. "He was meant to have dropped out when he was sixteen like the rest of them."

Shrugging my shoulders I kept my face blank. I wasn't about to tell Nick about stuff like that when I couldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

"What do you want?" I asked again this time wanting a straight answer. Something though caught the corner of my eye and I looked over my shoulder. It was Ezra's car, I would be able to spot it anywhere. After all I did put hours of work into it.

"Look La-" I cut him off.

The next thing came out of my mouth before I even have a chance to think. Could this be a trap? Of course it could but curiosity was getting the best of me. As much as I acted like what Nick was going to say wouldn't be anything interesting I knew that was false.

He wouldn't risk coming back here for nothing and risking running into my brother.

"I'll met you after school at the Underground and then we can talk." My voice was low as I spoke knowing that Ezra would have his windows down. I was proving right when he pulled up beside me.

"Everything ok?"

Ezra didn't even spare me a glance as he narrowed his dark eyes at Nick. Ezra was the most laid back out of the Knight brothers. So seeing him looking at Nick the way he did told me there was far more to the story that I first thought.

"I'm just leaving." Nick couldn't move any quicker as he basically sprinted to his door and got into the suv. Me and Ezra watched him in silence but their was a glint of mischief in my eyes.

Trouble was my favourite thing to get in the middle of and Nick was handing it to me on a plate.

"What was that about?" Ezra looked at me carefully and for a moment you could really tell that River and him were brothers. It was a look that River always gave me when I was about to do something he wouldn't like.

"Nothing." Shrugging I put the visor back down and reeved my engine.

Driving through the front gate of the school Ezra wasn't that far behind. When we both parked he didn't push the matter and walked away when he seen River make his way towards me.

Throwing my helmet at him, River caught it easily without ever taking his eyes off me. I was still currently straddling my bike as I fixed my hair in the wing mirror.

"What did Nick want?"

In the mirror I was able to see the reflection of River's face and it was laced with that devilish look he always gave when trouble was due. He wasn't at all annoyed the way Nick had made him out to be. Then again River had probably put on a show for him, after all River had a reputation to keep.


Looking away from the mirror I looked River in the eyes and knew me and him were always on the same page when it came to this stuff. Leaning forward I rested my arms on the handle bars and watched as Rivers eyes traced my body before snapping back to me. Those emerald green eyes of his darkened slightly.

Letting out a laugh under my breath I swung my leg over the bike getting off, River's gaze never left me.

Playing with fire was one of my favourite things to do.

Biting my bottom lip I walked up to him and went to grab my helmet out of grip but he stopped me. He yanked the helmet back towards him making me step closer to him, the helmet pressed between the two of us.

Leaning down slightly I could see the promise of danger and mayhem in his eyes. River was one of those guys that could give your parents a heart attack at just the sight of him. He was the type of person that would burn down your house just for kicks.

"So angel, what is it Nick wanted?" His voice was low and alluring as he spoke and it was hard not to get trapped in them.

Sometimes I thought I was immune because we grew up together. I've seen and know everything about him but when he wanted to play a game he was one of the most tempting guys I've ever met.

It was no wonder most of the woman in the population could fall at his feet with just one gaze.

When I was fourteen my mom had once told me that River was going to become just as dangerous if not more so than my brother Reagan. There was times when I could laugh at that thought because no one could compare to my brother but looking at River now, I knew it was definitely a possibility.

There was one thing my mom didn't think about though.

She never should've let me grow up with River because we were a bad influence on each other.

"Want to cause trouble?" My voice was just as low as his and I watched as his lips turned up at the corners into a sin worthy grin.

"Count me in."

Releasing my helmet he threw his arm over my shoulder and started leading me towards the doors.

"Layla! River!" Looking over my shoulder I spotted Emilia running up behind us waving.

"What's up shorty?" Asked River as he watched my younger sister with a curious gaze. Emilia was like the sister he never had. River had three brothers and each one of them were just as dangerous as the next. So Emilia brought some sort innocence to the group because after all I was nothing like my sister.

Emilia looked worried as she came to a stop in front of us. I could feel my whole body tense for what ever she said next. River must have felt my tension because he glanced at me, then back too Emilia.

"Mr Reed is looking for you Layla." Emilia's voice was low as she spoke and I couldn't help but notice how she was looking around her like someone was ready to jump out.

Mr Reed was our gym teacher and the one that Payton had cheated on my brother with. What ever he wanted with me wasn't going to be a good thing. Also judging how Emilia looked so panicked he didn't just simply ask my sister to come and get me.

"Did he threaten you Emilia?" This time it was River who tensed up and his eyes darkened dangerously. My sister glanced at him carefully and then at me. She was scared with what we would do next with the information she told us next.

"No!" But her reply was to quick and rushed making me take a step closer to my sister.

"Emilia tell me the truth."

"Ok yes..." she said trailing off her voice was so quiet I almost didn't hear her. Her answer though rang loud and clear in my head.

I was going to kill him.

River's arm slipped off my shoulders and he was about to step towards the school but Emilia ran in front of him stopping him in his tracks.

"Move shorty." His tone was soft as he spoke to Emilia but I knew him too well to know he was seconds away from ripping Mr Reeds head off.

Resting my hand on River's bicep I mentally told him to calm down. My sister was innocent to world that we lived. Of course she knew about it and what went down but she had never actually seen the danger or anything first hand and that's the way I wanted to keep it.

River glanced at me but seemed to get the message and visibly calmed down but I knew it was all a show for Emilia.

"Don't worry Emilia, I'll go to Mr Reed now." Emilia looked at River unsure about the situation. "You should go back to class before the teacher wonders where you are. We can't ruin that perfect attendance of yours."

My voice was light hearted as I spoke and she seemed to brighten up.

"Ok, I'm going to go." Then she glanced at River with what was probably the most menacing look she could come up with. It took everything in me not to laugh at her. "Promise me you won't hurt him."

River scoffed but when Emilia's glare didn't lighten up on him he sighed in defeat.

"Fine I won't hurt Mr Reed." Emilia looked satisfied with his answer and ran off towards the school that's when River spoke again. "I'm going to kill him."

"Not before I hurt him." I responded agreeing with River.

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