《Pokémon Sun & Moon: Emethyst's Journey》Chapter 15


I walked up the steps to my dad's house, and opened the door. I was greeted with the familiar aquarium in the entrance, and the coolness of air conditioning hit me in relief, cooling my clammy facial skin.

"Dad!" I called out. "I'm home!"

I got no response. I looked around the house, and didn't see anyone either. No one in the living room; no one in the kitchen.."Hmm. Maybe I beat them home?" I said, thinking out loud. "Dad! Ash! Anyone home?" I called out.

I still got no response. Well, it looked like I had the house to myself for the time being. Snowy and Haunter walked up the loft with me. There, I found my suitcase where I had left it, and my bed the way I had left it. Normally I would have tidied up after myself a bit, but I have had so much on my mind recently I can't keep myself focused. So, I figured I would go ahead and unpack my suitcase to keep myself focused on something.

"Vul, Vulpix!" Snowy exclaimed, as she looked around the loft area. I didn't entirely know what that meant, but she seemed happy. Haunter then floated down to Snowy's level, and began making his weird faces. Oh boy. I thought to myself.

I kicked off my boots, and decided to change back into my Lavender Town sweatpants I had on this morning. I felt relieved by the softness and coolness of my sweatpants for they had been in the air conditioning all day.

Snowy then looked at Haunter. "Vul?" She said, a bit confused.

I turned my attention to her. "Don't mind Haunter, Snowy. It's his way of bonding with others." I said, as I scratched the middle of Haunter's head.

Snowy's expression then disappeared and turned noticably sad. "Vul." She said. She walked off to the corner of the room, and laid down as if she were about to go to sleep.

I understood she probably needed some time to herself, so I went back to unpacking my suitcase. A slight movement then caused the Froslassite to swing under my chin. The feeling reminded me of Froslass. I wonder how she's doing? I thought.



Meanwhile, Lillie and her Butler, Hobbs, were in Lillie's room watching Froslass eat her berries.

"I see," said Hobbs. "So Snowy is staying with Professor Kukui's daughter. I didn't know he had children." He said, sounding a little surprised.

Lillie stood in front of Froslass, as she watched her eat. "Neither did I. But, I know Snowy is in good hands. Emethyst is really nice." She said, happily.

"Froslass!" Froslass said happily, as she ate her Nanab berries.

Lillie then let out a sigh. "I guess, but still.." she said, as she looked at Froslass a bit sadly.

Froslass then made a slight movement. "Fros?" She said, as she looked up at Lillie from her chair.

Lillie immediately stiffened up in fear and began whimpering. She then gave a determined look, and slowly put her hand out as if getting ready to touch Froslass. Froslass then picked up a berry, and put it in her mouth.

This caused Lillie to stiffen back up in fear. She then let out an angered sigh. "I've already proven that I can touch Pokemon because of Snowy!" She exclaimed. "So the logical conclusion is that I should be able to touch Froslass as well!" She exclaimed in frustration.

Froslass then got up from her chair, and approached Lillie slowly. Her hand over her mouth. Lillie quickly backed away in fear, whimpering. She then got angry with herself. "Ugh! Come on Lillie, you can do it." She said to herself, as she put her hand out to touch Froslass.

Froslass responded by reaching her hand out to touch Lillie's. Lillie wanted to pull her hand away, but she fought as hard as she could to keep it out to touch her. Froslass managed to gently touch her hand with hers, but this caused Lillie to turn completely white and let out a bloodcurdling scream.

"Baby steps, Ms. Lillie. I'm sure by the time the weekend is over, you'll be able to touch Froslass." Hobbs reassured, trying to stay positive.

Lillie then picked up her notebook, and hugged it up against her chest. "I hope so, Hobbs," she said. She then turned her attention to Froslass and allowed a small smile. "I'm really sorry, but is it okay if I have a little time to myself so I can think?" She asked Froslass.


Froslass nodded her head up and down, as she floated solemnly with her hand back over her mouth.

"Thank you, Froslass." She said. Lillie then turned away, and her smile disappeared once her face was out of Hobb's and Froslass's sight.

Lillie then walked out of the room, and Froslass had a slight angry expression as she watched Lillie walk away. Hobbs noticed this expression, and walked over to her.

"Please be patient with Ms. Lillie," he said. "She had a bit of a rough childhood with Pokemon..." He said, hesitantly.

"Lass?" Froslass said, as her angry expression disappeared.


"Finally," I said. "All clean!" I exclaimed in relief. I had successfully unpacked all of my clothes and belongings. I was no longer living out of my suitcase. Not that it was much to unpack, but it still felt good to finally get a little organized. Haunter then floated around the loft, looking quite satisfied with what I had done as well.

I walked over to the corner where Snowy was resting and checked on her. She was sound asleep.

I allowed a small smile, as I backed away quietly and went to sit on my bed.

I checked the time on my phone, and it had dawned on me that Ash and my Dad still weren't home yet. I wonder what they went to go do? I thought to myself. I locked my phone, and the familiar photo of my Mom and I popped up on my phone. My smile slowly disappeared as I looked at the photo again. Tears began to well in my eyes.

However, I recoiled in anger as I stood up. "No!" I exclaimed. "I will not cry today!" I yelled, as I choked back my tears.

With that, my stomach began growling with intense hunger. Yikes. I thought to myself, realizing I had only ate the breakfast my dad had cooked this morning. For once, I was actually hungry.

I had no idea when my dad would be home, so I climbed down the loft to check and see if there was any food I could eat that would tie me over just until they got home. I looked on the shelves, but all I saw was Pokemon food. Ugh, of course. I thought. I opened the fridge, and saw mainly things you had to actually cook and nothing I could really eat for a quick snack. Ugh, great. I thought.

I climbed back up to the loft, and sat back down on my bed. I guess I would have to wait until my dad and Ash get home.

I looked around the room, and that's when my eyes caught sight of my wallet. I got up, and remembered I had a small stash of Poke Coins Ms. Freya had given to me in case I wanted to get something to eat or a Souvenir when we were travelling to Alola. I probably had enough to get myself and the Pokemon a small something to eat.

That's when I got a wonderful idea. Lillie told me Snowy loved walks, and I knew Haunter wouldn't mind getting out of the house either. Plus, it would be a great time for Snowy, Haunter, and I to have some bonding time.

I walked over to Snowy, and bent over to gently shake her awake. "Hey Snowy," I said softly. "Want to take a walk into town and get something small to eat?" Snowy immediately woke from her slumber, and got excited. "Vulpix!" She cheered, and sat up wagging her tails.

Haunter then joined my side, and began making his weird faces. "Haunt haunt haunt!" He cheered.

I happily laughed. "Alright you two, let me just throw some shoes on and let's go!" I exclaimed in happiness. I slipped my black sandals on and decided to pop my Gastly Haunter and Gengar hoodie on, only because I felt like matching today.

I grabbed my wallet, and stuck it in my pocket. "Alright, let's go!" I exclaimed in happiness.

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