《Rain✔️ (Wattpad version)》Learning new things


Antonio told me he had someplace special to take me. He also said to dress warmly. He said to me that Luke, Cole, Wade, Adrian, and Adrian's girlfriend, Sylvia, was coming. A girl was meeting Luke there. I didn't know her, but he said he would introduce me.

Antonio arrived and picked me up. We drove to a place, and it had ice. Ice skating; I didn't know how to ice skate. He pulled into the parking lot and got out. I followed him and walked towards the rink, then stood there.

"Rain, it's okay," he assured me.

"I don't know how to ice skate," I said, looking at the ice.

"Do you trust me?" Antonio asked me.

I looked at him.

"Try it. What do you have to lose?" He asked me.

"What if I fall?" I asked, worried.

"What if you sail?" He smiled. "Rain, I know new things scare you, but trust me. I won't let you fall." I looked at him and took his hand. He led me to the rentals and put a pair on my feet.

He tightened the laces before putting on his skates. He helped me up, and I fell forward with him catching me.

"See, I told you I would catch you," he assured me. I wasn't so sure about ice skating.

He stepped onto the ice, and I held onto his hands as I made my way onto the ice. He held my hands as I slowly moved my feet.

"You're doing good," he reassured me. I moved little by little. I didn't want to fall.

As we drifted on the ice, everyone else made their way onto the ice, skating around us. At one point, my brothers saw me and thought it would be a cute idea to have some fun with me.

They skated over and took me from Antonio.


"Luke! Cole! What are you doing?" I screamed.

"Having some fun," Luke chuckled.

"I will fall," I screamed.

"Rain, you will not fall," Cole told me as held onto me as they skated around the rink.

"Follow our lead," Luke said as I started moving with them. They held onto me as I skated in between them, then I didn't realize they let go of me.

I glided across the ice slowly, trying to keep my balance. This activity is fun. I went to look at my brothers and realize I was alone. I slid to a stop and stood there.

I looked around to see people skating, and I watched them, realizing that no one was laughing. No one was calling me names. No one hurt me. I looked up, and that's when I saw it, a rainbow. It just appeared out of nowhere.

"What's she doing?" Adrian asked.

"She's finally seeing what the rest of us see," Antonio told him.

They all watched me as I raised my hands and smiled. I was around people, and they aren't mean to me. Finally, I was like them.

Then I lost my footing and felt someone catch me. I turned to see Antonio, who was smiling.

"You caught me," I said, surprised.

"I told you I would," he said with a reassuring smile. He helped me stand up straight. Then he took both of my hands as he started moving. I followed him as we skated. Then he let one hand go as he held my hand. We glided across the ice.

For my first-time ice skating, I never fell once. Antonio wouldn't let me.

Then, after a while, we moved towards the doorway and stepped off the ice. Antonio helped me with my skates, and I put my boots on as he did the same. We returned the skates to the rental place, and he slid his hand into mine as we went back to the car.


Once inside, he put on the heat and drove us away from the skating rink. As we drove, I noticed we weren't going to my house.

"Where are we going? This way isn't the way to my house," I said to him, confused.

"Because we aren't going to your house. We will go to mine," he said.

"Oh," I said as I sat there quietly. I didn't like this, but I needed to remember what Antonio told me. We have to try new things, at least once.

He pulled into a driveway. We got out, and he reassured me, it was okay. He said his parents were expecting me.

I held onto his arm with a firm grip as we went into the house. A woman and man met us met who looked to be my parent's age. She had dark hair and brown eyes. He had grey hair and blue eyes. He was tall like Antonio, and they looked like each other. She looked petite.

"Rain, it's so good to meet you. I am Antonio's mother, Marta." She smiled nicely at me.

"You have a nice smile," I commented.

"Thank you. So do you." Antonio's mom returned the compliment.

"I'm Antonio Sr, but you can call me Tony," he spoke in a thick accent.

"You're not from here," I said to him in amazement.

"No, I'm from Italy," he admitted.

"You sound funny," I said as he looked at me, surprised.

"Rain has met no one from another country," Antonio told them.

"Ah," his dad said.

"That's not correct; my uncle Jaime is from Australia," I told them as I walked away. They looked at each other, confused. I looked at them, then around the room. I let go of Antonio and walked over to the pictures. I looked at every picture. I liked pictures; they reminded me of puzzles.

"Do you like the pictures?" His mom asked me.

"Oh, yes, pictures are like a puzzle. You put them together, and you get a bigger picture," I said to Marta. "Like these show happiness, these show fun, these show Antonio when he was small. I like them."

"I will take Rain home before Colton and Lia worry," Antonio suggested.

"Oh, I thought we could have cake," his mom told him, disappointed.

"I like cake," I said as I walked away and wandered around their house until I yelled, "Antonio! Where's the cake?"

His parents laughed as he sighed. He walked around the corner. "Rain, the cake is in the kitchen. You're in the den."

"I like her," his mom told his dad.

"I do, too. We better get that poor girl cake before she gives Antonio a hard time," he said as they went into the kitchen.

We had cake, and Antonio told my parents. They were okay with me staying to have some cake. Marta and Tony talked to me, and I told them all about My Little Pony. They listened to me. I also said to them how I met the real My Little Ponies and couldn't wait to go back.

We talked for a while, and then Antonio took me home. I think the thing I liked most about today was the cake. It was delicious. Nice and moist, not dry like most cakes. There was frosting, which was my favorite part.

I hope Antonio takes me back to his house again so that we can have cake. That would be so cool.

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