《Pokémon Sun & Moon: Emethyst's Journey》Chapter 20


Lillie awakened to hearing Pidgeys and other flying types chirping. The sun was shining brightly onto her room. Groggily, she sat up and yawned to see Froslass lying next to her. She then looked down, and realized Froslass's arm was draped over on her covers.

Lillie looked at this, and it took a moment for it to finally kick in. She quickly tensed up, but then she realized that Froslass's arm wasn't touching her directly. This caused her to calm down a bit.

Froslass then opened her eyes. Froslass removed her arm from over Lillie, and yawned a bit.

"Froslass... It was you." She said, in amazement as she looked over at Froslass with tears in her eyes.

This caused Froslass to jolt awake quickly. "Fros?" She said, looking a little confused. Lillie looked at her with pure love and admiration.

"Last night, I felt this warm presence as I fell asleep. I thought it was my mother for a moment..." Lillie explained to Froslass. "But it was you." She said, as she almost couldn't believe it. It was then that Lillie remembered that Emethyst had said that Froslass was her mother's Pokemon. "Wow.." Lillie said. "You really did treat me as if I were Emethyst, didn't you?" Lillie asked, recalling what Emethyst had said before she left.

With that, Lillie got up out of bed and walked around to the other side where Froslass was. She held her arms wide open. "Froslass, give me a hug. I mean it!" She exclaimed, smiling.

Froslass immediately got up out of bed and hugged Lillie. Lillie wrapped her arms around Froslass. Lillie squealed in excitement. "Omg Froslass, I'm hugging you! I'm really hugging you!!" She squealed as she hugged Froslass tighter.

"Froslass! Froslass!" Froslass cheered, as she hugged Lillie back with her humanoid arms. Lillie laughed in pure happiness. Now that she could touch Froslass, she didn't want to let go.

After a good moment, Lillie finally released from Froslass's hug. "Let's have some fun today!" She cheered.


My eyes opened to the bright sun beating through the window on the ceiling. I began shivering and shaking as if I had been in a blizzard. However, I didn't understand why because I was fully clothed and was underneath covers.

I sat up, and immediately felt like I had been hit by a truck. I swallowed, only to be met with my throat recoiling in pain. I winced in pain, causing me to cough, which made me in more pain.

My coughing immediately woke all of the Pokemon up, as well as Ash and Rotom Dex.

"What was that?!" Rotom Dex squealed as he got up and floated around. He immediately noticed me, his eyes widening in shock.


"Emethyst?! Are you okay?!" He squealed, as he came over and examined me.

"Never better." I said, croaking. I could hear my own voice, and it didn't sound very pretty. I thought I sounded like a dying Croagunk.

Ash then got up, and noticed my discomfort. "Whoa Emethyst, you don't look so good." He said, actually looking concerned. "Are you okay?"

Rotom Dex stuck his left pad over my forehead, and immediately began panicking. "Emethyst, your temperature is 101.3, YOU HAVE A FEVER! PROFESSOR KUKUI!" Rotom Dex squealed. I immediately heard my dad's footsteps coming up the loft.

I didn't get it. I went to bed last night feeling perfectly fine. My throat was a little sore, but I just figured it was from me screaming from last night.

"Hey, what's all the noise up here?" My dad's familar hat with a rainbow on it and green framed glasses peered over the loft. I looked over at him, and I guess my appearance gave it all away, because he was now running over to me.

"Jeez, Emethyst! Are you okay?" He exclaimed, as he kneeled in front of me to get a good look at me. "You're so pale!" He exclaimed.

I smiled. "Never better." I croaked, as I gave a thumbs up.

"Her temperature is 101.3!" Rotom Dex exclaimed. I decided to lay back down and relax, as I began shivering. I was still in my Lavender Town sweatpants and hoodie, so I should have been toasty warm. Ugh. I thought.

My dad then reached over to my throat, and began massaging the sides of my neck with his cold hands; Like doctors did. The coolness of his hands felt good on my hot skin, but it made me shiver more. However, the more he did it, the more it got on my nerves. He then massaged a spot on my left side that made me recoil in pain. "Ow!" I croaked. However, I didn't feel well and didn't feel like fighting back.

"Your lymph nodes are swollen." My dad said. "Emethyst, sit up for a moment." He then said. I was beginning to get really annoyed.

"Dad, you're a Pokemon Professor, not a doctor." I croaked, the annoyance in my voice coming out.

