《Future Dynasty》Lecture Four


"Where's the little King?"

Looking up from the punching bag I could see my uncle walking over to me. Sweat was dripping down my body as I had been training for the last hour. Also judging how Ace's nose turned up in disgust I probably didn't smell the best either. Shrugging my shoulders I turned back to the punching bag to continue what I was doing.

In his forty's Ace was still a catch to woman in this City. With his dark and luring eyes and a personality to go with it you wouldn't believe how many woman would kiss ass to me. Just so they could get a date with the most wanted bachelor in the City.

Ace watched me throw a few punches in silence. He was studying me, after all between him and Kate they trained me into the fighter that I am. He taught me how to be strong while Kate taught me how to be stealthy and use my enemies power against them. Both skills came in handy that wasn't something that was I was going to deny.

My mom was famous for her driving but I was becoming famous for a very different reason.

Sensing Ace make a move I jumped to my left and out of the way as he tried to sweep my feet from under me. My grin didn't last long though as I tripped over the equipment on the floor landing flat on my ass. A loud thud sounded throughout the room along side Ace's sigh.

"And that's why you almost lost your last match. You're still not taking in your surroundings." Ace gaze was lazy like always. He was a hell of a lot more laid back than my dad that was something that was clear as day but that didn't mean he didn't scold me now and again.

Glaring I stood up dusting off my clothes.

"There's hardly stuff lying on the floor in the cage and I still won that fight." I remarked taking off my gloves. My uncle was here for a reason and it was clear I wasn't going to get anymore training done until he got what ever information it was that he wanted.

"I don't train you to fight in the cage." For the first time in a long time he actually looked annoyed at me and it made me flinch. He was right he was training us to fight in a world far more dangerous than most people could imagine. "I train you for the real world and in the real world there's going to be a hell of a lot more than just gym equipment on the floor."

"I don't know where Reagan is." Answering his original question I was hoping to get his attention off me. "He hasn't been home in a few days."

Ace let out another sigh and ran his hands through his hair in annoyance. "You know you kids are the reason I don't have any of my own. By the way next time you're going to break a girls nose can you not do it on school grounds. You know it's me that gets called when any of you get into shit in there when your parents are gone."

"I thought it was because you 'enjoy playing the field' that your don't have any kids." Using air quotes to prove the fact it was something he had said himself he took a step closer to me in warning but I went on. "As for Payton, we both know she had that coming."


Ace's lips turned into that infamous smirk that both him and his brother shared. "Never did like your brother with that little bitch, never mind who her family was on top of it." Then he seemed to remember why he came here in the first place. "And speaking of your siblings apparently your dad has been trying to get ahold of the little King and he isn't answering to anyone."

Lifting up my bottle of water I took a sip before replying. "I think if anyone can handle themselves it's Reagan. Plus it's not the first time he's disappeared, he's probably dealing with some situation so dad doesn't have to when he gets home."

Reagan was the oldest out of us Kennedy siblings and by far the most deadly combination of my parents. He had our dads leadership, honor and loyalty and together with our moms brains, strategy and control he was dangerous. There was no doubt Reagan was probably the smartest kid to ever drop out of school at sixteen of his own free will.

Reagan always knew what he wanted to do and that was to take over our dads empire and in his eyes school was a waste of time. Frankly he probably could've skipped grades and graduated early but that would involve him going to school in the first place. After he dropped out he took over the small sections of my fathers empire running the streets and building his way up.

He was probably the most feared thing in this City. That was if you ever actually seen him.

"It's a little bit different this time." There was something in Ace's tone that told me that whatever it was that my dad wanted from Reagan wasn't like the other times. Sometimes our dad would get Reagan to look into things or fish information from the lower ranks connected to other families. This time though it was bigger I could see from Ace's posture alone.

"What is it?" Taking a step towards Ace a voice called throughout the gym, a voice I didn't recognize.

"I think he's talking about us little girl."

Spinning around my guard was instantly up and I took my stand next to Ace who looked bored by the whole situation already. He tilted his head slightly to eye each the three men like they were nothing more than a bug beneath his shoe.

"I was wondering when you were going to stop following me and show yourself." Looking at Ace I probably looked at him like he was insane.

"If you knew we were following you then perhaps you're underestimating what you're up against." The guys in the middle who looked to be in his twenties turned his gaze to me. His deep brown eyes looked at me curiously. His gaze looked at me from head to toe and it made me narrow my own at him. "Seeing as you so easily brought us to our prize."

Ace scoffed and crossed his tattooed arms across his broad chest. "For a start you lot aren't allowed to step foot into this City but I was curious about who or what you were after."

The man's dark eyes crashed with my own grey ones and I could see that I was apart of some sort of plan of his. "We want the Princess."

