《Pokémon Sun & Moon: Emethyst's Journey》Chapter 26


We had all gotten off the boat. Haunter and Froslass floated by my side. Despite Olivia telling me not to think about what we had talked about; I wasn't able to. I turned to my two Pokemon, and confided in them just for a brief moment.

"Haunter, Froslass," I said. "I really want to see mom again. I was told we have to train hard in order to do so." I looked down at the Froslassite, and picked it up in my hands. "I know you two have the potential to be amazing. Will you please help me?" I asked, as I looked up at the both of them.

Froslass came over and hugged me with her humanoid arms. "Froslass." She said. Haunter approached me and rubbed his gaseous body against me as if he were a Meowth. I smiled at the two of them. "Thanks you two so much." I said, as I hugged the two of them. I felt loved by my two ghosts, and I loved them with my pure being. I didn't understand why ghost Pokemon got a bad rep. They were just as lovable as any other Pokemon.

"Emethyst! Aren't you coming?" I heard my dad call out behind me. I didn't realize they had started walking off without me. I was so deep in the moment I hadn't realized.

"Coming!" I called out. "Come on, you two." I said to my two Pokemon. We caught up to the rest of the group, and I caught up to my dad's side. He looked over at me.

"What were you doing back there?" He asked me, as he looked down.

I looked up at his familiar green framed glasses and smiled. "Oh, I was just showing my two favorite Pokemon some love is all." I said, trying to play it off. My dad looked down at me weirdly, but I assumed he bought it because he didn't ask me any other questions.

"So what are the plans for today?" I asked my dad.

"Eh, nothing really. A bit of a free day. We'll probably do some Pokemon battling if anything." He said.

This was music to my ears. I needed to battle and train as much as possible for Poni Island. I danced a little mentally. "Awesome," I said. "I've been dying to battle with someone." I smiled.

"You're really fired up. What's got you this way?" My dad asked, a bit suspiciously with his eyebrow raised.

I thought quickly, for I was sure he was on my case now, which was the last thing I needed. "Well, I was trapped in the house for the whole weekend sick. I'm just in the mood to battle." I smiled brightly and said quickly.

My dad smiled down at me. "You are definitely my daughter." He said, as he scratched my scalp as if I were a Rockruff. This immediately caused me to get a little angry though. I didn't like anyone touching my hair unless I gave them the okay to.


"Hey!" I spat. "I spent an hour on my hair this morning!" I exclaimed, as I pushed his hand away. My hair was really thick, and took forever to style. I was surprised it wasn't frizzing up in this heat, so I was having a good hair day.

"Girls..." Ash chimed in.

"Shut up." I said, as I rolled my eyes and elbowed him.

"Hey now, you two." My dad said, as he got onto both of us. I laughed a little under my breath because it was beginning to feel like Ash was a bit like my sibling.

We then reached the Pokemon Center. I was surprised to see it wasn't far from the dock, but it was super convenient because you didn't have to walk far.

The automatic doors opened, and the air conditioning hit me in my face. Straight ahead, Nurse Joy was at her desk with her Blissey, and a flower Pokemon I had never seen before. However, she was dressed a little differently from the Nurse Joys in Kanto.

"Alola! Would you all like to rest your Pokemon here?" She greeted, as she walked around from behind her desk.

"Alola, Nurse Joy," My dad said. "We just need a few rooms. We're on a field trip." My dad explained. It was then that I looked around, and noticed Olivia wasn't with the group anymore. I thought this was kind of odd, but I didn't think much of it.

"Oh! Alola, Professor Kukui!" Nurse Joy exclaimed, as if she just noticed my dad was apart of the group. "Of course, I assume one for the girls and one for the boys?" She asked.

This made me laugh just a little under my breath.

My dad nodded his head. "Yes." He said.

"Luckily, we have two rooms available next to each other and they're each big enough to fit five people. " Nurse Joy smiled. She then handed nine keys to Blissey.

"Blissey, can you show them to their rooms seems how they're side by side?" She asked Blissey.

"Blissey!" Blissey exclaimed happily. Blissey then walked from behind the counter, motioned for us to follow it. We followed into a long hall. It reminded me of a hotel. I was amazed at how big it was.

"Wow," I said. "Kanto's Pokemon centers are nothing like this." I said, looking around.

My dad chuckled. "Well, Alola is a big vacation spot." He mentioned. "So we have to have places big enough to house enough people." He explained.

This made sense, but I was still amazed. Blissey then stopped at two bedrooms. One was 108 and the other was 109.

