《Pokémon Sun & Moon: Emethyst's Journey》Chapter 27


We were all in the Cafe area. Froslass sat next to me, and Haunter levitated on my other side. The sun was shining brightly through the windows; illuminating the whole cafe area.

Mallow, Lillie, and Lana sat across from me; while all the boys sat on the other side. My dad was nowhere in sight, and Olivia literally disappeared out of the blue. I haven't seen her since we got off the boat. I wonder where they were?

"Wonder what the plans for today are?" Lillie asked, trying to strike up conversation I guessed.

I shrugged. "My dad mentioned it was just going to be a free day today. He said something about Pokemon battling." I said. I hoped this was still the plan, because I needed to train as much as possible for the chance to see my mom next week. I wanted nothing more than that.

"I could go for some battling. I want to practice my Z moves with Popplio." Lana said, as she clutched Popplio in her arms. I could tell her and Popplio had an unbreakable bond. It's how I felt with both of my ghostly sweethearts.

I smiled at the two of them. I then got curious about Z moves. I remembered my dad talking to me about them before the medicine knocked me out, and asked me if I ever considered using them. I looked down at Lana's blue Z ring, and began to wonder how one would look on my wrist.

"Something wrong, Emethyst?" Mallow asked.

I shook my head in response. "No not really, just thinking about some stuff is all." I said, as I picked up my mom's megastone and examined it. The sun captured the familiar icy flake in it. I loved the way it looked.

It was then that Olivia's interestingly dressed figure walked into the cafe area, with my professor of a dad by her side. I was a little anxious to see what this meeting was about.

"Alola again all, sorry I disappeared for a bit." Olivia said. "But I have some amazing, yet exciting news! We found a venue for the Mother's Day dance!" She exclaimed in happiness.

My stomach began churning. Did the island kahuna of Poni Island give her the green light? I was now anxious. I was about to find out if I had a chance at seeing my mom.

"Where?" Lillie asked, I assumed the anticipation was killing her as much as it were me. I looked around, and noticed Mallow looked sad, while everyone else looked to be on the edge of their seat waiting for a response.

"We'll be having it on none other than Poni Island!" She exclaimed happily. I did a happy dance mentally. I knew it was time to train as hard as I could within the next week. "However," she then said, a little worried. "Because I wasn't able to find any other place, and it begins getting busy around this time of year, the kahuna said it would have to be held this Thursday night." She said.


My heart sank upon hearing this just a little. How was I possibly able to get Haunter and Froslass trained in time for this? I wanted more than nothing to see my mom again just one more time. This was probably my one and only chance to do so.

"Uh, Olivia.." My dad then said, hesitantly. "Are you sure Poni Island is a good idea?" He said, kind of hushed, but I could still hear him.

Olivia then turned her attention to him. "Of course it is. Poni is a fun island. The kids will have a great time with their parents." Olivia reassured my dad. I could tell Olivia was really trying to push this for my sake, and I appreciated her so much for that. Without her, I don't think this would be possible. I'd have to give her my greatest thanks once all of this was over.

I then noticed my dad's complete demeanor change, and he got a super uncomfortable look on his face. He then walked off, and this surprised me because he wouldn't just walk off like that for no reason.

"Hey, what's up with your dad? Is he okay?" Lillie whispered behind me, getting my attention.

I turned behind me. "I don't know.." I said, unsure. "That's the first time I've seen him act like that since I've been here." I said.

"Alright all, today is a free day! Feel free to do whatever you like! I'll talk to you all later." Olivia said, as she walked off.

The class looked at each other extremely weirded out. I couldn't blame them, because I was now confused too. I didn't understand what just happened.

"Anyone else think that was extremely weird?" Kiawe asked, as he looked at all of us.

"Yeah.. I've never seen Professor Kukui act like that before..." Ash mentioned.

"Yeah, me neither." Sophecles added. "As soon as Olivia brought up the dance; He just walked off." He said.

Everyone then turned their attention towards me. "Any idea why your dad walked off like that, Emethyst?" Ash asked me.

I shrugged. "I honestly haven't the slightest clue. He was fine this morning, to my knowledge." I said. I didn't exactly know what else to say. I had only been living with my dad just for a weekend. It's saddening to say, but I didn't really know him well enough to know when something was bothering him. I sighed.

"Eh, who knows? Probably nothing that serious." I said, as I blew it off. "Anyway, anybody want to battle?" I asked, as I stood up.