My eyes narrowed dangerously and I could feel my fist tighten at my side. Would I fuck let someone like him think he could so easily come in here and speak to me like I was nothing more than an object.


My uncle though let out a deep chuckle though as he uncrossed his arms. If you were to walk in right now you would think these men had just told him the funniest joke ever heard. Then he did something that they clearly weren't expecting.

He stepped away from me.

When he was a good few meters away from me Ace held out arms to me looking at the men. "Then off you go."

My own face matched my uncles own amusement as I put my grappling gloves back on. The three men looked more than confused and I couldn't blame them this probably wasn't how this was meant to turn out in their heads.

"What are you playing at?" Demanded the man as the other two looked between each other with confusion. My eyes catch sight of one of the other men and I noticed that one of them looked around to be the same age as me, maybe a year or two older. This made me raise my eyebrow in curiosity at him as he too looked like he was trying to work me out.

"Nothing." Shrugged Ace like nothing was going on and once again looking bored about the whole situation. "You can take her, that is if you can get her first."

Ace knew better than anyone my abilities in a fight. My mom and dad had me start to learn everything possible to defend myself from I was three years old. All of us Kennedy siblings have learnt to fight but me and Reagan were the two that went further than just learning how to defend ourselves.

My family was always going to come with threats and I always wanted to make sure I was ready for what ever threat would come my way. After all I was going to follow my moms path and her empire.

No I wanted to follow my dads, which meant I needed to be just as good as my older brother if not better.

Taking my stance I pointed out to them. "Come on then, come and catch me."

Two of the men shifted uncomfortably between which the younger one grinned at me and stepped forward. Taking off his jacket he past it to one of the men and stretched out his muscles. He didn't have any tattoos, well known that I could see anyway but I had to admit he was handsome. With his deep brown eyes and tanned skin he could probably have went down a very different career path if it wasn't for the life that we were all involved in.

"Ah." Grinning I looked over his shoulder to the two men behind him. "You aren't fighters are you, just the messengers."

Dropping my guard slightly I wanted to trick the man in front of me to attack first. It was a move I had learnt a long time ago. Just because I was a girl they normally thought that I was all talk and no action.

"Heath." Called out one of the men to the one who stood in front of me. He was looking more and more uncomfortable by the second with the situation. "Grab her and lets get out of here."

Scoffing at his words I flipped my attention to Heath as he swung a fist out to my face. Using his own force against him I easily pushed his arm to the side throwing his body weight off balance. Not moving from my spot I watched him take a step forward at my side to gather his footing in amusement.

He looked completely shell shocked at what had just happened and I couldn't blame him, I've watched a lot of people be surprised by what I can do.

"Don't you know you should never hit a girl."

Surprisingly Heath straightened up clearly getting over his shock he let out a chuckle of amusement. Walking behind me I could hear him cracking his neck but I didn't bother turning around letting my senses do the work for me. My lips turned into a grin as I kept my eyes on the other two men who stood not that far away.

Fighting with guys was in my second nature. I grew up with Reagan Kennedy as my older brother and having a twin brother of my own too. Never mind also having the Knight siblings around me constantly with their mom Kate. I had learnt a long time ago how to turn a mans power against them. It also helped that River was also my main sparing partner.

Just as Heath went to reach for me a voice rang throughout the gym room.

"What the fuck is going on."

The two men sharply turned around on their heel to come face to face with Ezra and River Knight. Ezra sized up the two men but otherwise looked unbothered by their presence as he walked around them to go and stand beside Ace. The both of them looked like they were ready for a show but I wasn't planning on dragging this out now that River was here.

River's face always told me everything I needed to know and right now he was livid. He knew I could handle myself and his problem wasn't because of the situation I was in. No it was because he wasn't here to deal with this shit himself.

After all he's going to become my older brothers right hand.

River was going to be the one to deal with the dirty side of our world just like his own father Zane Kennedy was doing for mine right now.

Heath most have thought I was distracted because he reached out and tried to wrap his arm around me but he was to slow. Grabbing his arm I flipped around and locked his arm behind his back and I heard him groan in pain. There was no way of hiding the satisfaction on my face as I heard the sound knowing that I was in complete control of the situation. Kicking the back of his knees I watched him fall to the ground as his legs buckled.

Crouching down behind him I brought my lips closer to his ear so that only the two of us could hear. "I don't know what the fuck you lot want with me but I'm going to guess this has something to do with my father. So let me give you a piece of advice." Tightening my grip on his arm I pulled it tighter across his back making him hiss in pain. If I pulled slightly more I would dislocate his arm. "The next time you come after me make sure you bring an army because otherwise you'll never win against me."

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