《Rain✔️ (Wattpad version)》'Tis the season


It is Christmas break, which meant one thing, Christmas! I liked Halloween, but I loved Christmas. I couldn't wait to decorate the tree, make cookies, watch Christmas shows. We also go sledding.

Dad put up the tree. Most people like real trees, but I don't. I prefer artificial trees. They don't die, and I don't have to worry about the needles. They hurt when you step on them.

Antonio came by and helped with decorating, as did Wade and Adrian. My friends and boyfriend came to help me, except Cole kept taking Wade from me.

Finally, I took him back.

I found them in the kitchen kissing and walked over, "Excuse me, but Wade is here to help me," I said, grabbing Wade's hand and dragging him back to the tree, breaking their kiss.

Luke laughed.

"You would think now that everyone knows, this would be easier," Cole said to him.

"Bro, it's Rain. When has anything been easy?"

"Good point," he scoffed as they went into the living room.

We got the tree decorated, and I looked at Wade. "Okay, you can go back to kissing."

Luke and Cole tried not to laugh as Antonio and Adrian smirked.

"Rain, you're something else," Wade sighed as he walked over to Cole.

Antonio pulled me close to him and kissed me. Dad walked in and looked at the tree. "Nice job," he complimented us, then he saw the kissing and shook his head as he chuckled.

After the tree, we all settled in and watched Christmas movies. I loved Christmas.

I was never a fan of the holidays, but because of Rain, it was hard not to be. She enjoyed them, which made us enjoy them. Plus, since I met Wade, I enjoyed them a lot more.


While everyone was busy, we went back to his house. I liked his parents. They were pretty cool and not judgmental. When Wade introduced me to them, they welcomed me with open arms.

Most parents would have an issue if their kid brought home someone with a bunch of tattoos. They didn't. When I told them why I got them, they liked them even more.

We hung out making cookies and all that stuff that went with it. Between Rain and Wade, I would be cookies out. I like cookies, but not all the time.

His mom helped us as we all talked.

"So, any plans after school, Cole?" She asked me.

"I plan on working with special needs children. I'm going to school for early childhood development," I said, frosting a cookie.

"I think that's lovely; you want to do something like that." She smiled.

"Yeah, my parents are happy. Luke is going to school to be a special education teacher," I added as I decorated a cookie. I looked at it. Well, good thing I'm not a decorator because I suck at this.

I watched Wade, and he had a knack for it. I gave him a look. He looked at me. "What?"

I just looked at him.

"Okay, fine, I like to bake to relax," Wade mentioned.

"Are you going to school for baking?" I asked him.

"No," he looked at me, confused. "I will be a teacher."

"Well, hopefully, you can cook," I said to him.

"Cooking? No, but baking? Hell yeah," he grinned as I chuckled.

"Good thing I can cook, or you'll starve my ass," I smirked.

His mom laughed as we continued to frost cookies. I looked at my phone and noticed the time; I needed to leave. I got up and kissed Wade before going. "Leaving?" He looked at me, confused.


"Yeah, I got to take care of something," I said as I left. I had to take care of something important.

I didn't understand. Cole finally told me we could spend the entire day together, then cut it short. I get why seeing each other was a secret before because his family didn't know about him or us, but they know now.

All I wanted for Christmas was one whole day together. I even told him I wanted no gift, just one day together. He said today would be our day, and he leaves.

I know Rain takes a lot of time, and I love her to death, but I also wanted to spend time with my boyfriend. Does that make me selfish? Maybe it was. Perhaps I had to face the reality that Cole had too much to deal with his family.

I went back to frosting cookies by myself - yay for Christmas.

After I finished, I packaged all of them into containers. I was giving everyone a bowl of cookies that they liked as a gift. I prefer to give something homemade than store-bought. To me, it means more.

I sat there looking at the boxes and saw the snowfall. I sighed. Most people get to spend this with someone they love, and here I was spending it with a bunch of cookies.

There was a knock at the door. I went answered it to find Adrian standing there. I looked at him. He gave me a look, and then I cried. He held out his arms as I hugged him. Mom must have called him.

The thing about Adrian, he is my best friend, so is Antonio. Any time it upset me, Mom would call them, and they would come over and hang out. This reason is why I came out to them.

When I did, they never judged. Tony and Ade didn't treat me differently, and both of them kicked people's asses when someone said something to me. If you ever get friends like that, hold on to them.

Adrian and I hung out; Then someone knocked on the door. I got up and answered it to find Antonio standing there. He held up ice cream. They know me way too well.

"I thought you were with Rain," I asked him.

"I was, but she has family stuff, so now, I'm here with my best friend, along with my other best friend," he said, handing me a carton of ice cream. "Heads up, Adrian," he said, tossing a container to him. He reached up and caught it.

"Thanks, Tony," he said as he opened the container.

I grabbed some spoons and gave them each one. Yeah, we may be guys, but we like our ice cream. Plus, the way I was feeling, I needed my best friends.

No matter what, I would compete with everything else with Cole. The worst part is, I'm in love with him, and I couldn't even tell him. Yep, Christmas sucks right now.

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