"Blissey!" Blissey exclaimed, as it handed each of us a key. The girls including myself took room 108, and the boys took 109. Blissey then walked away back to the front.


Mallow opened the door, and all of us girls walked into the room. The room was very spacious. Wide open living area with a white couch surrounding the coffee table, and the room smelled fresh as if it were just cleaned.

"Wow! This is really nice!" Lillie exclaimed as she walked in. Snowy followed behind her.

"So spacious! Like the ocean." She said, as she admired the space. "Pop!" Popplio agreed, as it danced around the room.

There was a small kitchen, and Mallow immediately ran over to it. "Wow, and there's a kitchen! I can make yummy meals for you all while we're here!" She exclaimed. Her Pokemon then joined her side. "Steenee!" It exclaimed. This was the first time I had really paid any real attention to her Pokemon.

I then turned my attention to my ghostly sweethearts. Haunter and Froslass floated around the room, checking out the little details. Froslass then floated to the couch, and sat down. Haunter then noticed this, and went over and began making funny faces at her. I rolled my eyes, and so did Froslass. I chuckled under my breath.

It was then that I realized that the other girls had disappeared, I assumed to the bedroom. I decided I would go ahead and follow behind.

I was just outside the door, when I heard the girls chattering.

"Did you notice Emethyst today?" I heard Mallow's familiar girly voice say quietly. I immediately stopped in my tracks and stayed outside as soon as I heard my name.

"Yeah," I heard Lillie reply. "I barely recognized her. She looks pretty today." She said, happily.

I felt my cheeks heat up in happiness. I felt flattered that other girls thought I looked pretty.

There was a brief silence. Until I heard Lana speak out.

"You like her, don't you?" Lana asked quietly, I assumed to be Mallow.

There was then a long pause. "...Is it really that obvious?" Mallow said, softly. I felt my heart pick up in speed. Did another girl just admit to liking me? I couldn't believe my ears. I was now intrigued. No one had ever admitted to liking me before.

"Well, the way you looked at her earlier kind of gave it away." Lana said. "I was standing right beside you."

Now that I recalled, Lana was standing next to Mallow when I noticed her looking at me while Olivia was talking. I remembered seeing her familiar Blue Z ring in my peripheral vision.

I heard Mallow sigh. "I don't know what it is... But when I noticed her, she kind of took my breath away. I have never seen a girl that pretty before. No offense to you two, of course." Mallow said. I then heard a noise as if someone sat down. "I mean, I noticed her on her first day, but I don't know... When Professor Kukui brought her medicine to me to get flavored, I stopped everything I was doing midway to do that for her.." She said, sounding genuinely lost. My heart fluttered a little upon hearing this.

"It's okay, Mallow," I heard Lillie say. "Well the dance is coming up, why don't you ask Emethyst to go with you?" She asked. "I'm sure Professor Kukui won't mind."

"Oh.. uh.. I wasn't going to go." She then said, cautiously. "Speaking of which, where is Emethyst anyway? It's quiet." She asked, sounding like she was trying to get off of the subject.

I panicked a little, as I tip-toed quickly and quietly as possible back over to the couch, and sat down next to Froslass. Haunter was still floating around and exploring the room. I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket to make it look like I was on it this whole time and not listening to their conversation.

I looked up, and noticed the three girls had walked out of the bedroom.

"There you are. We were wondering where you went." Mallow said, a little shyly.

I looked up at her, and smiled. "Oh, I just wanted to sit for a moment." I said, trying to play it off. "How's the room?" I asked, trying to strike up conversation.

"Big," Lana said. "By the way, you should come and pick out a bunk." She said.

I shrugged. "I'll probably just take a top bunk." I said. It was then that I looked over at Mallow, and noticed her deep green eyes. Her eyes were even greener than my mom's, almost like grass. I was amazed, and she was pretty too. Her eyes were all I could focus on for the moment.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I quickly snapped out of my daze.

"Come in!" Lana called out. The door knob turned, and the door revealed my dad.

"Hey all, do you like your room?" My dad asked.

"Oh we love it." I said. "Very.. roomy." I chuckled.

"I'm glad you all do. However, we'll be having a meeting in the cafe area. Be there in thirty minutes." My dad said, as he backed away.

"Okay, Professor Kukui. We'll be there!" Mallow exclaimed happily.

My dad then exited the room and closed the door. I was wondering what the meeting was about. But I guess I would find out in thirty minutes.

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