"And to be a Pokemon Professor, you need medical training in both Pokemon and humans." He said, countering my whole statement. "Let me see the flashlight on your phone, Emethyst."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, as I reached for my phone and turned on the flashlight, and handed it to my dad. Everytime I got sick, it always put me in a bad mood. Not that I meant to take it out on anyone, I was just really uncomfortable.


My dad took my phone. "Open wide." He said, kind of demandingly.

I responded by opening my mouth wide. "Ah." I said. My dad then shined the flashlight in my mouth. I was not pleased or happy. I had plans to do some more bonding with Snowy and Haunter today, but now I couldn't do so because now I was sick.

My dad shut off my phone's flashlight. "Just as I suspected," He said. "Strep throat." He then sat my phone down next to me.

"Will she be okay?" Rotom Dex asked.

"Of course she will be, as long as she rests her voice and barely talks." My dad said, as he cupped his hand over his eyes. "Ugh, I had plans today, but it looks like I'll have to stay home." He said, kind of stressfully.

"Dad, it's fine," I said. "Mom used to leave me home alone all the time when I was sick as I got older. I'll be fine." I said, as I smiled. Besides, I could go for having some peace and quiet so I could sleep. My dad seemed like he would check on me every fifteen minutes and get on my nerves, honestly.

My dad then looked at me like I was crazy. "But I wouldn't think of it.." he said.

I smiled. "Dad it's fine. Go do what you need to do." I said. "I mean, I'm going to be in bed sleeping the whole time, anyway." I explained. "What are you going to do, watch me sleep all day?" I sassed.

My dad thought on the matter for a moment. "Very well, then...." He said. "But if anything comes up, you call me." He said, sternly.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Of course I will, Professor Dad." I said, teasing him a little.

My dad chuckled a little. "Alright, then.. I should be back by 4pm this afternoon. Call me if you need anything, I'll also pick up some medicine for you." He said, as he headed down the loft. I winced at that statement, because when it came to medicine, I was a big sissy. My mom used to have to hold me down to get me to take it when I was younger.

I then heard the door open and then close, telling me my dad had left.

Ash then approached me. "Well that sucks.. I was going to see if you wanted to rematch from yesterday." He chuckled. That actually sounded like fun.

"Ugh. That sounds like fun too." I croaked, as I put my hand over my forehead. "I had plans to take Haunter and Snowy out today so we could bond some more too." I explained weakly, for my throat was really starting to hurt.

Ash looked around the room, and then he looked to have gotten an idea. "Hey! I can take Haunter and Snowy out for you. "

I opened my eyes and sat up. "Um, are you sure you can handle Haunter?" I asked quietly. I knew Haunter could be a handful. On top of that, I wasn't sure if Ash could handle him. I sighed.

Ash then smiled. "Of course I can. In fact, I can train him a bit for you. What moves does he know?" He asked. Haunter then floated over to Ash, and began rubbng his big gaseous body on him like a Meowth. Ash then giggled in response.

I felt my eyebrows raise. "Um.. Lick, Shadow Ball, and Sludge Bomb." I said, trying my hardest to rest my voice. I didn't understand how he was going to train him. Haunter barely even listens to me most of the time.

"Perfect!" Ash exclaimed. "Have you thought about teaching him a fourth move?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "Yes, but I just don't know which one I want him to learn. I was going to do it when the time was right." My voice cracked in pain.

"Let her rest, Ash." Rotom Dex said. "We'll all go out for a little." He said. "Get some rest, Emethyst." Rotom said, as he floated down the loft to the door.

"Alright, feel better soon, Emethyst!" Ash exclaimed. "Come on Haunter and Snowy!" Ash said happily, as he ran down the loft. The Pokemon followed behind him.

"Thanks, you two." I croaked. I then heard the door open, and close. It was now quiet. I sighed deeply in relaxation, as I closed my eyes. I began shivering some more, so I got under my covers and snuggled as much as I could.

Everything went dark, as I soon fell asleep.


Knock knock knock!

I woke up to the familar sound of someone knocking on the door. I looked over at my phone, and checked the time for it was only 1pm. Was my dad home early? Or was Ash now home? I had only been asleep for maybe three hours. The knocking then came again.

Knock knock knock!

I sat up, and the familiar feeling of being hit by a truck came back to me. "I'm coming!" I yelled as loud as I could. I climbed down the loft, shivering as if I was in a blizzard. I opened the door, to see a man holding a box.

"Hello, I have a delivery for Emethyst?"

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