Olivia walked out of the Pokemon Center, and saw Kukui out on the dock; overlooking the ocean. He had his glasses off, and looked to have been crying. Olivia approached him quickly, but gently. "Hey, what's wrong with you?" She asked, walking up to him.


Kukui sighed angrily. "Why would you have the dance on Poni Island of all places in Alola? Do you not know what Tapu Fini is capable of? Have you thought about Emethyst, and how this could affect her if she goes into the mist?!" He exclaimed, angrily.

Olivia panicked a bit, but played it off the best she could. She sighed. "I honestly didn't think about that, but hey. Everywhere else in Alola was booked, and this was the only place I could find. I'm sure Emethyst will be fine." Olivia played off. "I don't even think Emethyst knows anything about the island guardians, and what they're capable of." She lied.

Kukui sighed. "That's not the point, Olivia.." He said, his voice cracking. "What if..." He stammered. "What if I go into Tapu Fini's mist and see Crystal? There's no way I could face her.. and I don't know what Emethyst will do if this happens to her. She's still in a really fragile state." He said, a tear falling down his cheek. He then recalled the text messages he had read on Emethyst's phone, and began sobbing.

Olivia looked at him, amazed. "Kukui... You've changed." She said.

Kukui then looked over at her, a tear or two falling down his face. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Olivia then looked off to the side. "Well, number one, you always said you were too good to cry, and number two, you're different than how I remember you on your final day with Emethyst," She said. "I never forgot that day..." She said hesitantly. "When you-"

"No!" Kukui cut her off. "I don't need to be reminded of that. I beat myself up every day for the last thirteen years over that." He said, rubbing his eyes stressfully.

Olivia sighed sadly. "I'm sorry about the other night, by the way. I didn't mean to get so angry. I was just upset that you didn't tell me... And I thought it wasn't fair that Emethyst had to tell me." She said, as she looked down at the ocean, her reflection staring back sadly at her.

Kukui looked over at her, and nodded. "It's okay.. I am to blame for that. I should have told you when I found out. I was still in alot of shock myself.. I didn't know how to take it in when I got that heartbreaking call from Kanto's orphanage..." He said, sobbing.

Olivia then looked up at Kukui, and smiled. "Kukui, you should be really proud of yourself." She said.

Kukui then looked down at the ocean. "Why? I should have been there her whole life, and not there for only one year of it..." He said, wiping his face.

"Kukui! Are you kidding me right now? You took in your daughter! You took her in to stop her from going off to live with some stranger! Yes, you might be a stranger to her right now, but look at all you've done for her! Crystal would be so proud of you right now. I know the Kukui back then wouldn't have done even a quarter of what you've done now! It's better late than never!" Olivia exclaimed.

Kukui wiped his face again, and allowed a small smile. "I guess you're right.." he said, looking up now.

Olivia smiled. "I know I'm right," Olivia said, a little uppity. "Also, I hate to say it like this, but don't you think that maybe seeing Crystal again will give you and Emethyst some closure?" She asked, as she looked at him.

There was then a long pause. Kukui then sat down on the dock, and let his legs dangle above the water. He looked out over the ocean, as if he were reflecting on his whole life. The small smile had turned into a frown. "When I first learned that Crystal passed away, I almost was tempted to go to Poni Island and see if I could run into Tapu Fini, just so I could see her one last time. But, I wasn't sure if Crystal would even show herself to me after all of these years." He said. "After what I did to our little girl, I didn't think there was no way she would forgive me. I don't think she ever did, but I can't blame her if she didn't."

Olivia then sat down next to him, and put her hand on his shoulder for comfort. "Kukui, after what you've done for Emethyst in this little weekend, I'm sure Crystal will show herself to you." She said, lending support.

"How can you be so sure?" He asked.

Olivia shrugged. "You don't know unless you try," She said. "Will you and Emethyst please come to the dance?" She asked. "I'm sure it'll be good for the both of you. It'll give you both some more bonding time." Olivia chuckled.

Kukui gave a half smile, and put his glasses back on. "Fine," He said. "But I don't dance in public." He chuckled.

Olivia smiled. "There's the Kukui I know," she said, as she got up. Kukui followed behind her. "Come on, let's get back to the kids." She said.

They both walked back towards the Pokemon Center. "Oh, Olivia!" Kukui exclaimed.

"Yes, Kukui?" She asked, as she turned around.

"Thanks. I really needed that talk.." He said, hesitantly, as he caught up to her.

"Anytime." She said. "Now come on."

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